
"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

author:Pengpeng Phantom Museum
"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

How magical a psychiatric jacket, an ordinary psychiatric hospital jacket, can be magical! Today, I want to bring you a science fiction film that crosses the theme, a masterpiece that soothes people's hearts and explores the value of life.

In most film works, if there is a prison scene, if the prisoner makes trouble, the most terrible punishment and the most feared thing for the prisoner is to be locked up in a small black room. It was so small that it couldn't see five fingers, and it was so quiet that all I could hear was the sound of my own heartbeat. Being imprisoned there, you will have a feeling of isolation from the world, that every day should not be called the earth and the earth. Loneliness is terrifying, which is why many prisoners released from the small black room will be honest and dare not make trouble again.

The main carrier of this film is a similar enclosed space, the morgue drawer of the mental hospital, the protagonist is put on the clip that binds the mentally ill person, is sent to the closed drawer, in the space where there is no light, only his own heavy breathing, all the horror experiences that have happened in your own body, like a marquee in front of your eyes, the alarm clock appears, any struggle, shouting is in vain. All of the film's plot developments are based on the crossing in the drawer as the starting point and end point.

Oscar-winning Adrian Browdy, who won the award for "The Pianist," plays the male protagonist Jack, a veteran who lived through the Gulf War.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

An accidental shot resulted in injuries and retirement

In 1991, Jack was mistaken for an enemy to save an Iraqi child, and was accidentally shot in the head and was on the verge of death. Although he survived the rescue, he left behind the sequelae of severe selective amnesia, and even if he was awarded the Bronze Medal, he could not but face retirement.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Rescue the mother and daughter who are aiming, and chat with the cute little Jackie

Nine months later, Jack meets a mother and daughter in the snow who have run a car breakdown: jean, a drunken mother, and a lovely eight-year-old daughter, Jackie. The kind Jack helps his mother and daughter fix the car and gives Jackie the bronze medal of his identity.

In the process of continuing the road, Jack took a hitchhiker bound for the Canadian border, who knows, the road was interrogated by the police, the driver absurdly killed the police, and Jack was also hit by a stray bullet and fainted. The driver escapes, but Jack is taken to court and convicted of homicide, but is spared jail for mental illness and sent to an institution called Alpine Grove that studies the crimes of mentally ill people.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Cruel confinement experiments

It was here, innocent Jack, that began to become helpless. The cruel Dr. Baker used Jack as an experimental subject of closed therapy, a brutal therapy that had been banned in the seventies. The moment he was put on anesthesia and locked up in the confined space of the morgue all night, Jack, overwhelmed by terror, despair, and suffocation, suddenly flashed his thoughts about being injured and shot, rescuing his mother and daughter, and riding a hitchhiker that led to the killing of the police and being slandered... Jack perceives the present situation as much as possible through the past that happened, and uses it as a key to the future. Jack travels to a gas station in 2007, where he meets little Jackie, who grew up and worked at a café, and was once rescued by himself.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Lucky to meet Jackie, who grew up

Jack, who had crossed over, stood at the door of the cold gas station, not knowing where to go, and not realizing that his body was still in the drawer of the morgue, just looking aimlessly into the distance.

Jackie, who was off work, drove past Jack and didn't know where she triggered herself, but offered to help Jack find a shelter. And she has not yet recognized Jack as the benefactor who helped her as a child. At this time, Jackie smoked, drank heavily, was alone, and lived a lot like her late mother. In Jackie's house, he found the bronze medal he gave jackie when he was a child, saw jackie's situation, and wanted to rescue her from the bottom of his heart. The first time was for strangers who had never been born, for their own conscience. The second time was for his own feelings, several crossings made the two have a strong feeling, Jack did not want to see such a decadent Jackie, he was determined to do something.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

The passion is lingering

In this film, the heroine Jackie, played by Kayla Knightley, has a fatal sexy temptation between her head and feet, especially the unconscious bite of the lips, is it really unintentional, or is it hinted at by the male protagonist Jack or to the audience? The bed scene is even more bold to expose the figure, Kayla When Knightley filmed a nude scene in the film, she proposed to the director to clear the scene as much as possible, leaving only the necessary crew. However, because some viewers were disgusted by the test screening, Adrian Brody and Kayla Knightley's passion scene was cut at the official release, but the resources on the Internet are full of welfare!

Jack, played by Adrian Brody, has a sense of kindness in his bones, even if he threatens his own life. From being shot with kindness to helping Iraqi children, to leaving Jackie's mother and daughter from rescuing anchor but being scolded by their mother Jean, this time it is still the same. Natural weakness could not hide his nature, and his clear eyes could not hide his heart.

After learning the truth of his own death, Jack decides to find out the real cause of his death in 93 years, and even more to save Jackie, whether the redemption is successful or not, he is going to do it, without any grandiose reason.

In 2007, Jack can use Jack's nephew to visit the mental hospital in 2007 to find out the truth.

In 2007, he learned that Dr. Lawrenson's practical treatment of his good friend Berwick was electric shock therapy. He gave Lawrence this advice when he returned in '93. There is a hint in this paragraph, crossing the meaning of participating in events and contributing to future fixed events, no crossing, no visits, no advice to Lawrence, and no success of Lawrence's treatment in the future.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Ask Dr. Baker the truth about his death and vent his emotions

In 2007, he visited Dr. Baker, who had persecuted him, to vent his ruthless persecution, and the words nearly collapsed, the kind of inhuman treatment that can never be forgotten.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Tell Jackie that in the reality of '93, he lay helplessly in that drawer

In 2007, he pointed to Jackie in the hospital to a drawer in the morgue and told her that now the real him was lying here, helplessly waiting for death to be trapped there.

Putting on that jacket and lying in a small drawer, the story travels back and forth between two time periods, constantly prompting new events to happen.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

Admonishes Jackie's mother to cherish her current life

Because he put on his jacket, Jack knew his own death and knew that life should be more meaningful. He thought that his death was an unchangeable destiny, he just wanted to do what he could in a limited time, to tell Lawrence how to treat Berwick, to tell Jackie's mother in '93, Jean: "You may die in the future because of smoking, and Jackie may live the same miserable life as you when she grows up", hoping that she can cherish the current activities. Sometimes, life begins all over again only after you understand death, and it most likely stops abruptly when you don't want to end it.

On the way back, Jack fell to the ground and suffered a serious head injury, and he suddenly realized that the truth was in his hands. At the moment of his death, he begged Lawrence to help him get into the drawer, praying for the year 07.

The ending of the story is also complete, Jack returns to 2007 and meets Jackie again.

"Psychic Jacket" - life is such a redemption, are you ready?

New journeys, new beginnings, full of sunshine

It's still the gas station, it's still the two people, it's still Jackie's initiative. Everyone's situation has changed a lot, Jackie after work carries a happy smile, and the newborn Jack is full of hope for his new future.

Jack succeeds in changing history, Jackie's mother finds herself, jackie has a happy family and does not embark on a depraved life. We expect that the two who meet again will start a new sweetness.

Life is a kind of enjoyment, not a matter of entanglement in the present.

Life is wonderful, and no one knows what kind of situation you will have in the next second.

Life is moving forward, the story is a story after all, it will not give you the opportunity to change the past, all please do not stand still, realize, change from now on, and open up your own new life. Yes, your own fate should be in your own hands.

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