
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

author:Separate fish

To say the most surprising screen performance of the year.

Except for the "Fairy Fight" in The Age of Awakening.

The other one belongs to him —

Gu Shenyan, played by Wang Zhiwen in "Rebel".

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

He is an undercover Communist agent lurking in the Secret Service Section, code-named "Postman".

Licking blood on the tip of the knife every day, a two-sided life, like walking on thin ice.

"Old drama bone" Wang Zhiwen supported this complex role with his "face-changing" acting skills.

It also captured a large number of young audiences and became what they called "yyds".

Some people say that even Wang Zhiwen's eye bags are playing.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

However, in the midst of a round of praise, there are also a few comments that are particularly eye-catching.

Some people say that Wang Zhiwen is old and ugly, and he looks very dramatic.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

What!? Seriously?

If Wang Zhiwen is old, Uncle Yu does not object.

After all, he was 55 years old.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

But if Wang Zhiwen is said to be "ugly", Uncle Yu is the first to disagree.

In the 1990s, Wang Zhiwen was the dream lover of thousands of women.

Played a series of handsome roles, and the fire was a mess.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

In today's words, Wang Zhiwen is a handsome guy with a "sense of atmosphere".

He is handsome in the bone rather than the skin, and his facial lines are tough and recognizable.

He exudes a mysterious and untamed temperament.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

And after a deeper understanding, you will find that his personality is more attractive than his appearance.

It can be described as "sexy".

Since many young viewers do not know him well.

Today, Uncle Fish will talk about this former "top stream"——

Wang Zhiwen

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama


It is different from gu shenyan played by him.

Wang Zhiwen cannot "speak cautiously" in life.

Because he's "crazy."

Straight ahead, mouth unobstructed.

The wildest one, of course, was the shelling of the movie "Fanny's Smile".

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Fanny's Smile

Wang Zhiwen took over this film and was completely attracted by the archetypal story of Madame Wagner.

She met and fell in love with young Chinese students studying in Austria.

After that, he crossed the ocean and lived in China for 60 years until the end of his life.

However, during the filming, Wang Zhiwen realized that something was wrong.

He believes that the film's beliefs in the characters are distorted.

He expressed his dissatisfaction with the script many times, but it did not end in a hurry.

When the film was released, he simply refused to attend the premiere.

Wang Zhiwen later emphasized:

"Some movies are very serious and can't be made as a game."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

With this film, Wang Zhiwen won the 2002 Moscow Film Festival.

But when it comes to this award, his words are full of contempt:

"I also wondered, this movie can still win the award, it is really evil, the judges are blind." 」

Later, in order to avoid "disaster from coming out of the mouth", Wang Zhiwen simply stopped accepting media interviews:

"I try to talk as little as possible, but I have to tell the truth when I want to." Especially at press conferences, the first is that it will be exploited, the second will be misinterpreted, and the third is that it will be infinitely expanded."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

This incident can see Wang Zhiwen's madness.

It also shows his stubbornness in his work and performance.

In fact, Wang Zhiwen is not so crazy as a child.

Even before he became famous, he was extremely inferior.

Wang Zhiwen was born in Shanghai in 1966.

He is the third oldest in the family and has two older brothers.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

When Wang Zhiwen was 13 years old, his father died unexpectedly in a car accident.

During that most difficult time, Wang Zhiwen would touch his mother's eyes every day before going to bed.

If the eyes are dry, it means that the mother is not crying, and he can sleep soundly.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

The departure of his father has made Wang Zhiwen a lot less opportunity to express and communicate as a child.

This is also one of the reasons why he wants to become an actor:

Because acting is naturally a profession of expression.

Use the body, use the language, to express opinions and attitudes.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

At the age of 18, Wang Zhiwen was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy as he wished.

Among his classmates, his conditions were not good.

The youngest, thin, said that no one took anything seriously.

So he practiced his lines hard to make up for his innate deficiencies.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

In his senior year, Wang Zhiwen was invited by the fifth generation director Zhang Junzhao to play male number one.

But before long after he was happy, he was replaced.

And I was told by the director, "You're not a good actor."

For Wang Zhiwen, who is about to graduate, this is a huge blow.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

In 1988, Wang Zhiwen graduated from the Beijing Film Academy.

He did not choose to shoot a drama, but chose to teach from the Central Academy of Drama to teach line lessons.

This has also become a major "killing weapon" for Wang Zhiwen in the future.

On the skill of lines, Wang Zhiwen can be said to be the strongest among domestic male actors.

Wang Jinsong once commented on him:

"He can listen to the play with his ears, you don't have to watch it."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

After that, Wang Zhiwen successively played historical figures such as young Ai Wu, Wu Jingzi, and Liu Yazi.

Because they are all thin and thin literati, they are too gentle, and Wang Zhiwen is also tepid.

The watershed in Wang Zhiwen's acting career was the 1994 TV series "Addiction".

He played the role of dialect in the play.

Not only is he a prodigal son of the love scene, but he is also an urban angry youth.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Such a "Sven scum" was vividly interpreted by Wang Zhiwen.

He also used this role to become the "Flying Award" Emperor.

After "Addiction", Wang Zhiwen had the courage to be crazy.

In the "Weekend Lover" directed by Lou Ye in the following year, Wang Zhiwen played a rock singer.

That was probably a true portrayal of Wang Zhiwen at that time.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Subwoofer sound line, curly mushroom head, oversized T-shirt, and a pair of sunglasses.

The perfect endorsement of the trendsetters of the nineties.

Who doesn't get excited?


Although to outsiders, Wang Zhiwen is crazy.

But he himself didn't understand it that way.

In the eyes of outsiders, "madness" in Wang Zhiwen's view is two words:


The drama is bigger than the sky.

He just wants to do this one thing well with acting, and the rest has no time to operate.

He never expected "everyone to say that Wang Zhiwen is a good man."

That would be too tiring to live.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama


One of Wang Zhiwen's ex-girlfriends, Jiang Shan.

He has cooperated with Wang Zhiwen in several works, playing husband and wife, and is very familiar with him.

She once commented on Wang Zhiwen:

"He is a very sincere person, and he sometimes values his sincerity too much, but he will offend some people." 」

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Sincerity is the most attractive point in Wang Zhiwen's personality.

Whether it's life or acting, he said:

"I want to be sincere."

It is conceivable that Wang Zhiwen's greatest sincerity is all given to the role he plays.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Wang Zhiwen is very picky.

Pick a play, pick a script, but once you identify it, you will devote yourself to it.

The most representative is a scene in the movie "Jing Ke Thorn Qin King".

Wang Zhiwen plays Yan Yi.

In the confrontation with the predecessor Li Xuejian, he was not defeated at all.

He was also rated by foreign media as a Chinese actor with "Shakespeare style".

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Then there was a scene of a single person crossing a canoe bridge, about ten meters above the ground.

It happened to be heavy snow that day, and the bridge deck was slippery.

Before the start of filming, directors Chen Kaige and Wang Zhiwen repeatedly confirmed, is it okay?

Wang Zhiwen said, no problem.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

After filming began, he stood on that canoe bridge for a whole day.

Wang Zhiwen refused any protection facilities.

Because he thinks that once he is on the protective facilities, he will definitely wear a gang.

And he was wearing a robe at the time, and there was a stripping motion.

If you stumble on the middle of the way, the consequences are unimaginable.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

What is even more heart-wrenching is that when he walked forward, Wang Zhiwen's eyes always looked straight ahead, and he did not look at his feet.

No compromises, go all out.

This scene is almost the epitome of Wang Zhiwen's entire acting career:

"I'm not going to take a detour, I'm going to face this head-on."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Of course.

What Wang Zhiwen really makes us remember is not only professionalism.

There are also one after another famous scenes of canonizing gods.

For example, the ceiling of the domestic drama line performance in Uncle Fish's mind ——

At the end of the TV series "Black Ice", Guo Xiaopeng's 11-minute monologue.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

For a full 11 minutes, not only to read all the lines verbatim.

It is also necessary to reflect the ups and downs of emotions, with some hand movements and micro-expressions.

Light a cigarette, sip your mouth, smile, raise an eyebrow, spread your hands, squint your eyes upwards, including some tactical stuttering.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

"I'm going to go crazy for money and power by any means."

When he said this, the hand holding the cigarette trembled slightly, and the tone of his voice suddenly rose.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

"You can't control your heartbeat, your blood pressure."

As he spoke, he pushed back and forth with his hands, simulating the sensation of a heartbeat.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Some have compared this performance to Hannibal in "The Silence of the Lambs" and Arthur in "Joker".

Others refer to the character of Guo Xiaopeng as the "Chinese version of Breaking Bad".

Although there is a suspicion of killing, there are indeed similarities -

"Good is forced into evil, and is often the most evil."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Guo Xiaopeng's two-sided personality is actually Wang Zhiwen's idea -

There is both the vicious side of the drug lord and the tender side of ordinary people.

Wang Zhiwen said:

"I don't want to develop into a literary and artistic work in the 21st century, and the judgment of people is still so simple."

He participated in the creation of the script, hoping to portray Guo Xiaopeng as a person who "the audience will strangle".

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

In addition to Guo Xiaopeng, Wang Zhiwen has created a classic role, as well as Ding Yuanying in the TV series "Heavenly Dao".

He was a half-demon, half-god.

Like a prophet, everything is under control.

Such a person has given full play to Wang Zhiwen's line skills.

He talked about the collapse of the Soviet Union and had insight into the international situation;

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

He discussed the Tao with the master Wutai Mountain and understood the way for all sentient beings to be saved.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

There is also Wang Tianxiang, the chief of the secret service in the movie "The Sound of the Wind".

Wang Zhiwen "singled out the Huayi stars" in the film and won completely.

The joy of intercepting the secret security is combined with a bad smile, and a cunning villain stands up in an instant.

Gu Xiaomeng, played by Zhou Xun, is interrogated from calm to violent, and the inner struggles and contradictions are clearly seen.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Guo Xiaopeng, Ding Yuanying, Wang Tianxiang.

These three characters have many similarities - both good and evil.

Mastering the role of this temperament, Wang Zhiwen is too good at it.

In the eyes of the audience, his acting skills have been sealed.

But Wang Zhiwen was a man of disdain for "acting".

It was one of his most hated words.

Because in his view, acting is not a skill, but a feeling:

"Maybe what I think of acting is different from what people think." No skill, it's all feeling."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama
Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama


Since his debut, Wang Zhiwen and the entertainment industry have maintained a relationship of imminent separation.

Even during the most popular period of the nineties, it was difficult to see him off the set.

Similarly, even now Rebel is on fire.

There was still no trace of Wang Zhiwen.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Because he neither Weibo nor gives interviews.

It was as if the drama was finished, and he also followed the clock to work and withdrew.

He said, "I'm used to leaving as soon as work is over, and you don't see me on a lot of lively, specious occasions."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama


Wang Zhiwen feels like a "hermit".

He said: "When I was younger, I also liked to be lively, and now I prefer to be alone."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Outside of work, he plays golf.

Or hang out around the house and say, "I think it's fun too."

Regarding solitude, Wang Zhiwen said: "You are your greatest enemy, and you are also your greatest friend."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Nowadays, the entertainment industry rarely sees Wang Zhiwen's figure again.

But his legend has always been circulating in the circle.

More than thirty years after his debut, Wang Zhiwen only did one thing:

Be a good actor.

It's true that he's a "drama maniac," but he also knows that life is far more important than acting.

Going back and forth between life and acting has made him tired of coping.

There is simply no extra energy left for the media and variety shows, let alone showing up in public.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Even the commercials, he never shot.

Wang Zhiwen said:

"I don't have a vendetta against money, but I don't earn it comfortably." I think it's buying and selling, selling my old face, which is very boring."

Uncle Yu sometimes feels that this is probably the cultivation of the older generation of artists.

Old drama bones such as Li Baotian and Li Xuejian also do not shoot any advertisements.

They treated acting as a job with reverence.

Finish it diligently, then get away from the strife in the spotlight and enjoy life.

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

We always say that the entertainment industry is a big dyeing vat, but Wang Zhiwen is "a thousand flowers, a leaf does not stick to the body".

The big truth of this, Wang Zhiwen himself has long summarized:

"It's not easy to do anything, it's not easy to do anything, it depends on what you need." Then you'll be happy."

Before being scolded as "old and ugly", he was the first male god of the national drama

Wang Zhiwen can truly afford the four words of "sobriety in the world".

Throughout the entertainment industry, there are only a few people who can reach such a realm.

Maybe that's the real actor.