
The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

author:3,000 years in length

She is known as the "first female spy in the Far East", playing both a rich wife and a peasant woman, she can be a big lady who is high up, or she can be a woman who is low to the dust.

As long as she wants to disguise, there is no identity that cannot be disguised.

Wearing a camouflage mask, she toyed with the enemy in the palm of her hand, quietly passed on the enemy's intelligence to the organization, and made a great contribution to the intelligence work of our Party.

However, it was such a great pioneer of the CCP's international agents and the first female spy in the Far East, but she died in the cold Siberia, and some countries could not return.

So, what really happened back then? Who was this female spy and why did she die in Siberia?

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Wu Xianqing

The heroine of the story, named Wu Xianqing, was just an ordinary student before becoming a spy, and when she was in school, her favorite thing to read was martial arts novels.

She was born in 1904, when foreign imperialism invaded the land of China, she grew up step by step, and also witnessed the earth-shaking changes in Chinese society step by step, the fall of the Qing government, and the founding of the Communist Party...

In this turbulent era, the social order is chaotic, Wu Xianqing's most envious is the great heroes who can do martial arts in the book, these heroes can do heroic deeds and righteousness, and beat the bad guys away, she also wants to be like these heroes, maintain social stability, and beat these bad people away.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that she will later choose to engage in underground work in the party, become the first female spy in the Far East, and become a knife inserted in the heart of the enemy.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Wu Xianqing has a strong sense of justice, she is jealous and hateful, in her view, right is right, wrong is wrong.

When the May Fourth Movement broke out in 1919, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions where Wu Xianqing was located were also drowned by the tide of movement.

When Wu Xianqing learned that the diplomacy of the Paris Peace Conference had failed and that Japan would inherit Germany's privileges in Shandong, patriotic sentiments surged into his heart, and he only felt the great injustice.

So she organized her classmates to participate in the May Fourth Patriotic Movement, and on May 12, students from various schools in Hangzhou, about 3,000 people, gathered in a park near Hangzhou's West Lake for a meeting.

Wu Xianqing stood in the center of the students, making an impassioned speech, she said loudly: "Students, foreign struggle for national rights, internal removal of national thieves, this is an epoch-making movement, we as Chinese, we should use our most powerful actions to fight imperialism to the end, cast our patriotic enthusiasm, into a sharp sword, and fight to the death to resist!" ”

After speaking, there was a warm cheer and applause on the field, after which Wu Xianqing and his classmates held up the flag, shouted slogans, and wandered the streets and alleys.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Of course, this move of hers also annoyed the school, which regarded her as a "noisy movement and did not abide by school rules", punished Wu Xianqing, let her postpone her graduation, and punished her to stay in school to raise silkworms in the spring and summer.

Despite the punishment, Wu Xianqing still has no regrets, in her view, people live a lifetime is to have a clear conscience, at the time of national crisis, she would rather stand up and carry the banner and die, rather than hide behind and live.

At the same time, Wu Xianqing's excellent performance has also been seen by the CCP, and Wu Xianqing also recognizes the concept of the Communist Party, believing that only the Communist Party is China's savior.

In January 1924, Wu Xianqing joined the Communist Party of China, and her introducer to the party was Xu Meikun, the first party member in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions of the Communist Party of China.

In the same year, Wu Xianqing became acquainted with Xuan Zhonghua, a famous student movement leader in Hangzhou, and the two had common revolutionary ideas and common hobbies, so the two like-minded people quickly established a romantic relationship and soon married a revolutionary couple.

After getting married, Wu Xianqing came to Shanghai to work, teaching at the Xiaoshadu Workers' School, where in addition to teaching, she was also responsible for the local women's movement.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Shanghai in the old society was the gathering place of major foreign forces, bustling, drunken and gold fans... The forces here are intertwined and complex, and it is obviously very difficult to carry out the revolutionary cause here.

At that time, the patrol house patrol police in Shanghai patrolled the streets and alleys every day in order to arrest ccp members engaged in revolutionary propaganda in Shanghai, and as long as they were caught, they would involuntarily arrest you, or coerce and induce, or torture, and they always had various ways to make you open your mouth.

It was in such a difficult situation that Wu Xianqing engaged in labor movement activities, which can be described as dangerous and life-threatening at all times.

Once, after Wu Xianqing disguised himself, he took the leaflet and distributed it on the street as usual, who knew that not long after the leaflet was distributed, he was caught by the people who patrolled the room, and when he was taken to the interrogation room of the patrol room for questioning, Wu Xianqing's face did not change color and asked: "I am a person who has passed by, why did you arrest me?" ”

"Someone saw you handing out flyers."

"What evidence do you have?"

The leaflets have been distributed, and Wu Xianqing's body cannot find any evidence at all, and she is also confident in saying this.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

"Are you people who patrol the houses like this to arrest people indiscriminately, and you are not afraid of the jokes of the people in Shanghai when you say them?"

"You Hugh is going to argue!"


In the end, because Wu Xianqing insisted that she was a passerby, and the patrol room could not produce evidence, the patrol room could only let her go without reason.

After this, Wu Xianqing organized a number of workers' movements, and she was not afraid of life and death, risked her life, fought with the local patrol police, and made great contributions to the party's early revolutionary movement in Shanghai.

Because of her outstanding performance, the Shanghai District Committee of the Communist Party of China designated her and four comrades as members of the Women's Committee of the District Committee, and in the winter of early 1925, sent her to study at the Oriental University in Moscow.

However, during the period when Wu Xianqing went to Moscow for further study, bad news came that her husband Xuan Zhonghua was brutally killed by the right wing of the Kuomintang after the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup and died in Shanghai Longhua Prison.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Just when many people thought that Wu Xianqing would be devastated by this and interrupt his revolutionary career, they did not think that Wu Xianqing would turn his grief and indignation into a driving force, study harder, and achieve rapid progress.

At that time, what Wu Xianqing had in mind was: I swear to die to avenge my dead husband, and I must not fall!

During that time when she was devastated, in addition to learning to be able to talk to comfort her soul, there was a special person who broke into her heart and gave her great encouragement.

This special person is Liu Ding, secretary of the Youth League of the German Branch of the General Branch of the Communist Party of China in Europe, secretary of the General Branch of the Party of the Eastern University, and secretary of the China Branch.

He and Wu Xianqing were classmates of the Moscow Oriental University, and they had spent their young studies on the shores of West Lake, so there were many common topics between the two.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Liu Ding

One sunny afternoon, Liu Ding remembered that something was pulled in the classroom, he hurriedly walked in the corridor, inadvertently glanced at Wu Xianqing in the classroom.

What a scene it was, the sunlight filtered through the window on her face, suddenly, she looked up slightly at the window, the wind blew, disrupting her hair, and also disrupting Liu Ding's heart.

Liu Ding walked into the classroom and took the initiative to talk to her, after understanding, Liu Ding learned that this beautiful and moving woman was named Wu Xianqing, and like him, she was also studying on the shore of Xizi Lake, and more coincidentally, the two joined the Chinese Communist Party in the same year.

Because of their common revolutionary ideas and similar experiences, the two of them often forget the time when they talk, and the conversation is for several hours.

For Wu Xianqing, during this time, Liu Ding is like a light in her heart, encouraging her, accompanying her, giving her great encouragement, allowing her to walk out of the previous marriage and face life again.

In this way, the two admired each other, fellowshiped with each other, and soon established a romantic relationship, and entered the marriage hall, in the winter of 1927, married in Moscow, shortly after marriage, Wu Xianqing gave birth to a son, the two encouraged each other to learn on the Soviet side, and became the envy of everyone.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

At the end of 1929, according to the instructions of the party organization, the husband and wife returned to China to work, and before leaving, the two sent their one-year-old son to the Moscow International Children's Hospital, where they could live away from the war, while they secretly returned to Shanghai from the Far East through Dalian and Tianjin.

After coming to Shanghai, Liu Ding was appointed deputy chief of the Central Special Branch Intelligence Section, and Wu Xianqing was also transferred to the Special Branch in 1930 and became an intelligence worker under her husband.

At that time, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a task to the special section personnel to investigate the military, political, and economic situation of the foreign powers and the Kuomintang in Shanghai in a short period of time.

This task seems simple, but it is an extremely complex task, in order to thoroughly investigate the strength of foreign powers and the Kuomintang, it is necessary to install eyeliner in all walks of life in Shanghai, and it is best to blend in with the inside, in order to more accurately spy on the news.

At that time, Liu Ding took several special branch personnel, disguised as journalists, boatmen, contractors and other personnel of various identities, early out and late return, running around on the beach, often until midnight to go home, for safety, sometimes tracked, even home can not return home, had to spend the night outside.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

In order to detect comprehensive intelligence, Liu Ding carried out a meticulous arrangement.

There are no other ships to dock next to the warship, but there is one exception, that is, long-distance ships.

Long-distance ships can pass nearby, in order to clarify the gun positions and other arrangements on the warship, Liu Ding spent a lot of money to hire a foreign merchant ship, and led people disguised as traders, under the banner of going to the mouth of the Yangtze River to sell goods, passing by the warship with a big swing, and secretly keeping in mind the arrangements on the general ship, and when the operation was over, he drew a sketch of all the arrangements on the warship.

In order to understand the number of garrisons in the barracks, Liu Ding thought of a clever trick, that is, to speculate on the number of people based on the type and quantity of food brought in every day. To this end, Liu Ding deliberately sent people to set up a stall at the entrance of the barracks to sell food, observe the daily entry and exit, and buy food, thus inferring the number of garrisons in the barracks.

In addition, the most difficult to understand, when counting the number of prisoners held in the prison, Liu Ding knows very well that the prison is not a place that ordinary people can enter with ordinary means, but must use special means.

So, Liu Ding disguised himself as a hooligan, in a place where fish and dragons were mixed, asking around where he could overlook the prison panorama, and finally, a hired hooligan led the way, took Liu Ding and them to climb to the roof of a church, standing on this roof, and could overlook the panorama at a glance, Liu Ding drew a sketch of the entire roof ridge of the prison, and through the insertion of eyeliner or bribery, to learn about the situation from the prison, so as to speculate on the number of prisoners in the entire prison.

The above is only part of what Liu Ding did to spy on intelligence, and I will not give examples one by one.

Through his efforts, in less than half a year, the task of spying on the intelligence of foreign countries and Kuomintang forces was successfully completed, and when Liu Bocheng, chief of staff of the Central Military Commission, received a large amount of news from his spying, he also praised him with praise: "The set of materials prepared in Shanghai for the Lisan Line riots is really not simple!" ”

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

The image comes from the Internet

After talking about Wu Xianqing's husband, we turn our attention to Wu Xianqing himself, after being transferred to the special branch, Wu Xianqing was mainly responsible for underground traffic work under the leadership of Chen Geng and her husband Liu Ding.

In order to complete the organizational tasks and obtain intelligence, Wu Xianqing used his superb makeup skills, often dressed up as ugly, dressed as a peasant woman selling fruit, and so on, shuttled through the streets of Shanghai, doing things under the eyes of Kuomintang agents.

Of course, playing ugly requires Wu Xianqing to deliberately put on makeup, but if it is to dress up beautifully, there is no need to deliberately put on makeup.

In order to establish a relationship with Chen Baohua, commissioner of the Kuomintang Social Investigation Office, and to build social relations with important military and political figures of the Kuomintang, Wu Xianqing, with Chen Geng's consent, set up a secret contact point of Teko on the upper floor of the monthly distribution office of "New Life".

The reason why she chose this place was because her brother served as the general affairs director of "New Life", and "New Life" was a monthly magazine founded by the Shanghai Kuomintang, and her brother was also engaged in underground work like her, and her brother could become the director of general affairs, which was recommended by Chen Baohua, commissioner of the Kuomintang Social Investigation Office.

In this way, in order to be able to hook up with Chen Baohua, Wu Xianqing befriended more Kuomintang military and political leaders, established social relations to spy on intelligence, and began to appear in front of them as a noble lady.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

In order to fit the image of the noble lady, Wu Xianqing permed the most popular perm at that time, decorated his body with expensive jewelry, and wore a proper qipao, revealing the luxurious temperament of the upper class in every move.

Through the introduction of his brother, Wu Xianqing successfully hooked up with Chen Baohua, Chen Baohua looked at this graceful and luxurious woman, and was instantly fascinated, taking Wu Xianqing to attend many cocktail parties and dances, and also allowing her to make friends with many important military and political figures of the Kuomintang, especially the "Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions".

Among these Kuomintang military and political leaders, Wu Xianqing found a lot of useful information, such as where the arrested CCP personnel were detained, who had defected, and how the Kuomintang would deal with them.

It is worth mentioning that during this period, Wu Xianqing also used his social relations to obtain a batch of arms for the He Long troops in western Hunan and Hubei.

I really have to admire her social skills, and the means of hiding the sky and doing things under the eyes of the Kuomintang agents.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

Because of her excellent professional ability, in March 1933, the central government transferred Wu Xianqing out of Teko and let her work in the Far East Intelligence Bureau of the Communist International as the head of the spy team.

In order to establish a larger intelligence network, she chose her residence next door to the home of Min Hongen, the director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau of the Kuomintang.

Chen Baohua and his wife, who had been good friends with her, often came to her house as a guest, so that the director Ofe Min Hong'en thought that he was a big person who had moved in, and when he went out to meet, he also took the initiative to greet Wu Xianqing.

In this way, the news that "the director of the public security bureau has moved to a mysterious neighbor, and even the director of the bureau must greet and offer courtesy" spread all over the shanghai beach, and some curious important figures of the Kuomintang and the concession authorities took the initiative to make friends with him.

With the increasing number of high-ranking officials and nobles who have befriended, this intelligence network has also been formed more and more, and Wu Xianqing has obtained more and more important information, but at the same time, the risk of her exposure is also increasing.

The first female spy in the Far East, the pioneer of the CCP's international agents, he Xiangyu died in the cold Siberia

In June 1935, Wu Xianqing, who was sent to work in Tokyo, Japan, returned to Shanghai because his identity was exposed.

After that, for her safety, the CCP organization sent her to study at the Marxist-Leninist Academy in Moscow, soviet Union, in September.

Unfortunately, because Wu Xianqing had been to Japan to work before, she was convicted of being a "Japanese spy" by Soviet officers, and in 1937, when the Soviet Union was in the stage of repression and expansion, those Soviet officers did not listen to her explanations at all, and exiled her to Siberia for hard labor without any evidence.

At temperatures of more than ten degrees below zero, she was driven to work as a coolie, and the suffering was unimaginable.

What is even more sad is that after the Soviet authorities exiled her to Siberia, they were still uneasy and worried that she was a real Japanese spy, so they secretly shot Wu Xianqing.

After many years of the crime of "Japanese espionage", the state clarified the historical facts.

Today, looking through historical archives, we can see the words "sacrifice in the line of duty" in document No. 66 of the Preferential Care Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China in 1984.

Finally, let's pay tribute to the heroes of the hidden front! Without their sacrifice, where there is a peaceful life today, heroes for eternity, and eternal hearts!

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