
The Greek fourth dose vaccine platform will be open experts say the true number of confirmed cases or higher

author:Overseas network

Source: China News Network

According to the Greek "Sino-Greek Times" reported on January 19, greek Health Ministry officials announced at the epidemic conference on the 17th that the fourth dose of new crown vaccination platform for people with low immunity will be opened on January 20. In addition, Greek experts said that although judging from the official number of new daily confirmed cases, there seems to be some "optimistic" signals in the development of the epidemic in Greece. But beware that the data of recent days do not reflect the real situation of the outbreak.

The fourth vaccine platform will be opened

Marios Xicostoklis, Secretary General of Primary Care of the Greek Ministry of Health, announced at the outbreak conference held on the 17th that the fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccination platform for immunocompromised people will be opened on January 20. Eligible individuals can make an appointment online through the internet.

Specifically, these groups include: patients with hematological and oncological diseases who are being treated, those who use immunosuppressive drugs, those who receive organ transplants, and those with rheumatic diseases or kidney failure. Such people can receive a fourth dose of the vaccine 3 months after the third dose of vaccination. In addition, the authorities have created a special platform through which residents of the country's 26 smallest islands can schedule vaccinations for their children on specific dates.

As for Greece's vaccination rates, Khimistoklis said more than 7.625 million people have been vaccinated with at least one dose so far, which is equivalent to 82.6 percent of the country's adult population (or 72.6 percent of the total population).

Another former prime minister was confirmed

Former Greek Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis announced through his office on the 18th that his new crown test results were positive.

Karamanlis allegedly developed only mild symptoms after infection. In addition, he has been fully vaccinated before.

Next he will quarantine and telecommute according to hygiene rules. It is worth noting that samaras and Tsipras, two former prime ministers, also announced the diagnosis of new crown on the 7th and 9th of this month, respectively.

The true daily increase in cases is about 40,000

Nix Zanakis, a professor of pulmonology at the University of Crete, said in an interview with Skai TV a few days ago that although judging from the official number of new confirmed cases of new coronavirus every day, it seems that there are some "optimistic" signals in the development of the epidemic in Greece. But beware that the data of recent days do not reflect the real situation of the outbreak.

He stressed: "Through a large number of tests during the Christmas and New Year holidays, we learned a more accurate number of cases. But testing efforts are much lower at this stage, in part because many people are asymptomatic and therefore not tested for the virus. This led to a significant decrease in the number of cases in the final count compared to before. ”

He estimates that the number of new real infections in Greece is currently about 40,000 to 45,000 per day. He also called on the public to strengthen self-testing so that cases of infection can be detected more and more on the ground.

On the evening of January 18, local time, the Greek national public health organization announced that there were 23,340 new cases of new coronavirus patients in Greece in the past 24 hours, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases 1703396. There were 106 new deaths on the same day, with a cumulative total of 22,197 deaths. (Cai Ling)

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