
CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

author:Xiao Xu talks about the past and the present
CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker
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CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

In 1999, an unexpected weather change occurred in northern China, when the forecast storm turned into a snowstorm that was flying all over the sky. This mistake instantly pushed CCTV weather forecast host Song Yingjie to the forefront.

However, another astonishing fact that followed sparked heated discussions across the country: this "old face" who has been standing in front of the screen for nearly 30 years is just a "temporary worker" of CCTV.

What's the story behind this? Why would a senior meteorologist remain a "temporary worker" for a long time? Song Yingjie's experience is far more tortuous and bizarre than the audience imagined.

Let's unveil the mystery behind this "most unreliable" host and explore his legendary road from Shenyang, Liaoning to CCTV studio.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

Song Yingjie's story starts in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province in 1965. In this ordinary family, the young Song Yingjie showed an unusual interest in weather changes.

Whenever the sound of the weather forecast came out on the radio, Xiao Song Yingjie always listened attentively, and his dark eyes flashed with the light of curiosity.

"Mom, why does Uncle Announcer know if it's going to rain tomorrow?" This seemingly simple question has become the driving force behind Song Yingjie's future life.

His mother often smiled and patted his head, encouraging him to continue exploring this unknown territory.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

As he grew older, Song Yingjie's love for meteorology grew stronger. At school, he was often an active member of the meteorological team, often leading his classmates to observe cloud changes and record daily temperatures.

This persistent enthusiasm has laid a solid foundation for his future studies and career.

In 1984, with enthusiasm for meteorology, Song Yingjie was admitted to the Beijing Institute of Meteorology with excellent results. Faced with many professional choices, he did not hesitate to choose weather dynamics as his main direction.

"It's the bridge to my dreams," he wrote in his diary, his tone full of determination and anticipation.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

During his college years, Song Yingjie was like a fish in water, immersed in the vast ocean of meteorological knowledge. He often stayed up all night, delving into various weather models to answer his childhood puzzles.

The library and laboratory became his most frequent haunts, and his classmates jokingly called him a "weather idiot".

"I finally understood the mystery of the weather forecast," Song Yingjie excitedly said to his roommate one day, "It's much more complicated and interesting than I thought."

His eyes shone with wisdom, as if he had seen the infinite possibilities of the future.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

Time flies by in college, Song Yingjie graduated with honors, and was immediately assigned to work at the Central Meteorological Observatory. Standing on the lookout of the weather observatory and looking at the vast sky, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to his childhood dream.

Every accurate weather forecast makes him feel extremely proud and gratified.

However, life is always full of surprises. Just when Song Yingjie thought he was going to show his strength at the Central Meteorological Observatory, an unexpected decision disrupted his plans.

The gears of fate began to turn, propelling him to a whole new stage in life. But no matter how the future changes, the dream of the little boy who is curious about the weather will always burn in Song Yingjie's heart.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

Just as Song Yingjie was emerging at the Central Meteorological Observatory and immersed in the joy of realizing his childhood dream, a piece of paper was like a bolt from the blue, completely disrupting his career plan.

The organization decided to send him to remote villages to teach and participate in the construction of grassroots education. This decision put Song Yingjie in a deep contradiction.

"Should I stay at the Meteorological Observatory to continue my research, or should I submit to the organization?" He asked himself repeatedly. In the dead of night, Song Yingjie often stood in front of the window, looking at the starry sky and meditating.

On the one hand, he was unwilling to give up the meteorological career he had fought for for many years; On the other hand, as a young party member, he is well aware of the social responsibility on his shoulders.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

After a fierce ideological struggle, Song Yingjie finally chose to obey the organizational arrangement. "Maybe this is a rare opportunity for me to experience grassroots life firsthand," he wrote in his diary, with both reluctance and anticipation of the unknown.

On the first day he came to the village, Song Yingjie was shocked by the scene in front of him. The classrooms are simple, with dilapidated desks and chairs, but the children's eyes are extraordinarily bright with a thirst for knowledge.

At this moment, he suddenly realized how important his mission was.

"I haven't started a family yet, I'm alone, and I don't have anything to worry about here, so it's really good to live like this!" Song Yingjie wrote in a letter to a friend, his tone full of enthusiasm and anticipation for his new life.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

In his days in the countryside, Song Yingjie not only taught the children the basics, but also often explained meteorological knowledge to them. He was relieved to see the children's expressions of surprise as they understood the weather.

This sense of accomplishment in bringing his expertise to the public was something he had never experienced when he was working at the Meteorological Observatory.

Gradually, Song Yingjie found himself enjoying this life of teaching and educating people more and more. He began to think about how to translate complex meteorological knowledge into easy-to-understand content, so that more people could understand the subject.

This experience not only did not turn him away from a career in meteorology, but instead gave him a new understanding and enthusiasm for the dissemination of meteorological science.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

However, just when Song Yingjie devoted himself to teaching and thought that he would take root in the countryside, fate once again extended an unexpected olive branch to him. An opportunity that will completely change the course of his life is looming.

In 1993, CCTV was preparing a new weather forecasting program. They need a moderator who understands both professional knowledge and is accessible to the public.

Through the recommendation of Song Yingjie's leadership, his name appeared on CCTV's shortlist.

When CCTV's invitation called, Song Yingjie, who was teaching in the countryside, hesitated. "I'm a researcher, not a host," he muttered to himself, frowning.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

In the face of CCTV's warm invitation, Song Yingjie declined many times. "I didn't want to leave here, I wanted to be able to continue to delve into the weather, and I didn't think I was the right person to be the moderator.

He expressed his thoughts sincerely.

However, CCTV did not give up. What they value is Song Yingjie's solid professional foundation and unpretentious temperament.

This proposal made Song Yingjie waver. He began to think that maybe this was a great opportunity to spread the knowledge of meteorology to more people. After careful consideration, Song Yingjie finally nodded and agreed, and joined the CCTV weather forecast program as a "temporary worker".

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

And just like that, he embarked on a path he never expected.

Facing the camera for the first time, Song Yingjie was so nervous that his palms were sweating, but he didn't know how to speak when the words came to his mouth. But instead of giving up, he used every free minute to practice repeatedly in the empty studio.

He mimicked the expression and tone of the professional presenter in the mirror, trying to overcome his nervousness and jerkiness.

Slowly, Song Yingjie found that his professional knowledge was the biggest advantage. "How to explain complex meteorological phenomena in simple language?" This question became the focus of his daily thinking.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

He began to study how to translate esoteric meteorological theories into easy-to-understand explanations.

Song's hard work quickly paid off. The audience was captivated by his unpretentious broadcasting style, and his in-depth explanation of meteorological knowledge in simple terms also won wide acclaim.

The weather forecast program has been given a new lease of life under his auspices, and the ratings have been climbing.

Despite his success, Song Yingjie still maintains his status as a "temporary worker". This special arrangement allowed him to find a balance between presiding over his work and meteorological research.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

He often said: "I'm not here to be a star, I just want more people to know about meteorology."

In this way, Song Yingjie has been working as a "temporary worker" for nearly 30 years. He used his professional knowledge and professionalism to turn an ordinary weather forecast program into a popular science column loved by the audience.

Although his status is special, his enthusiasm and sense of responsibility for his work are not inferior to that of any regular employee.

With the passage of time, Song Yingjie's performance in CCTV has become better and better. However, the forecast mistake in 1999 made him feel the pressure of public opinion for the first time.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

The forecast storm turned into a goose feather snow, a mistake that put him on the cusp. In the face of overwhelming criticism, Song Yingjie did not choose to defend himself, but sincerely apologized to the audience.

"As a meteorologist, I feel guilty. I will take this as a warning and work harder to provide more accurate weather information to the audience. He said this on the show, his tone full of apology and determination.

Far from bringing down Song Yingjie, this setback inspired him to be even more enthusiastic. He began to delve into the traditional Chinese solar term culture, trying to combine modern meteorology with traditional wisdom.

After unremitting efforts, he finally created the far-reaching "Twenty-four Solar Terms". This work not only shows his profound meteorological attainments, but also reflects his understanding and love for traditional culture.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

"Meteorology is not only science, but also culture." Song Yingjie often said this. His cross-border thinking has injected new vitality into weather forecasting programs and made him gain a higher reputation in the industry.

Just when his career was booming, Song Yingjie's personal life also ushered in a turning point. In 2000, at the 50th anniversary celebration of his alma mater, Beijing Institute of Meteorology, the 43-year-old met Liu Yan, a freshman who had just entered the school.

"The sun was so good that day," Song recalled years later, with a gentle glint in his eyes, "I saw her in the crowd at a glance, as if it was fate."

Despite the age difference of 12 years, this did not become a barrier between them. Song Yingjie became Liu Yan's mentor on the road to learning, and Liu Yan used her youthful vitality to add color to Song Yingjie's life.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

The relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper day and night.

In 2008, Song Yingjie and Liu Yan finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. Soon after their marriage, they welcomed their son and daughter and formed a happy family of four.

"Although I'm just a 'temporary worker,'" Song Yingjie often said to his wife with a smile, "but our happiness is 'long-lasting.'" This sentence not only expresses his cherishing of his family, but also reflects his humorous attitude towards his special identity.

In family life, Song Yingjie shows the same enthusiasm and sense of responsibility as at work. He struggled to balance his career and family, continuing to study meteorology while taking care of his family with all his heart.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

Under his influence, the two children also developed a keen interest in meteorological science.

In this way, the "temporary worker" host not only achieved success in his career, but also gained a happy family life. His story tells us that no matter what kind of position we are in, as long as we put our heart and soul into it, maintain our love and sense of responsibility for our work, we can create extraordinary value in the ordinary.

Looking back on his nearly 30-year hosting career, Song Yingjie said frankly: "I have never regarded this job as a simple part-time job, but poured all my passion into it. This sentence expresses the true meaning of his success.

From a meteorologist to a TV host, from a bachelor to the head of a happy family, Song Yingjie has written an extraordinary life legend in a seemingly ordinary "temporary worker" position.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

His story teaches us that it is not the title that defines a person's worth, but how a person interprets their role.

Song Yingjie used his own experience to prove that even a "temporary worker" can create outstanding achievements in an ordinary position. He integrates his love of meteorology into his work, serves the public with his professional knowledge, and realizes his self-worth while disseminating scientific knowledge.

He often said: "Life is like the weather, unpredictable, but as long as we keep a sunny attitude, we will definitely see the rainbow after the rain." This is not only his understanding of meteorology, but also his interpretation of life.

Song Yingjie's story teaches us that no matter what position you are in, as long as you devote yourself wholeheartedly and maintain your love and sense of responsibility for your work, you can create extraordinary value in the ordinary.

CCTV Song Yingjie: He has been broadcasting weather forecasts for nearly 30 years, and he is actually a temporary worker

This may be the most precious life wisdom left to us by a "temporary worker".

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