
The words don't go up to their word for it, and that's it

author:Eager to learn small fruits

Love is always the icing on the cake, not in the snow.

Emotional people can't get over chai, rice, oil and salt, and rational people can't talk about wind and snow.

The meaning of meeting each other is to illuminate each other, otherwise, it is also romantic for a person to watch the snow, and a person can be sober when blowing the wind.

When you're young, falling in love with nothing is too much. When you mature, you can understand everything you give up.

No matter how big other people's eaves are, they are not as good as having an umbrella themselves.

The words don't go up to their word for it, and that's it

In the adult world, there is no eternal patron. Your strongest backer is your hard work and independence.

Love should make people gentle and brave, not make people feel aggrieved and compromised from time to time.

How lethal your words are depends on how much the person listening to you loves you.

Whether it is friendship or love, you come, I embrace each other warmly; you go, I let go.

No one likes to be alone, just afraid of disappointment.

The words don't go up to their word for it, and that's it

I want a firm choice, not pity after weighing the pros and cons.

How many grievances you have experienced before you have that good temper.

People who deserve to let you stay up late, how willing to let you stay up late.

The best feeling is that someone understands your desire to stop talking.

Always live in the past and embrace the future with what. Remember, yesterday's sun, not drying today's clothes.

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