
Foreign elderly people imitate famous paintings to take photos to make calendars

author:China Youth Network
Foreign elderly people imitate famous paintings to take photos to make calendars

According to the British "Metropolis Daily" reported on January 18, a foreign nursing home made a special calendar, they were inspired by the famous paintings, the elderly dressed as famous paintings in the characters taken into photos and used as the background of the calendar.

It is reported that the staff of a nursing institution in Oxfordshire, England, and the elderly living there jointly created a calendar for 2022, the background of the calendar is the elderly imitating the photos of world famous paintings, these classic paintings include "Virgin in Prayer" and "American Gothic". An elderly man who participated in the filming said: "My costume used a tablecloth and some fur, this is my second time participating, I really enjoyed the process. Victoria Davidson, event coordinator, added: "I was so impressed by the effect of the photos that came out, those who volunteered were so excited and couldn't wait to see what the photos looked like. We make props and costumes with our own equipment at home and we all enjoy the process. The photos aroused a lot of interest, so we decided to put them in the reception area, where everyone would stop and look at them as they passed by. ”

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