
| "Hummingbird Project" Beijing Shanghai Ahead free movie

author:Do not scatter movies

——【Not Scattered Film Group】Issue 109——

The Hummingbird Project

Beijing + Shanghai Ahead free to watch movies

| "Hummingbird Project" Beijing Shanghai Ahead free movie

— I.. Movie Highlights —

➊ Directed by Nguyen Kim, director of the Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film, The Witcher of the Battlefield

➋ "Roll West" Jesse Eisenberg, who was nominated for the Oscar for "The Social Network," starred

➌ Emmy Award-winning and starring "Tarzan Returns the Jungle" starring "E Big" Alexander Skarsgard

➍ Hummingbirds vibrate their wings once as long as 16 milliseconds, while a pair of contrasting cute brothers explore the "high-frequency trading" trick of making a fortune, and can get stock market quotes in 16 milliseconds

➎ "Volume West" plays the clever startup CEO Vincent, contributing super fast speech speed and super high persuasion skills

➏ "E Big" self-destructs, challenges Mediterranean hairstyles, and plays the high-IQ sullen programmer Anton

➐ Salma Hayek plays the cold and domineering female president, and the betrayal of the brothers ignites the eldest sister's desire to fight

➑ North American release received good feedback from the audience and was praised as "humorous and charming" and "unexpected"

➒ High-quality production level, breakthrough plot and high-level cast to meet your needs for high-quality films

| "Hummingbird Project" Beijing Shanghai Ahead free movie

— II.. Event Details —

Beijing field▼

| "Hummingbird Project" Beijing Shanghai Ahead free movie

Shanghai field▼

| "Hummingbird Project" Beijing Shanghai Ahead free movie

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