
【Luxi Life】3 major differences between men and women who are angry

Hiccups may be a sign of disease, don't ignore these 6 hiccups] Hiccups are a common and sudden phenomenon, usually caused by the contraction of the diaphragm between the chest and abdominal cavity after stimulation. Hiccups are not only affected by the digestive system, but when it is accompanied by other typical symptoms, it is necessary to be wary of possible organ problems. Especially when you burp continuously for more than 12 hours. Hiccup + burning sensation: be careful of stomach disease; hiccups + slow speech and deeds: stroke warning; hiccups + thirst: impaired kidney function; hiccups + head trauma: nerve damage; hiccups + delayed menstruation: suspected early pregnancy; hiccups + organ lesions: cancer signals.

Nuts belong to seeds, which contain various nutrients needed for plant germination and growth, and are more suitable for supplementing the human body in the cold season. Eating nuts at breakfast can not only improve the proportion of three meals, on the other hand, the human body's metabolic level is higher after breakfast, at this time, eating a handful of nuts will inhibit the appetite for lunch and dinner, which is more conducive to weight control. Recommend to prepare some walnut kernels, pine nuts etc for breakfast.

【Luxi Life】3 major differences between men and women who are angry

Okra sautéed dried

Ingredients: okra, jerky, dried chili, garlic, salt, pepper, white vinegar.

Directions: 1. Wash and cut okra into sections, cut into pieces of dried incense, blanch in water, dry, cut the pepper into strips, and slice the garlic. 2. Put oil in the pot and sauté the garlic slices in the pan. 3. Pour in the okra and dried incense and add the white vinegar. Stir-fry over high heat. 4. Add salt, pepper and continue to stir-fry over high heat. 5. Okra can be completely cut off.

【Psychological interpretation: 3 major differences between men and women who are angry】 When angry, men and women usually have the following three aspects: The content of anger is different. Men care more about self-esteem, face, status, freedom, etc., and women care more about household chores and emotional states. It's represented differently. When men are angry, they tend to manifest themselves more directly in their behavior or language. Women tend to tolerate anger or negative emotions and then explode when they have hoarded to a certain extent. Duration varies from degree to degree. Men's anger "comes and goes quickly", and after a short period of psychological fluctuations, it quickly calms down and tends to be stable; while women's anger is often slowly accumulated, lasts longer, and is more sensitive to negative emotions, and sometimes there is "turning over old accounts" behavior.

[Do you have to write a statement of defense when you are sued for divorce] It is not necessary to write a statement of defense, it is up to the defendant to decide. The defendant shall submit a statement of defence within 15 days of receiving a copy of the complaint, and if the defendant does not submit a statement of reply, it will not affect the people's court's trial. According to Article 125 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the people's court shall send a copy of the complaint to the defendant within five days of filing the case, and the defendant shall submit a statement of defense within 15 days of receiving it. The statement of defence shall indicate the defendant's name, gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, work unit, domicile, and contact information; The name, domicile, and name, position, and contact information of the legal representative or principal responsible person of the legal person or other organization. The people's court shall send a copy of the statement of defence to the plaintiff within five days of receiving it. Where the defendant does not submit a reply, it does not affect the people's court's trial.

【Luxi Life】3 major differences between men and women who are angry

(Image from Ma honeycomb tours)

Guizhou Leishan Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village

Travelogue: Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village is connected by 5 natural villages built on the mountain, and is currently the largest Miao village in China and even the world. At the end of the village is an idyllic landscape, neat terraces, and the scenery is very shocking. The commercial pedestrian street here sells a variety of Miao specialty goods, the most eye-catching Miao silver jewelry, exquisite craftsmanship, and cheap prices. If you catch the festival, a long table banquet will be held, and dozens of tables will be filled with Miaozhai specialties such as sour soup fish, sauerkraut, bacon, etc., which is absolutely refreshing.

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