
Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

author:Mr. Ark

On January 19, Miao Miao went online to post the daily life of a family of three, plain but warm.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

The small yogurt born in October 2020 is now 15 months old, but the volume is still relatively sparse. In order to let her daughter grow thick hair as soon as possible, Miao Miao bought her a special comb to massage her scalp, stimulate hair sacs, and the child's hair strands, which can be said to be meticulous.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

On the day when her daughter got married, Zheng Kai recreated the plot of combing her daughter's hair, probably with tears.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Little yogurt sat on her knees on the carpet eating fruit, and her own mini zhouzi, which is also a delicate pig girl today.

Zheng Kai leaned over and spoke cordially with her daughter, and Miao Miao predicted that the child would also be a big beauty of the water spirit in the future. This "also" word is used very well, Miao Miao should think that she is a "big beauty", so the word "also" is used in the child, which can be said to be "beautiful and self-aware", which is very good!

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Then Zheng Kai leaned down and kissed her daughter's cheek, but the body of the little yogurt tilted outward, which seemed to have some meaning of "dislike".

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Zheng Kai also photographed miao miao and her daughter's parent-child time. Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment early, let the little yogurt win on the starting line, and was also very careful in education.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Miao Miao rarely exposed her daughter's face, and the baby had already sprouted small baby teeth, and her smile at her father was very soft.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

The little princess has beautiful features, but just looking at her nose and mouth, it seems that she is still a little more like her father Zheng Kai.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

In the video, Miao Miao cooks for herself and Zheng Kai, slim is the finished product, basically cooked in the pot, stirring can be.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

When the two of them ate, they did not forget to hate each other, which was really a joyous enemy.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Finally, it was time for the daughter to eat, the little yogurt danced with the spoon, frowned and gritted its teeth, and the eccentric was very cute!

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai
Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Miao Miao last released vlog was a dozen days ago, the accompanying text said "re-send and forget", was corrected by Zheng Kai online, netizens called a little sweet, to know that the couple rarely interact online on weekdays.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

In the video, Miao Miao drinks coffee for Zheng Kai and is very thoughtful, and the chat on Zheng Kai's shoulder is very sticky. However, Zheng Kai was cold throughout the whole process, and did not show a smile, I don't know if there is any trouble.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

The two have been photographed going out shopping together, and Miao Miao also likes to put on her husband's shoulder, intimate like a conjoined baby.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

The couple settled in Shanghai, and in private they would occasionally take their babies to parties with Zhang Jincai Shaofen, Zou Shiming Ran Yingying, Chen Haomin Jiang Lisha and others, and their lives were quite fulfilling.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai
Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Many netizens complained that Miao Miao has no sense of enterprise, and she has just married when she becomes a girl, but in fact, Miao Miao is not small, she is 33 years old this year, and when she meets the right other half, she wants to get married, and it actually takes more courage to put down her career for the family.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Zheng Kai once thanked Miao Miao at the party for marrying himself, a good man who knows how to be grateful, he said that he owed Miao Miao a wedding and a diamond ring, and did not know when to make up.

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

Previously, the two replied tacitly in the running male program, revealing that they had a second child plan and wished the little yogurt to upgrade as a sister as soon as possible!

Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai
Miao Miao gave her daughter English enlightenment, predicting that she would be a big beauty in the future, and the baby would be lively and smile like Zheng Kai

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