
In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

【February 2022 automobile sales ranking MPV sales top 15 list】 MPV commercial vehicles belong to the "niche" market, the overall sales volume is not large, February due to the impact of the Spring Festival factors, compared with January fell more. According to the association data, the retail sales of the domestic MPV commercial vehicle market in February 2022 were only 66,000 units, down 34.4% from 101,000 units in the previous month. However, compared with the same period last year, it still increased slightly by 1.7%.

Below, the editors of the car purchase network take a look at the ranking of the top 15 MPV models in retail sales in February this year:

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

In February, the best-selling MPV model was still Wuling Hongguang, with sales of 17,847 units, down 16.9% year-on-year and lower than the 26,063 units sold last month.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

The Buick GL8 continues to rank second, with sales of 9,090 units in February, up 12.5 percent year-on-year, but not as good as last month's sales of 16,057 units.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

The Trumpchi M8, which ranked 11th last month, ranked third in February with sales of 5,001 units, up 87.5% year-on-year and higher than sales of 2,009 units last month. The Trumpchi M6, which ranked third last month, sold only 2,039 vehicles this month, a year-on-year plunge of 50.1%, and the ranking also dropped to ninth place.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

Toyota Syna sales were stable, ranking fourth with sales of 4120 vehicles, and performed well. Although it has not been on the market for a long time, Xena's sales have exceeded the sales of Honda Odyssey and Alexon.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

Odyssey and Alexand sold 3,069 and 2,497 units in February, up 57.5% and 24.5% year-on-year, respectively, and ranked sixth and seventh.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

Fengxing sold 3357 vehicles, ranking fifth, an increase of 20.0% year-on-year. Wuling Capgemini, which ranked fourth in MPV sales last year, sold 2,083 vehicles in February, ranking only eighth, down 55.0% year-on-year.

In February, the top 15 MPV commercial vehicle sales list, Toyota Syna ranked fourth, and Wuling Capgemini only ranked eighth

Other MPV models were not sold much, Changan Ono sold 1342 units, Chase G50 sold 1298 vehicles, Hyundai Kustu sold 1076 vehicles, Baojun 730 sold 1042 vehicles, Wuling Zhengcheng sold 1039 vehicles, Mercedes-Benz V-Class sales of 1031 vehicles. (Source/Multiplying Association)

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