
How to be a reflective homeroom teacher?

author:Mies Zhang Film

Reading "Psychology Most Needed by Class Teachers" on January 19, 2022 has a feeling - how to be a reflective class teacher?

As class teachers, our words and deeds have a greater or lesser impact on students, so we must carefully handle every little thing. Daily reflection is essential.

How to be a reflective homeroom teacher?

Teachers teach with love

First, conceptual reflection. From educating children to "learn to survive" to educating children to "learn to care".

Second, the goal. Is our education for all children, is it focused on the child's innovative practical ability, and what will our students do in addition to "taking the test"?

Third: role reflection. From the reflection of the status of the main body of students, a new teacher positioning is obtained - teachers are the "companions" of students, which requires teachers to learn to listen, learn to trust, learn to establish an equal relationship with students, so that students can put down their defenses against teachers and do "kiss their teachers", and better achieve "believing in their ways" today. Only in this way can the subjective initiative of students be fully mobilized, and only when learners are aware of the purpose of learning can they generate a steady stream of internal driving force.

How to be a reflective homeroom teacher?

Love what you do

Fourth, reflect on words and deeds. As a class teacher, before cultivating students, you must be a model worthy of admiration in all aspects, because students are in a critical period of personality development, with strong imitation and teachership, so the importance of exemplary role is self-evident.

How to be a reflective homeroom teacher?

Learn together

Fifth, methodological reflection. In the process of chargé d'affaires, we should form a normal public opinion orientation by creating a class atmosphere. At the same time, timely guidance and education are given to students who have problems, and every word and deed of teachers should be based on caring for students, all for students, for all students, for all students.

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