
How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

author:The land of China has become famous

On that day, there were waves within the company. The originally majestic superior, at this moment, greeted a young man with a smile and bowed frequently. This "big man" is actually our sales champion - Wang Lei. With confident steps, he entered the president's office to guide the future of the company. I followed suit, and the sight gave me a whole new perspective on the workplace.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

Wang Lei is not a "good employee" in the traditional sense of the company. He was often the last to arrive at the company, but he never missed work; During the meeting, he answered the phone, and his boss never objected. What's even more surprising is that he even dares to occupy the parking space of the general manager, and when he has a hangover, his boss will serve him sobering soup. All this because he can create great value for the company. It is said that more than 90% of the company's sales are attributed to him alone.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

However, when Wang Lei tendered his resignation due to dissatisfaction with the company's benefits, the company fell into chaos. In order to retain this "God of Wealth", the company's boss revised the reward plan overnight and promised to equip him with exclusive drivers and assistants. This move made Wang Lei stay, and it also made me realize that the real workplace heroes are those who can create great value for the company.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

In the process of observing Wang Lei, I found that he is not only concerned with personal interests. Although he has an arrogant attitude towards his superiors, he is very friendly to ordinary employees. He often treats guests to dinner and helps new employees solve their work problems. This leadership style made me respect him.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

Wang Lei's success is not accidental. With his excellent sales ability and rich experience, he has won the trust and support of customers. Under his leadership, the company's performance has continued to climb, and he has reaped the rewards for it. However, instead of being complacent, he worked harder to create more value for the company.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

Wang Lei's story made me realize that success in the workplace is not easy. We need to have excellent professional competence, hard work and team spirit. Only in this way can we establish ourselves and succeed in the workplace.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

At the same time, Wang Lei's story also reminds us that we should remain calm and confident when facing challenges in the workplace. Don't hold back or give up because of difficulties, face them bravely and seek solutions. Only in this way can we continue to grow and achieve greater things in the workplace.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

In my opinion, Wang Lei's "arrogance" is not showing off or arrogance, but self-confidence in his own abilities and love for his work. His success did not happen overnight, but was achieved through a long period of hard work and accumulation. Therefore, we should learn from Wang Lei from his professionalism and professionalism, and strive to improve our abilities and qualities to meet the challenges of the workplace.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

In addition, Wang Lei's story also tells us an important truth: teamwork is the key to success. No matter how strong one person is, he can't do everything, and he needs to rely on the strength of the team to complete the task together. Therefore, we should focus on the cultivation of teamwork and communication skills in order to better collaborate with colleagues and complete tasks together.

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me

In short, Wang Lei's story made me deeply realize that the secret of success in the workplace lies in excellent professional ability, unremitting hard work and team spirit. We should learn from him and strive to improve our abilities and qualities to meet the challenges of the workplace. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the cultivation of teamwork and communication skills, so as to better collaborate with colleagues and complete tasks together. In the future career, we will continue to pursue progress and growth, and strive to achieve our dreams!

How "arrogant" can the sales crown be in the company? Netizen: The boss called big brother nb666 in front of me