
Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

author:Rushing News
Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

Red as a red glow, as shy as a woman

I was accidentally fascinated by the color of this pink

Three highlights Take you to know Qingyong's genuine carmine glaze jar

There are no tricks

It's all about a good color

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

This carmine glazed jar

Straight mouth, plump shoulders, round belly, short hoop feet

It's a big apple

It is decorated without any patterns or patterns on its body

Elegant enough

Attention of the former retirees

The cheats for getting out of the circle are this pink "coat"

This "coat" also has a nice name, Carmine

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

The outer wall of the carmine glaze jar is carmine glaze

Ice cracks are faintly visible under the glaze

Spread out like leaf veins

The inside of the jar is white glaze

There is a week of blank space along the entrance

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

The bottom of the tank tire repair is neat and beautiful

White glaze is applied at the bottom

There is a blue and white color "Yongzheng year system of the Qing Dynasty"

The glaze of the carmine glaze jar is light and even

The glaze is delicate and delicate

It is a masterpiece of the Yongzheng period

From afar, it looks like a big, ripe apple

The key to the beauty of rouge

It turned out to be gold

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

Carmine glaze

It is a colorant with trace amounts of gold (Au).

It is a low-temperature red glaze made by roasting at about 800°C in the furnace

Because of the beauty of rouge, it is named carmine

It was created in the late Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty

During the Yongzheng period, the output was the largest and the quality was the most refined

Since this red material is transferred from Europe

Therefore, it is also called "magenta" and "magenta"

The West mostly calls it "rose red" and "rose red"

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

△ The left is a carmine ground enamel color flower pattern bowl, and the right is a carmine ground enamel color flower and bird pattern bowl. (Collection of the Palace Museum)

The color of carmine glaze is dark and light

The deep one is called "carmine purple" and the shallow one is called "rouge water"

Lighter than rouge water is called "light pink"

Features of carmine glaze

It is glazed lightly and brightly colored

It is one of the rare color glaze varieties of the Qing Dynasty

High saturation version

The most beautiful Chinese "porcelain" color

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

The glaze is covered on the surface of ceramic products

Colorless or tinted vitreous thin layer

Different glazes have different colors

The color of the glaze is called the glaze color

The glaze of porcelain began to be relatively simple

With the development of the porcelain industry and the progress of science and technology

Started by a kind of glazed plain porcelain

Developed to a variety of glazed colored porcelain

In the colorful world of porcelain

There are quite a few highly saturated colors

Let's take a look

Lang kiln red

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

△ Qinglang kiln red cylinder bottle. (Collection of Shenyang Palace Museum)

Lang kiln red glaze juice is thick and brightly colored

Irregular cow hair patterns are visible in deep red

"Bright as a mirror, moist as jade, red as blood"

That's what makes it special

Lang kiln red creation burned in the Qing Dynasty during the Kangxi period

It has a strong vitreous luster

It is in the precious copper red glaze of the mainland

One of the most vivid colors

Yellow glaze

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

△ Qing Yong genuine yellow glaze cup. (Collection of the Palace Museum)

Low-temperature yellow-glazed porcelain

It began in the Ming Dynasty

For court use only

Yellow-glazed porcelain is fired twice

First fired at high temperature into astringent tires or plain white porcelain

Then apply yellow glaze


Peacock green glaze

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

△ Clear peacock green glaze flower goose. (Collection of the Palace Museum)

Malachite green glaze is a kind of emerald green translucent color

A low-temperature glaze that resembles a peacock's feathers

Also known as jadeite glaze, Jicui glaze

It was first seen in the Cizhou kiln of the Song Dynasty

Copper is used as a colorant

There are two types of glazes: dark and light

During the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty

Peacock green glaze is extremely popular

The glaze may be dark and verdant or light and bright

Its glaze thickness is different

However, they are all finely fragmented

Chinese for the beauty of color

Have your own set of standards

Not too thick, too flowery, too full

A colorful world of glaze

It embodies the aesthetic concept of Chinese porcelain

It also carries Chinese porcelain to the prosperous scenery

Wenbo calendar丨No flowers and no patterns This can is out of the circle all thanks to a good color

Source丨CCTV News (The copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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