
These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

author:Midnight Gallery

Unexpected ending + high IQ crime + multiple reversals!

Take you to a different movie viewing experience!

<h1>19. Don't Stop the Camera (2017</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts, a film crew is filming a rough zombie movie. Director Takayuki Nippori was dissatisfied with the acting skills of the heroine Matsumoto Fenghana, so he jumped like a thunderbolt and yelled. At the suggestion of the staff Member Qingmei, the crew temporarily stopped filming. Between breaks, Harumi tells Matsumoto and kazuaki Kamiya, the actor who plays the zombie, about the factory's horrific past during World War II. At this moment, an ominous loud noise suddenly came, and not long after, a staff member suddenly appeared as a zombie and began to bite the other crew members. The cast and crew fled, while the crazy director raised his camera and began filming the movie of his dreams. More than 30 minutes of bloody massacre, to everyone's surprise, this is not the whole of this horror movie!

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>20. The Tuner (2018</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

The blind pianist Akash earns money through private lectures in order to participate in international competitions. In fact, his eyes were completely normal, but he wanted to feel a different life in this way. Because of an accident, Akash met the beautiful girl Sophie. With excellent playing skills, Akash found a part-time job at a Western restaurant run by Sophie's father. His performance not only captivated the diners, but also captured Sophie's heart. One day, Akash accepted the invitation of the former movie star Plummer and came to the door to play a birthday celebration for the other party's wife, Simi, who knew but witnessed The body of Plummer lying in a pool of blood. A panicked Akash pretends to be calm, and although he has temporarily deceived Simi and his lover, his secret is slowly punctured.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>21. Mirage (2018</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

Nick, a young boy, witnesses a scene of his neighbor Angel killing his wife on a stormy night. During the chase with Angel, a car knocks Nick down, resulting in his death. Fast forward many years, and Vera and her husband David took their daughter to live in the house where Nick once lived.

One night when the lightning and thunder were thunderous, Vera accidentally saw Nick on TV, and to Vera's shock, she seemed to be able to talk to Nick 25 years ago through the TV. Under Vera's admonition, Nick is spared death, but past changes also implicate that Vera's life has changed dramatically. David was no longer Vera's husband, and their daughter naturally ceased to exist.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>22. Memories of Death (2006</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

In a closed factory that had stopped production, five men woke up from their coma, but they couldn't remember who they were or why they were here, the only thing that was clear was that they were trapped here, tied up, or injured, in a bad state. Meanwhile, the ransom handover process for a kidnapping case is underway, the gangsters rely on clever advance preparations to successfully get the money and escape, and the surveillance police quickly launch a pursuit. After searching for vague memory fragments and analysis, the five men in the factory roughly sorted out the current situation: two of the five people were kidnapped by Coase, the president of a company, Anderson, a colleague, and the other three were kidnappers, and the real Koos and McCann had to escape before the kidnappers who collected the money returned, otherwise they would face the danger of tearing up the tickets, but in the case of identity uncertainty, how easy is it for everyone to keep themselves safe?

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>23. "Trick the World JP" (Japanese drama) (2018</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

With the theme of "desire" and "money", the protagonist Tatsuko, who has strong leadership and concentration, genius and some natural talent, joins hands with the newcomer fraudster "Boku" and the experienced veteran fraudster Richard, and the three of them take the gorgeous world of finance, real estate, art, art, beauty and other industries as the stage, and carry out a magnificent and whimsical plan to deceive people full of desire.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>24. Very Sudden (1998</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

Three mainland mao thieves who went to Hong Kong robbed the gold shop during the day, encountered patrol police panic and fled, one of them fled into another gang of mainland gangsters who had been wanted by the police for a long time and equipped with powerful firepower to hide in the mansion, and then, the fate of the police serious crime team was accidentally implicated by these two gangs of gangsters, when they thought that the success of killing the bandits could relax the celebration, they ran into the two thieves who slipped through the net, and after a round of melee, things suddenly became very sudden.

And the love line that developed in parallel with the main line of the police and bandits came very suddenly. Zhong Jian and Li Sen, the cadres of the serious crime team, happened to meet the tea restaurant owner they knew before when they were handling the jinpu robbery, and everyone guessed and got a surprised answer after some speculation.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>25. "Manslaughter and Concealment of Heaven" (2015</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

Vijay and his wife Natini have been married for many years, raising their two daughters, Anju and Annu, and the family lives a quiet life with a true taste in the plain. One day, Aku goes to a camp and meets a boy named Sam, but what she doesn't know is that this seemingly polite boy will completely crush her life.

Sam, who had torn off his mask of hypocrisy, wanted to rape Anku, and in the midst of a fierce struggle to resist, Anku lost his hand and killed Sam. Vijay decides to step up to protect his innocent family, and as a child, he used what he learned from the movies to dispose of and bury Sam's body, but the police visit puts the family in crisis once again.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>26. "The Deception Stinks a Lot" (1988</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

Freddy and Lawrence are two playboys who have been wandering on the "jianghu" for many years, and their target is a lonely and golden single woman who profits from cheating on their feelings. In a sense, Freddy and Lawrence are also old peers, so the open struggle between them has never stopped.

A girl named Janet appears in front of two love con artists, and her beauty and sexiness quickly attract the attention of both. Targeting Janet, Freddy and Lawrence make a bet that whoever wins Janet's heart first will be the deserved female killer, and the two immediately take action. However, what the two never expected was that in this game, the development of the situation gradually fell out of their control.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

<h1>27. The Simpsons: A Long Day in The Nursery (2012</h1>).

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)

Early in the morning, Maggie is sent to the nursery, greeted by a series of high-tech devices, first layers of security checks, and then a new "child sorting" machine that can screen children's IQ, and Maggie is unfortunately assigned to the "ordinary area", distinguished from many children with scientific and artistic talents, and can only face a pile of old toys in a broken room. In the ordinary area, there is a boy with a particularly ferocious temperament, seeing the flying butterflies will be hammered to death, and Maggie is particularly fond of butterflies, she sees a series of processes in the book where the caterpillar changes from a cocoon to a butterfly, and begins to protect a cocoon that is about to mature, and is "hunted down" by the boy all the way, Maggie and he fight wits and courage, until the end of the day, Maggie came to pick her up, and it is also the moment when the butterfly breaks out of the cocoon.

These 27 movies, take you to a brainstorming, the movie is not finished, the reversal continues (3) 19."The Camera Does Not Stop" (2017) 20."The Tuner" (2018) 21."Mirage" (2018)22."DeadLy Memories"(2006)23."Trick the World JP(Japanese Drama)" (2018) 24."Very Sudden" (1998) 25."Manslaughter(2015)26."Trickster Stinks"(1988)27.《Fucking Bad Luck)(2018)27.《 The Simpsons: A Long Day in a Nursery (2012)