
Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

author:Laughing mom talks about parenting

One of the phrases we often hear is: "One pregnancy is stupid for three years". This sentence has also been truly confirmed by countless mothers, and indeed the memory of the child has declined after giving birth, and even some people feel that it is not three years, or even five years and ten years.

Hear what moms have to say:

@ Zhang Ai 笑️: Forgetfulness is really [tear running] Memory is poor to no, this side wants to say something there is a fork in the side of the forgotten to say doubt life

@ Twins Toot Daily: I am forgetful before I have a baby, if I am finished. Amnesia?

@coling: I'm going to be stupid for 9 years [tears]

@Yoyu: I woke up today and forgot the password of my mobile phone [crying] Tomorrow I am ready to go out and brush the machine, I can't think of anything

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

Seeing what everyone said, I felt real in an instant, one of the situations that I most often appeared in, that is, I took the baby out of the house to consider everything, things were properly prepared, but the key was left at home, and finally I could only find a lock company, so far, my family has changed the lock 3 times!

Poor memory is very common in postpartum mothers, and pregnancy stupidity is not really stupid, but caused by several reasons:

Hormone levels drop rapidly

Pregnancy during the secretion of progesterone, so that the hormone level in the body reached a very high quality, but after the birth of the baby and then rapid decline, this change will affect the memory of the pregnant mother, resulting in emotional instability of the pregnant mother, often there will be a situation of three or four, so there is a silly three years of pregnancy.

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

Shift of focus

Many mothers have shifted their focus to the baby after the baby is born, and they are always worried about the baby being hungry? Did you pee? When should I add complementary foods? How to feed is good for your baby?

When a person's energy is always paying attention to one thing, it is particularly easy to ignore themselves, what the nurse should do at the moment, so there is a situation of forgetting things and forgetting things, many things cannot be remembered, but the baby's things are well understood.

Often not getting enough sleep

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

After becoming a mother, I never slept a full night. Get up in the middle of the night to change the diaper, to feed the baby, as soon as the baby turns over, the mother wakes up!

When the baby can finally sleep all night, sometimes the mother should take advantage of the baby's sleep, do a little housework or their own business, and get up early in the morning to cook breakfast for the baby, which belongs to themselves, but the baby can't make it up.

Long-term lack of sleep will lead to poor mothers and low memory. Not only the mother, if you let the baby take care of the baby, sleep badly for ten consecutive nights, then the spirit and memory will obviously be affected.

Pregnant mothers have memory loss after giving birth to a baby, and sometimes they really can't control their own affairs.

Emotional depression

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

How many mothers have no one to help take care of the child after giving birth, a person has to take care of the baby and busy with housework, if the family does not understand, it is easy to have postpartum depression.

And once there is a tendency to depression, the mother's memory will also be reduced.

After understanding why postpartum mothers have memory loss, loss of three or four, pregnancy stupid situation, we can understand that in fact, a silly pregnancy for three years does not mean that pregnant women really become "stupid" after giving birth to a baby. This kind of stupidity is not the meaning of "stupid", and the knowledge that has been known before will not be forgotten because of the birth of the baby, but only because the focus and center of gravity of the mother have changed.

I also went through such a stage after giving birth, because I was alone with the baby, and I had to stay up late to write posts while he was asleep, and never slept before 2 o'clock.

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

After giving birth to a baby, if you find yourself starting to lose everything, your memory is losing, you are doing something, you suddenly don't know what you are doing, and you are worried that because of your "forgetfulness", you will miss important details in the child's growth process, we can do this

Make a record

I took a little friend in the middle class, his mother gave birth to a second child, and one thing happened that made me remember deeply:

Pick up the child's time to come, other parents have taken their own baby back, left and right waited not to see the child's mother to pick up, and finally called his mother to know, she took care of the second treasure at home, forgot about the big treasure, the child can not go away, I sent the boss to her home, only to hear her say, after giving birth to the second child, the memory is worse, and even sometimes the second treasure should be fed and forget.

Is it true that you have been pregnant for three years? Pregnancy stupid is not really stupid, 4 reasons 2 ways to understand

After this incident, she set a schedule on her phone every day, what time to do, or put post-it notes on the wall of her home to prevent herself from forgetting important things.

Seek family help

A person with a baby will be very hard, because all kinds of trifles, coupled with lack of sleep, often easy to make pregnant women emotional collapse. So in the matter of taking the baby can seek family help, if the elders in the family can not come to help, if there is a condition, you can ask a month sister-in-law, if there is no condition, Bao Dad should also help to share the responsibility of taking care of the baby after work, and at night can let the mother rest well, which will also make the family more harmonious.

Conclusion: If there is a situation of "one pregnancy for three years" after childbirth, please understand more from your family to help ease your mother's emotions and spend this period together!

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