
The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

author:Movie entertainment masters

What is this eccentric name? That was my first impression of this short film.

"Just Like That, We Put the Goldfish in the Pool" is a Japanese movie released on April 8, 2017, which is actually a 28-minute short film consisting of several short clips with the depression and world-weariness that are common in Japan.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

<h1>What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored? </h1>

In fact, no matter what they are thinking, the things they do will always make people feel crazy

This film has a true event adaptation, 4 girls put 400 goldfish into a middle school pool, this seemingly nonsensical thing, but it is a real incident that happened in Saitama Prefecture, Japan in 2012, according to the results of the police investigation, this is just a prank made by four female students, they just think - goldfish swimming in the pool will be beautiful.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

The short film revolves around the daily lives of teenage girls before and after committing crimes.

The four teenage girls in adolescence, like everyone else, live in peace and boredom, and the people living in the small town live day after day, without surprise or joy.

It seems that from birth they were destined to live their lives in such a trance, so each of them was in a state of extreme boredom, sometimes even hoping that their parents would be able to do something...

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

By chance, they put all the goldfish used for the summer festival into the pool, but even if the goldfish were put into the pool, nothing changed, even if they wanted to help the goldfish get rid of the fate of boredom, in the end the goldfish were found, and life returned to its former peace.

In the mundane town, they became sensational headlines and self-styled heroes. In that way, to feel and pay tribute to one's own existence, the feelings of friendship between each other, and the fleeting youth in the blink of an eye, is also a way of self-liberation and healing.

The film's shooting methods and style can be expressed in the fancy and fancy, and the exaggeration and brilliance greatly meet people's visual needs.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

In Japan, summer is very special, people are accustomed to sad spring and autumn, but the tone of summer is always joyful, various festivals, fireworks festivals, summer festivals are overwhelmed, so every Japanese summer, after the end will appear sad, as if the feast will eventually end.

Release goldfish in the pool - just when bored want to see what the goldfish look like in the pool, the night is dark, the pool is so big for the goldfish, but it can't run away after all, the goldfish will still die, it is not satisfactory, life will always end in the same way, they say "live for fifteen years, live like a zombie..."

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

Aren't we all like this, youth is also like this, the current emotions are dedicated to those fast-moving entertainment fast food, our own rich and delicate emotions are divided into boring things.

Lost its human touch

It became an empty shell of confused faith

Everything around you becomes boring

Time begins to accelerate and emotions become numb

Such a life is really terrible.

So on that summer night, they passed by the goldfish stall and heard the boss say that they wanted to dispose of it

Suddenly I felt like", "They shouldn't be here, they should be in the sea."

This thing seems boring, at least they have done things that many people dare not do, in fact, they live quite wonderfully.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

When you're a teenager, don't you just want to do what you want to do? The girls sing together, shoot the stickers together, walk the train track together, put goldfish together, it seems that such a day will always go on...

For reality, it has no substantive significance, but after a few years, when they recall this file, they will not talk about it more than once.

After the end of youth, the days are still the same boring, Dad will only watch the midnight program all day and smirk, brother will only tell some non-nutritious segments live, everyone around is the same, bored to the point of explosion okay!

And what really may make you feel interesting is your present, Qing! spring!

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

Bored to sing K? On a whim to release goldfish? Occasionally make the bad take a water gun and shoot the boy who gave you the water gun... That's what's interesting!

Work, dreams, are boring! It's just to make ends meet! Do you think that when you grow up, when you go to the outside world, you will see the vast world, and you will find it interesting? In fact, it is just a broader and vaster boredom!

We are all trapped goldfish, no one can rescue, the pool is like stagnant water, in this world, everyone spit bubbles, like goldfish, the summer of 15 years old is already the most interesting I think, I am in my twenties, I feel like a zombie, more like a dry corpse, even the water of the pool is dry.

After watching this short film, I suddenly felt that their youth was so interesting, and it seemed that everyone's common problem was the same: envying others.

Youth is boring, mourning, or unchanging.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

These girls are cool, the nihilism of the second disease, can burst out through one thing, and it is also the best counterattack to life.

The mourning of adults, such as Sakura Ando in "The Love of a Hundred Yuan" and Atsuko Maeda in "The Unmotivated Tamako", their bursts are often dragged by the pressure of life; only the loss of youth can burst out of the infectious force that is out of control and nostalgic.

Isn't it terrible to do everything clearly and with a clear purpose?

Maybe it's boring, but this is the way youth opens!

If there had been no major and bizarre events or qualitative changes on earth in my lifetime, I would have died with great regret, and if my life had been uneventful, I would have died with regret.

A little wave of life is not worth it, even if the days after that are like boiling water, but also to do a crazy thing in youth, whether it is in retrospect, or when talking with others, it will not be too boring.

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

After watching the wild imagination in the film, you may be captured by this fleeting visual pleasure. When you return to reality, you will find that life still has to continue with your own efforts, and this film does not intend to show the way out.

They all think that they will be different, live some unbridled and dashing days, think that they are naturally optimistic, and their troubles have nothing to do with themselves.

Perhaps the better the imagination, and the greater the gap between reality, the more intense the sadness in my heart.

Always think, something happens, even if it is bad, to break this layer of unchanging life.

Maybe you can do these things yourself?

When you were young, did you ever do anything crazy and boring?

The 28-minute short film "Just Like That," We Put the Goldfish in the Pool, should be like this? What do adolescent girls want to do when they are bored?

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