
Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

author:A good movie V a day

This is a classic Hong Kong crime, thriller, horror movie, and the first time I saw it was on a VCD at home. It can be regarded as a shadow of childhood, if you accidentally expose your age, don't care about these details.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

The movie "Horror Chicken" caused serious psychological damage to me as a child, and I did not dare to talk to strangers for a long time after watching the film. When I am at home alone, I also have to lock the door of the house, extremely afraid that the bad guys will take me away!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

The story is set in the 1990s in Hong Kong, when law and order in Hong Kong were relatively poor, and crimes occurred from time to time.

In the big city of Shenzhen, on a stormy night, Xiaoye, a wanted criminal played by Wu Qianlian, killed the runaway woman Si qin'er.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye and Si Qin'er did not have a deep hatred, why did she kill an innocent runaway girl? It turned out that Xiaoye was mainly to have a new identity. In this way, you can get rid of the name of a wanted criminal, so you can play a beautiful beam change and become a free man from then on.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye's methods are quite fierce, there is no hesitation when killing people, and the crime process is smooth. The whole person didn't look like a weak woman at all, like a demon who had escaped from hell!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye deceived the police through superb makeup and made herself two braids with the hair of the deceased, and she gained a new identity of Siqin'er. Since then, there has been unimpeded access to the mainland and Hong Kong, but these are not her ultimate goals.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye, who killed someone, also had a panic when he accidentally met Si Qin'er's husband, and Xiaoye almost dressed in front of the station.

Because Xiaoye brought Sichen'er's watch and used the same hairstyle. This made the man who had not seen his wife for many years very suspicious, but the cunning Xiaoye still escaped.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye's husband (Chen Hao) is also a wanted criminal, and the power of love is great. Xiaoye's top priority is to find a new identity for her husband, and in order to find the target, Xiaoye continues to work as a drinking companion in Hong Kong.

The poor thing is that the reason why Xiaoye killed people in the mainland was because the boss wanted to rape himself, so he and the husband and wife killed the boss's family of five. And the small leaves that escaped also have to do special services to make money, which is ironic.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

At that time, Wu Qianlian, who played the murderous witch, was still very young, and personally thought that this movie should be her best performance. Coupled with the sound effects and lighting effects, the brutal horror shots make people's backs chill.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

In order to find a new identity for her husband, Xiaoye can be described as painstaking. She has her eye on the bachelor Chen Qiming (played by Lai Yiu-hsiang), a single taxi driver. He and his wife have long been divorced, and the relationship with the old mother is not good, and he is often alone. It seems that bachelors are not good, and it is easy to be targeted by criminals alone. Small partners need to be cautious when they are single, be sure to pay attention to personal safety, if you can quickly find a partner!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Xiaoye took the initiative to strike out and be intimate with Chen Qiming, so as to relax the vigilance of the other party. Then he took the opportunity of losing the necklace to come to the other party's home again, and finally kidnapped Chen Qiming. The means were extremely brutal, she tied Chen Qiming to a wheelchair, and she did not kill Chen Qiming immediately.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Because Xiaoye's plan is to prevent dew filling once and for all. Ask chen Qiming's personal experience, solve everything clean and then let your husband replace him!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

The bad thing is that Chen Qiming has a wife and children, old and young, the mother came to the door to find Chen Qiming, was stabbed to death by Xiaoye with a screwdriver, and then Xiaoye found Chen Qiming's little daughter.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

The terrible thing is that Xiaoye imprisoned the little girl and listened to her husband's words to bleed Chen Qiming's mother in order to destroy the evidence.

The only glimmer of hope is that the husband of the dead Si Qin'er found Xiaoye with suspicion and found Chen Qiming, who was imprisoned, Xiaoye obviously could not beat this man, and unfortunately, Xiaoye's husband came at this time, and the knife went down and the person was gone.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

More vicious than Xiaoye's husband, the little girl hid in the earthen cave when she escaped, and he inserted steel bars into the hole to force the girl out. Xiaoye was a little soft-hearted to stop her husband's behavior, and only sealed the opening of the cave with soil.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

People are not as good as the sky, heavy rain rushed through the mouth of the cave, and the little girl floated down the river. Xiaoye's husband failed to catch up with the girl, the girl was rescued, and the truth of the case was revealed!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

In the end, the two had to start the road of escape, and Xiaoye, played by Wu Qianlian, actually said in a frenzied manner: "They all blame me for being soft-hearted, not cruel enough, not bad enough." But it doesn't matter, do a little better next time. ”

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

The story of "Horror Chicken" is very bold and novel, and the storyline arranged by the director is more like a story in the escape of a criminal couple. We can imagine that something more terrible will happen next, and Wu Qianlian and the two may kill more people darker and more brutally...

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Although it is a movie, it is creepy to watch. Wu Qianlian and Chen Hao's acting skills are very superb, and they can calmly pretend that nothing happened when they kill people.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

This movie is a cult film produced in the early days of Galaxy Impression, and some people say that there are other metaphors in it, so I won't say more here. Everyone has everyone's understanding, and the whole movie is terrifying, depressing, and full of tension. The criminals are cold-blooded, crazy, and perverted, bringing extreme physical and psychological horror to the audience.

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

Although the film is an open-ended ending, it leaves suspense. What happened to the murderer couple? Have you ever been caught?

In fact, we can all guess that good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the heavens will spare whom.

The whole movie is full of dark elements, which seems to be saying that human nature is inherently evil, but fighting crime, everyone has a responsibility, sweeping away evil, we must start from me!

Childhood shadows, perverted murderer couple vicious eerie - "Horror Chicken"

We can look at "Horror Chicken" as a safety education film, behind the light is often darkness, protect yourself, try to keep yourself away from unsafe people and things!

"Horror Chicken" makes people see the ultimate darkness, and in the end, the biggest educational significance should be: cherish life, do not commit crimes!

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