
To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

author:Single dog talk machine

We can recall, do we often lie in our daily lives?

American psychologist Robert Feldman once did a study and found that most people lie on average 4 times a day.

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

It also proves how common lying is in our daily lives.

Just like the usual girlfriend or wife's words "I'm okay" and "I'm fine", it is enough for us to pronounce a sentence of "break-up sentence" on a man, and the only way for a man to "reduce his sentence" is to actively admit his mistakes and learn to coax people.

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

Of course, in many cases, the consequences of lying may not be so simple and easy.

For example, in some cases, people can achieve the purpose of "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" by lying, but in modern times, everyone has a consensus that lying can actually be expressed at the physiological level, which also makes a series of modern lie detectors come into being.

How does the lie detector perform a lie detector?

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

In ancient times, there were actually more methods of lie detection, but they were relatively simple, and it was not very correct to judge whether a person had told the truth.

Like the European Mouth of Truth, putting your hand in it and lying about it doesn't really eat your hand.

The situation improved in the 1910s.

In 1915, an American psychologist William Marston believed that deceptive behavior was related to systolic blood pressure, so he developed a pulse manometer as a lie detector, but he was a bit "faceless", directly let people call him "lie detector daddy".

He said he was the first to invent a lie detector.

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

Perhaps stimulated by this "father", after a few years or so, a policeman named Larson "did not do the right thing", did the invention of things, combined physiology and criminal psychology to make a wearable device to detect blood and respiratory rate to achieve the purpose of polygraphy.

In recent years, polygraphs have been perfected, and polygraphers will not only record your breathing rate, blood pressure, pulse and sweat, but also be able to judge a series of physiological reactions through magnetic resonance imaging of the brain.

At the same time, the lie detector should also explore your life background, medical history, and daily follow-up;

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

The lie detector's question will even repeat the same question 3-4 times to see each change in the data.

So do you think you won't be able to pass the lie detector test in such a situation?

Don't worry.

How to pass the lie detector test?

To understand how the lie detector works, through the lie detector test, you need to do these 7 things

Whether you're lying or not, you're actually nervous before you take a lie detector test, but there are 7 tricks that can help you pass the lie detector test.

It is best to keep the physical state at the same level all the time, from the beginning of the lie detector to the end.

Take some time before answering any question.

Maintain the same breathing rate during the answer to the question and after the answer is over.

When answering questions, be firm and cooperative, but don't joke or be courteous.

Keep the answer as simple as possible and don't try to explain too much.

If you are accused of lying, do not lie about the accusation.

Practice ahead.

Of course, don't try to lie about things that harm the interests of others, don't try to lie about things that violate morality and the law;

On the other hand, creating a harmonious society requires people to maintain an honest attitude, but also pay attention to sincerity but not "too honesty".

Sometimes the truth is really hurtful, if you usually hurt your relationships because of telling the truth, then please shut up and do your own thing, because you hurt not only your own relationships, but also the hearts of others.

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