
A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

From the first emperor of Qin to the sixth, China created a situation of great unification, until the abdication of Puyi at the end of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, China experienced a history of more than two thousand years of centralized feudal empire. Although it is said that the ups and downs of the country's fortunes, although it has experienced more than two hundred years of chaos in the Wuhu Chaohua and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it has also experienced a thousand-year-long prosperous era from the Sui and Tang Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the period of enthusiasm at the time of the rise of the strong Han.

Between the ups and downs of history, our ancestors also gave birth to countless peaceful and prosperous times, with the prosperity of the people suffering and the suffering of the dead people. At any given time, all the people want is a peaceful day without war. When a regime collapses, it is often accompanied by smoke, and the most bitter is actually the common people; and when a regime prospers, it will embark on the road of conquest, so Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty and Ming Chengzu have made outstanding military achievements and expanded the land for thousands of miles, but it has led to the people's livelihood in the world and the fatigue of the people.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

The Great Rule of the World

The real rule of the world may be to lightly dispense with thin endowments and persuade nongsang. The king sat facing north and south and ruled without doing anything, the people were carefree and intensified production, and the ruling class and the nobility practiced frugality and hid wealth from the people. This is also an important reason why the rule of Wenjing and the rule of the Kai Emperor are worshipped by future generations.

And whoever rules the world needs a wise monarch, and even more needs to have capable subjects to assist in governance. So next, let's briefly talk about those famous rulers in the history of China.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years


1. Jeroboam

The most important courtier in the history of the Mongol Empire was one of the core figures in the rise of the Mongol Empire and the founding of the Great Yuan. Yelü Chucai was originally a former Khitan nobleman in exile in the Jin Dynasty, and after the Mongols conquered Dadu, they were used by Genghis Khan and began a brilliant political career for decades.

In the Mongol Empire, Yelü Chucai played an important role from nomadic to political, and the Mongol conquest was not mainly based on killing, but required a way to govern the country and pacify the people. In particular, after Wo Kuotai ascended the throne, Yelü Chucai was entrusted with important responsibilities, serving as zhongshu ling for fourteen years, advocating Confucian governance, establishing a tax system, and helping Wo Kuotai to enter the Central Plains and implement the Han system.

Reforming the political system, protecting agricultural production, setting up the imperial examination, persuading the lessons of nongsang, establishing the temple and the lile, transmitting the essence of Chinese civilization to the Mongolian nobility, laying the foundation for the later Yuan dynasty to become a Chinese dynasty. Under the administration of Yelü Chucai, the war-torn Central Plains gradually regained its vitality, the people of Li began to settle down, and the population began to recover steadily, which was a sign that the chaotic world was coming to an end.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Yao Chong

2. Yao Chong

A famous sage of the Tang Dynasty, the greatest prosperous era in Chinese history, and an important founder of the Kaiyuan prosperous era. Yao Chong, who had already been promoted to the position of chancellor during the Wu Zhou Dynasty, experienced the rebellion of the Shenlong and Jingyun dynasties, and formally assisted the young Tang Xuanzong Li Longji in the early years of the new century.

After Yao Chong's appointment as chancellor, he quickly carried out a comprehensive reform of the maladministration of the imperial court, carried out social reforms, and promoted the advantages and eliminated the disadvantages. By curbing the power of the tang dynasty's nobles and clansmen, selecting talented and learned people, dismissing redundant officials, persuading peasants to teach them, vigorously developing agricultural production, and actively controlling disasters and famines, the Tang Dynasty's economy has achieved unprecedented recovery.

Tang Xuanzong Zhongxing has since begun, and the founder of the peak of Chinese glory is naturally a model of a good ruler.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Guan Zhong

3. Guan Zhong

Guan Zhong is known as the first place in China, and his appearance seems to be like the appearance of a rising star over the obscure Eastern Zhou Dynasty for a hundred years, and it is Guan Zhong who has opened a new era for the Chinese nation. Guan Zhong, in the early Spring and Autumn Period, was a States politician, military figure, economist and philosopher of the State of Qi.

In the early spring and autumn, the princes of the world did not respect the royal family, they fought each other, and the people of the world were killed, which can be said that the people did not have a good life, and the Chinese civilization was also in the autumn of survival. At this time, a great man is needed to come out and raise his arm and call on all the princes of the world to rise up and fight against foreign enemies, and if you want to have this ability to raise your arm and exhale, you must strengthen yourself and convince the world.

Guan Zhong was recommended by Bao Shuya to take charge of the State of Qi under the Duke of Qi Huan, to help the Duke of Qi Huan to carry out great reforms, to take advantage of the convenience of fishing and salt, to carry out economic reforms, to rectify the administrative management system, to select talented and learned people to assist the government, and after the rise of the economy, vigorously rectify the armaments.

Then, Guan Zhong led the State of Qi to actively carry out an active foreign policy, the Princes of Jiuhe, allied with the State of Chu, broke the Rong Di in the north, assisted the Duke of Qi Huan as the overlord of the princes, honored the king of Yiyi, and the whole world.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Wang Meng and Jian Jian

4. Wang Meng

Wang Meng was the first scholar of the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms, and also the first able minister of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Wang Mengcai was highly talented, living in seclusion in Zhongnan Mountain for many years, selling dustpans for a profession, but he was extremely strategic, good at strategizing and using troops. During huanwen's northern expedition, he invited Wang Meng to go out of the mountains but could not, until Jian Jian took the throne, Wang Meng came out of the mountains to assist and became the former minister of Qin.

In the eighteenth year of Former Qin, Jian Jian first strengthened the centralization of power and suppressed the power of the Qi and Qiang nobles, and then carried out large-scale reforms in Former Qin. First of all, it is necessary to lightly dispense with thin endowments, persuade peasants to teach mulberry, attract the people of the world to come to vote, open up the mountains, build water conservancy, and improve farming, so that the fields will be opened up and the warehouses will be enriched. In the past ten years, Guanzhong Dazhi, Guanlong Qingyan, the people's Fengle, the former Qin Xiaokang, and the people's life is happy.

Wang Meng also attached great importance to Confucianism, greatly promoted the Zhou Li, and created the rule of Xuanzhao. He ruled Former Qin for more than ten years, making Former Qin leap from a small border country to the world's largest country. Subsequently, Wang Meng led the Former Qin army to the east to destroy Former Yan, then went north to break the Dynasty, and then broke the Former Liang and swept through the Hexi Corridor.

Wang Meng assisted Jian Jian in sweeping away the masses and unifying the north, while the people were able to settle down, and Confucianism flourished in the north, and he was known as the "first person of Gong Gai Zhuge Ge".

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Fang Xuanling

5. Fang Xuanling

Fang Xuanling, a famous minister of the Zhenguan Dynasty and a courtier under Emperor Taizong of Tang, was the founder of the rule of Zhenguan and has been a model of good looks since ancient times. Fang Xuanling strategized, and in his early years, he was in charge of the clerical secrets of the Qin Dynasty palace for Li Shimin's subordinates. In li shimin's conquest of the world and xuanwumen's neutrality, he made a contribution to the khan's horse.

During the Zhenguan period, he co-took charge of the imperial government with Shangshu's right servant Du Ruyi. Fang Xuanling advocated that the rule of the country should be preceded by the rule of officials, and the people should be lightly given a small gift, and the strategy of ruling by doing nothing should be pursued. Redundant officials and abuse of posts should be eliminated, administrative work should be vigorously simplified, the efficiency of officials' work should be improved, the state financial expenditure should be saved, and the people's burden should be reduced.

At the same time, it attaches great importance to talents, selects talents as officials, and has the merit of fixing the reign of Zhenguan and the restoration of the world.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Sanyang Cabinet

6. Sanyang Cabinet

The Sanyang Cabinet, that is, the first cabinet of the Ming Dynasty composed of Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu. Yang Shiqi has learning, Yang Rong has talent, Yang Pu has elegant exercises, the three of them cooperate appropriately, the lineup is strong and efficient, and the tacit understanding is skillful, creating the most famous prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, after the resumption of production during the Zhu Yuanzhang period, the country achieved prosperity and strength, laying an internal foundation for the rise of the Ming Dynasty. During the Zhu Di period, external expansion and the elimination of the sea laid an external foundation for subsequent development. In the period of Zhaoxuan's reign, the Ming Empire finally ushered in a great situation of peace and prosperity.

The main force that created the rule of Xuanzhao, in addition to the two emperors Zhu Gaozi and Zhu Zhanji, the most important thing was the Sanyang Cabinet. During the Sanyang period, Daming changed its external national policy, no longer launched foreign wars, but instead strengthened internal governance. Beginning to recuperate with the people, strengthening the management of officials, border defense and stability, clear governance, and vigorous economy, the Ming Dynasty reached a prosperous age.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Zhang Tingyu

7. Zhang Tingyu

Zhang Tingyu, the only Hanchen of the Manchu Qing Dynasty who enjoyed the Taimiao Temple, was also the first heavy minister of the Shunzhi Dynasty, Zhang Tingyu attached great importance to the rule of officials, and most of the reform of the imperial court during the Yongzheng Period was led by Zhang Tingyu, who set up a military aircraft department and implemented the practice of spreading the land into acres, not only in charge of military aircraft, but also in charge of important posts in the official department and the household department.

In the early qianlong period, the canonical system such as Qianlong's "Rules and Regulations for Officials" laid the foundation for the establishment of the political system of the Qing Dynasty. Zhang Tingyu's contribution was mainly to complete the construction of the Qing Dynasty system, including the official rule, the song chapter system, and the military aircraft system. At the same time, it attached importance to people's livelihood, stabilized the displaced people in the world, and forgave the people's taxes, laying an important foundation for the prosperity of the Yongzheng Dynasty.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Liu Yan

8. Liu Yan

Liu Yan, after the Tang Dynasty Anshi Rebellion, was the first person to decide the policy, known as the first famous minister of the Middle Tang Dynasty. After the Tang Dynasty experienced the Anshi Rebellion, hundreds of industries withered, the economy was depressed, and the financial difficulties were difficult. Since the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty has aspired to restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty, but revival requires money, and Liu Yan has since shouldered heavy responsibilities.

Liu Yan served as prime minister for a long time, presided over the important financial position of the imperial court, managed finances for decades, was highly efficient, achieved great achievements, and was praised as a famous financial manager who "used the broad army and the country, and did not try to search for harsh people". Liu Yan carried out economic reforms, reformed the administration of water transportation, grain prices, and salt, implemented the Changping Law, and established an economic intelligence network.

The imperial court played a role in macroeconomic regulation and control by adjusting the availability of measures, stabilizing prices, supporting production, and actively providing disaster relief. The political tax policy of "putting the people first" was the central idea of the tax system in later generations, which had a profound impact on the history of China, and the economy of Datang was steadily improved, and the national strength was gradually restored.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Zhang Ti and Dongpo

9. Zhang Wei

Zhang Ti ( 章悙 ) was a famous prime minister during the Shenzong period of the Northern Song Dynasty , and an epoch-making figure in the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. Opening up the southwest, stabilizing Hunan and Hubei, and at the same time passing through the south of the river, it has played an important role in the stability and development of the south of the river. Militarily, he conquered Western Xia, negotiated peace with Tubo, and surrendered Tubo tribes. At the same time, it is necessary to control the Yellow River, dredge the canal system, stabilize economic development, restore the old law of Xining, and reform the legal system and the official system.

By practicing tun tian and encouraging people from other places to move into barbaric land to manage the land, the economy can be restored, border defenses have been consolidated, and attention has been paid to improving the production of weapons. During the reign of Zhang Yi, the Northern Song Dynasty was stable internally and economically developed, while externally it opened up territory and expanded its territory, and the martial arts of Wenzhi were all first-class, enough to be called the first of the Northern Song Dynasty.

A ruler of the world in the history of China for thousands of years

Song Jing

10. Song Jing

Song Jing, wang Zuo's talent, and Yao Chongnai's important ministers of the same period, were both ministers who created the prosperous era of kaiyuan, and they can be called good ministers for ruling the world. Song Jing was in charge, vigorously reformed the previous malpractice, obeyed the law, did not favor personal feelings, exerted great efforts to govern, loved the people and goods, and at the same time, the people were rich and the world was prosperous, laying the cornerstone for the establishment of the Kaiyuan prosperous world.

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