
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

author:Fork and fork to watch the film

From an early age, our parents warn us not to talk to strangers because you don't know if the other person is a good person or a bad person.

Psychopathic homicidal maniacs have always been an important image in many crime thriller movies, and in the audience's impression, they are all male figures with hideous faces, murderous people and blood stained on their hands, such as this

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"


The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

And so on

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Whether it is Wang Zhiheng in "Eight Immortals Hotel" or Lin Guoyu in "Rainy Night Butcher", in the cognition of most viewers, perverted murderer seems to be a male proper noun.

However, in 1997, there was such a movie, the story was black to the end, and the hunt was bloody. Strong sensory stimulation fully demonstrates the "crazy" essence of Hong Kong films. The Internet has been rumored that the film is based on the "Lo Wing Chi case", and it has been hailed as the most classic crime thriller in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong version of "Born To Kill Maniac". The film sets the murderer with blood stained on his hands as a woman, and even the plot at the end of the story where the bad guy is still at large, which makes people inhale cool air. Because the lead actor Wu Qianlian's performance was too realistic, it frightened many viewers. For a time, it influenced her film and television development.

Nonsense aside, let the fork bring you the crime thriller "Horror Chicken" !!!

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Men are having fun, but they don't want to lead to the disaster of killing

Ye Xiaoyan was originally a wanted criminal with a murder case, and on a rainy night, she killed a prostitute named Si Qin'er, Ye Xiaoyan's purpose was simple, she wanted to sneak into Hong Kong as Si Qin'er to escape the police and get a new life.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Ye Xiaoyan, who came to Hong Kong, reported that she had lost her identity card and successfully obtained the identity of Ai'er. The first thing Ye Xiaoyan did when she came to Hong Kong was to look for a lustful man as Si Qin'er, but unfortunately there were very few customers. Finally a man driving a taxi saw Ye Xiaoyan take home for the night, after a simple conversation, Ye Xiaoyan learned the identity of the man, his name is Chen Qiming, divorced from his wife for three years, the daughter lives with her mother, and she lives alone in this apartment, rarely has contact with her family.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Looking at Ye Xiaoyan, who was looking around the house and constantly taking his privacy, Chen Qiming felt more and more that something was wrong, he gave up the idea of letting Ye Xiaoyan spend the night at home, but he did not know that Ye Xiaoyan had locked him in the next target...

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

It was another dark night, and Chen Qiming was injured by a speeding car. Just when he was recuperating at home, Ye Xiaoyan took the initiative to visit him, claiming that he had not been served well last time, and this time it was free of charge. Chen Qiming opened the door, but saw Ye Xiaoyan close the doors of various places with his hands and feet, and closed the curtains, Chen Qiming, who was very unhappy, just wanted to bombard her and leave, it was too late, Ye Xiaoyan threw Chen Qiming heavily on the ground, tied him with tape, and even beat his dog to death in front of him.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Ye Xiaoyan tortured Chen Qiming and forced him to ask all the information, his home address, marital status, the school he had attended, and everything was in great detail. In the face of this crazy woman, Chen Qiming could only obey and tell everything about himself in detail.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Ye Xiaoyan told Chen Qiming that the reason why she imprisoned Chen Qiming in this way was because

However, Guan Hui is still far away in the mainland, and in the process of reuniting with her husband, accidents continue to occur, in order to hide her identity, she killed Chen Qiming's mother, who suddenly visited; kidnapped Chen Qiming's daughter; and captured Chen Qiming, who escaped several times. Things were spiraling out of control, and even Ye Xiaoyan didn't know how many more people he would kill.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

When Xiaoyan collected her ID card, Si Qin'er's husband discovered Xiaoyan's suspicions and followed her all the way to Qiming's home. In the face of the strong and strong Ai'er husband, Xiaoyan Yijie's weak woman is naturally not an opponent, just when everyone thought that justice was about to defeat evil, Ye Xiaoyan's husband suddenly arrived and killed Ai'er's husband. With Guan Hui, the main backbone, Xiao Yan had a little more confidence, and they finally ended Chen Qiming, who was surviving, and buried the escaped Chen Qiming's daughter alive in the stone crevice.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Just when the two took the new ID card and secretly rejoiced, they found that Chen Qiming's daughter survived because of the stone collapse. Fate made a joke with the outlaw couple.

The husband and wife, whose identities were exposed, were wanted by the Hong Kong police, and on the way to escape, Ye Xiaoyan threw away the identity cards of Si Qin'er and Chen Qiming. This time the plan failed, Ye Xiaoyan blamed himself for being soft-hearted, not fierce enough, not bad enough, hoping to do a good job next time, I don't know who will become their target?

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

End of story

A large public welfare film that advises men not to get involved in flowers and grass

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

As a "galactic image" that has always produced tough guy gangster films, "Horror Chicken" stands out from the crowd in many movies, and under the visual lens of bloody hunting, the short 86-minute film contains a large number of problems that still seem sharp: Hong Kong people's incomprehension of mainlanders, and loopholes in citizenship security have aroused heated discussion among the audience.

The characters in the film are multi-faceted and cannot be distinguished by good people and bad people:

Ye Xiaoyan and his wife rose up because they were bullied by the landlord and wiped out the landlord's five mouths. From the victim to the perpetrator, after Ye Xiaoyan killed the prostitute Si Qin Ai'er, replacing her identity, and then looking for a substitute for her husband in the identity of Si Qin Ai'er, unlike other murderers who simply pursued the pleasure of killing on a whim, Ye Xiaoyan and her husband asked each victim in detail about their family background, and even imitated their appearance characteristics to achieve the purpose of people unconscious.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Ye Xiaoyan and Guan Hui's series of actions are also a complete egoist, who take the lives of others to obtain their own best interests.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

On the other hand, the victim Chen Qiming is cowardly and lonely, and he is at odds with his wife and mother, if it were not for Chen Qiming's lust, he would not have been targeted by Ye Xiaoyan, nor would he have led to a series of tragedies that occurred later. The tragedy that happened to him was caused by his own lust and willful behavior, in the face of his mother's tragic death in front of him, his daughter was also tragically killed, Chen Qiming did not regret his behavior of soliciting prostitution? In fact, from Chen Qiming, we can see the phenomenon of indifference and selfishness of modern urban people.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

The story of Chen Qiming's tragedy for the majority of lustful men sounded the alarm bell, the roadside wildflowers can not be picked, you never know the identity of the woman you brought back.

The political metaphor behind the film

The story of "Chicken of Terror" is set in 1997 with a special meaning, and The two people, Ye Xiaoyan and Kwan Hui, use a variety of bottomless means to obtain Hong Kong identity, which is the same as the original intention of stowaways to obtain foreign nationality by various means. Mr. and Mrs. Ye Xiaoyan, who are murdered, stubbornly believe that as long as they use their status as Hong Kong citizens, they can evade the pursuit of mainland public security and get away with it. But I don't know that whether it is Hong Kong or the mainland, there is a zero-tolerance attitude towards crime, and there is no so-called paradise for perpetrators.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

On the surface, it seems to be a serial murder crime thriller, but inside it is the background of the big times, the sentient beings of various small people at the time of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the hong Kong citizens' incomprehension of the mainland, and the mainland citizens' yearning for Hong Kong's strange land, resulting in a conflict of ideas under the two systems.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"
The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

Of course, the Hong Kong people were already uneasy about the return. Around 1997, there was a large wave of Hong Kong movies about the 97 panic, such as "The Birth of a Word" and "Provincial Hong Kong Flag Soldier", and many films of the late Galaxy Image reflected the identity anxiety of Hong Kong people to the extreme. Now that Hong Kong has been returning to the motherland for more than 20 years, exchanges between the two places have become increasingly frequent, and "Chicken of Terror" has become a slice of the times, which has long since turned into the clouds of the past.

The man took the young lady home, not thinking that she was a murderous demon, the childhood shadow movie "Horror Chicken"

A movie a story, I am a fork, we will see you next time!!!

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