
The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

author:Take the usual eye
The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

"The night you left, I started writing poetry"

"It's a line from the classic Italian movie The Postman.

When we were young, we always loved to watch inspirational movies because they symbolized our ideals and symbolized what we wanted.

However, because they are too young, those films are like a flash in the pan for us, the enthusiasm and morale come and go quickly, and perhaps, only when we are grown enough and have a wealth of experience can we appreciate the real charm of these films.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

In fact, when we are young, we should appreciate more films that allow us to see the wider world, in which we can see our own smallness and be more tolerant to love the world.

The Postman is a comedy film directed by Michael Ledford and starring Philip Novare and Massimo Troce, released in 1994.

It is worth mentioning that the director combines various identities such as actor and screenwriter, and he seems to be particularly successful in comedy films. In Italy, it can be said that everyone knows everyone, and his status can be on a par with Chaplin.

And this movie is even more well received, poetic, and always a good medicine in our boring lives.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

The movie "The Postman" tells a true and extremely pessimistic story. 1984 was a dark year. During the year, because of a little accident, the poet Neruda suffered a senseless disaster and was sentenced to exile, a cruel criminal law, and even his wife was implicated and followed him to an unnamed island.

After the couple came here, they had to work hard every day, and before that, they were two literate intellectual workers, and such a life almost overwhelmed Neruda's wife.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

She often wept bitterly, missed her previous life, and complained about the unfairness of fate. Whenever this time comes, Neruda always writes poems to comfort his wife, thanking these poems full of love and open-mindedness, so that Neruda and his wife stubbornly face the hardships of life.

As time passed, Neruda and his wife became acquainted with the locals, and they made many kind friends, one of whom was Mario, a postman, who, although young, had an unhappy job and a poor life, and always felt that life was lifeless.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

After becoming acquainted with the poet and the couple, Mario fell in love with poetry, and with Neruda's encouragement, he began to read, learn, and slowly, write his own poems to express his heart.

Mario's poetry infects the most beautiful girl in town, who takes a fancy to Mario's talent, does not care about his poverty, and takes the initiative to court him.

Unfortunately, the film ends in tragedy. At the end of the film, Mario wants to go to a big gathering in the town to read a poem about his beloved girl.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

However, at this time, he died of an illness. Such a sudden change made the girl's heart sad, and it was difficult to get out of the grief, so she also began to read poetry, hoping to get comfort from it.

Soon, the Chilean government rehabilitated Neruda and released him home. After enduring such a long period of displacement, the Nerudas finally set out on their way home, leaving the locals with some poetry.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

Tragedies in the context of the times and the impact between people

This film seems to be a poet's cultural story, but in fact it covers a large era background, and this film also metaphorically expresses the various influences of the big era on small people, sometimes good, sometimes bad, but the same is that we do not have the ability to resist.

The story takes place in the first half of the twentieth century, during which time the world's most turbulent world is the European world, especially Western Europe. During this time, the outbreak of the First World War and the rapid development of the capitalist economy, these political and economic changes linked the whole world.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

At the same time, astronomy and navigation continued to advance, and people's understanding of the world was expanded. In order to seize more wealth, many people suffered from the disaster of innocence, and such a disaster even affected many people who had nothing to do with the economy, and the Nerudas were one of them.

Neruda was a poet who lived a life of purity, pride, and integrity, but was innocently exiled, which was the heavy shackles of the great era on people. Neruda was a famous poet who seemed to have a great status.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

But such a reputation is worthless in the face of wealth and desire. In this movie, we see the confrontation between the times and people, and see the most cruel truth, that is, in the face of fate, Molen is fair, and there is no ability and opportunity to fight.

In this movie, we also see the light of the intersection of big people and small people. For Mario, Neruda was undoubtedly great, inclusive, loving, and a lifelong friend and mentor. Because of him, Mario got love and a career, found what he wanted to pursue in his life and the goal of life.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

And for Neruda, I believe mario is also important, this young and enthusiastic friend, with his fiery heart infected them in the ditch, because he taught Mario poetry, let Neruda feel a useful person again, rekindled the yearning and expectation of life.

He has been helping him through the most painful times, and successfully waited until the day of rehabilitation. However, such a change is unequal, and for Mario, from the day he met Neruda, his fate was changed.

The Postman: We are not losers, poetry does not die, poetry is eternal

But for Neruda, the days on the island were just one of his many rich resumes, and there was nothing to be nostalgic about.

For the audience, this film is undoubtedly poignant. On that small island, we saw the kindness between people, saw the tenacity and tenacity of people, and also saw a lot of beauty. "Although we are in the ordinary, but the poetic heart does not die, love literature, we are not losers, we are always pursuing, always caring, always loving."

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