
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

author:North Boya
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

In January 2022, the "Party Building Leadership, Warm Love Inheritance" 2022 Spring Festival Linkage Care Action Blessing Bag Delivery in Shishan Town, sponsored by the Shishan Town Public Service Office, the Shishan Town Party and Group Service Center, and the Shishan Town Federation of Trade Unions, was carried out one after another.

The following are the warm moments delivered by fukubukuroes on each route of The Warm Love Action:

January 12

Volunteers from Yanfeng Community Happiness Institute and Foshan Sol Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd. jointly carried out a care action to distribute 22 elderly warm blessing bags to 22 families in Yanfeng community who were lonely and widowed, living alone, and needy due to illness, etc., to convey festive care.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

January 13

Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Guangdong Jiecheng Property Management Co., Ltd., Guangdong Yihe Door and Window Technology Co., Ltd., Foshan Weishang Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. and Yuanqing Aluminum (Guangdong) Co., Ltd. Enterprise representatives handed over the fukukuro to the Guanyao Branch of the People's Hospital of Nanhai Economic Development Zone, and together sent the fukuro to the difficult patients hospitalized in the hospital, sending them the Blessing Bag to the hands of the patients in need of hospitalization in the hospital, and sending them the Blessing and Care for the Spring Festival in advance.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

January 14

The social workers of Shixi Village Community Happiness Institute, the party member volunteers of Foshan Fulong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. and 4 volunteers of middle school students in the school delivered the elderly warmth blessing bags together, and 10 elderly people in need in the community were given 10 elderly people with elderly difficulties.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

January 15

With the strong support of the Party Committee of Huangdong Village, Chunhui Social Workers of Huangdong Village Community Happiness Institute, together with 5 volunteers from Aihe Tao (Guangdong) Ceramics Co., Ltd. - Yuanhang Cycling Club and Dongpulei (Foshan) Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Trade Union, jointly sent 18 elderly elderly people in Huangdong Village with 18 elderly people with warm blessing bags and Spring Festival condolences.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

On January 15th, three volunteers from Tingpu Community Happiness Institute and Guangdong Delian Group Co., Ltd. presented 5 elderly people in need in Tingpu Community with 5 elderly people in need.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

Volunteers from the Shanxi Elderly Service Team sent the Elderly Warmth Blessing Bags sponsored by Guangdong Yihe Doors and Windows Technology Co., Ltd. to 20 elderly people in need in Shijie, Lianbiao and Shannan.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

January 16

The social workers of Tangzhong Community Happiness Institute and volunteers of Honda Auto Parts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. jointly sent New Year greetings and 15 elderly people in Tangzhong District, including seniors, living alone and empty nests, with New Year's Day blessings and 15 elderly warm blessing bags.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

January 17

Volunteers from Huayong Community Happiness Hospital, Huayong Community and Foshan Nanhai Oriental Aolong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. jointly sent 10 elderly warm blessing bags to the widows and disabled elderly in Huayong Community, from Shouyue Village to Liuyue Village.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

Volunteers from Langxia Community Happiness Institute and Foshan Fulong Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. jointly sent a warm blessing bag to 9 elderly people in difficulty in Langxia Community, including a non-slip handrail for the home of an elderly in difficulty.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

Sponsored and supported by the General Branch Committee of Foshan Weishang Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. of the Communist Party of China, the social workers of the Shannan Community Neighborhood Committee and the Community Happiness Institute linked to the Songgang Respect for the Elderly Home and the Shishan Shanxi Elderly Service Team respectively to provide cement sand and construction team resources, and after repeated coordination by many parties, the construction was successfully carried out on January 17, providing a personalized elderly blessing bag for the elderly family of a low-income household in Shannan: 817 tiles with a total value of about 14,000 yuan.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

The shipeng village new characteristic mobilization system project and the volunteers of Hongtao Pottery Co., Ltd. jointly presented 3 elderly people in difficulty in Shipeng community with elderly people with elderly difficulties, and sent a dedication blessing bag to 1 difficult worker in the village.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

Seven volunteers from the ZhaoDa Rental Housing Governance Service Federation and the Lejia Badminton Association jointly sent 10 dedicated lucky bags to 10 groups of new citizens in distress in the Zhaoda community.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

The social workers and volunteers of the Zhaoda Community Happiness Institute gave 6 elderly people in difficulty sponsored by the Heyang Precision Basketball Team Community to 6 elderly people in difficulty in the community, and 2 copies of the Red Star Blessing Bag sponsored by Dongpulei Foshan Auto Parts Co., Ltd. - Dongpre Women's Club were given to 2 retired soldiers in the Zhaoda community.

"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city
"Warm Love Action Delivery" Love in action, warmth in the city

Contributed by: Lion Hill Party Group Service Center

Written by: Lei Xie

Reviewer: Ye Gaojian

Edit: Peixie Qian

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