
In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

【December 2021 MPV Sales Ranking Complete List】According to the data released by the Association of Passenger Transporters, the wholesale sales of the domestic MPV market in December 2021 were 122,000 units, down 16.5% year-on-year and 10.7% month-on-month. Below, the editor of the car purchase network takes you to see the wholesale sales of 46 MPV models in December 2021 and their ranking:

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

In December, the top two MPV in terms of sales were still Wuling Hongguang and Buick GL8. Among them, Wuling Hongguang sold 38,393 vehicles, winning the MPV sales championship for consecutive years, a slight decrease of 2.0% year-on-year; Buick GL8 sold 20,836 vehicles, ranking second, an increase of 4.2% year-on-year. Combined, the two models sold 59,200 units, accounting for almost half of the total sales volume of the MPV market.

The Pentium NAT sold 6,890 units wholesale, ranking third. Pentium NAT is not well-known, is a new energy MPV model, mainly for the online car market, the guidance price of 145,800-15.18 million.

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

GAC Trumpchi M6 sold 6823 units, ranking fourth, an increase of 44.0% year-on-year.

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

In addition to Wuling Hongguang, SAIC-GM-Wuling sold 4435 vehicles, down 18.7% year-on-year; Wuling Capgemini sold 3663 vehicles, ranking seventh, down 63.7% year-on-year; Wuling Journey sold 3018 vehicles, ranking ninth.

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

On the eve of the mid-term restructuring, Honda Odyssey and Alexon sales declined, of which Odyssey sold 3536 vehicles, down 30.5% year-on-year; Alexand sold only 1049 vehicles, down 78.8% year-on-year.

The newly launched Toyota Syna SIENNA sold 2,791 units in its first month, performing well. Toyota Xena is positioned in a medium and large MPV, and the guidance price is 309,800-40.58 million yuan.

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

Other MPV with better sales in December were: SAIC MAXUS G50 sold 3719 units, Fengxing Lingzhi sold 2597 units, Mercedes-Benz V-Class sold 2571 units, and Hyundai Kustu sold 2162 units.

In December, the MPV commercial vehicle sales ranked the full version, the Trumpchi M6 ranked fourth, and the Pentol NAT ranked third?

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