
Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

author:Li Huhu

In 2007, two major events occurred in the business community: Chen Xianggui, the chairman of Wanli Afforestation, was arrested, and Wanli Afforestation became a Wanli Pit man;

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

Wang Fengyou, chairman of Ant Force God, was also arrested, and more than 20 billion of the 1.2 million farmers were adrift.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

Before writing an article about Chen Xianggui, a friend left a message saying, and ant power god, I said to catch Ming Er I will write, the result was dragged on for two months, during which several people were quick to climb first, Wang Fengyou's little things have been pickpocketed, but today I still decided to write about the ant force god and Wang Fengyou's black owl jianghu road from another perspective.


Wang Fengyou, born in 1962, is a native of Fushun, Liaoning.

People who have experienced it know that in that era, there was no need for too high culture, as long as you dared to think and dare to do it, you would not be too poor, so Wang Fengyou began to open a flour mill when he was 19 years old, and built a building in the village for a few years.

In the following ten years, he went to Yingkou to cook cooked food, ran a slaughterhouse in Dalian, and drove a taxi company in Guangzhou, completing the primitive accumulation of capital.

In 1998, watching the three oral liquids in the market is very hot, Wang Fengyou returned to his hometown of Liaoning, established Dingxin Science and Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. in Shenyang, and also started a health care product business, and the registered capital of 30 million yuan really made him a breeze.

Wang Fengyou's Dingxin Industry mainly does ant breeding and develops ant liquor for sale.

The first few years to do tepid, known as ambitious Wang Fengyou anxious, but he is no longer the hairy boy of the year, ten years of going south to the north let him see a wide range of knowledge, after studying the success stories of the predecessors of health care products, in January 2003, he boldly made a decision: to expand the scale of production.

He increased the registered capital to 100 million, renamed the company Tony Shen Tianxi Group Co., Ltd., built a new workshop, bought an advanced production line, and looked like a modern science and technology enterprise.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

After building the hardware, he began to engage in software, Wang Fengyou was worthy of being a master of making up nonsense, and the ant force god was blown into the sky by him.

He made full use of a common phenomenon in our daily lives to expand, that is, ants can lift objects that are much heavier than themselves, so ants have an aphrodisiac effect and can enhance male abilities.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

Now I can't help but laugh three times, but if I go back to that time, I would believe it.

Ant Power God is made of blood red forest ants and thorny ants as raw materials, so it is particularly precious, which can improve immunity and enhance spiritual strength.

This primary school teacher only said half of the popular science knowledge, and we found the complete answer here in Wang Fengyou.

Subsequently, Wang Fengyou invited his good friend Zhao Benshan as a spokesman.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far
Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

At that time, the Internet was not yet developed, the annual Spring Festival Gala is still a must-see finale drama for everyone, Zhao Benshan will be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala every year, many middle-aged and elderly people guard the TV set, just to see Zhao Benshan's sketches, Zhao Benshan is people's favorite comedy star.

So during that time, as the "who uses who knows" advertisement spread throughout the streets, people's trust in the ant god was gradually established.

Wang Fengyou put a lot of advertisements on the TV station, this is not the end, I don't know if you have found that the TV series "Liu Laogen 2" starring Zhao Benshan, in which Fan Wei played the medicine box, he independently developed an aphrodisiac "Ant Powerful Pill", which not only has no side effects, but also is beneficial to the body.

And Fan Wei is also the spokesperson of the Ant Force God.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far
Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

It is difficult not to associate the two drugs inside and outside the play, and the credibility of the ant god is thus strengthened by the side.

After a series of operations, the ant force god became famous, everyone believed in the function of the ant force god to regulate male health, and the majority of men were even more hotly pursued.


With the help of the east wind of the ant god's great sale, Wang Fengyou did not know which high-ranking person had been instructed, and began to weave a new large net, extending the black hand god to the peasants who were planing food in the soil.

He used the excuse that the sales of Ant Lishen had soared, and he could not keep up with the demand by relying on his own breeding, and he also pretended to be a good person, saying that he was also from a peasant background, so he wanted to help the farmers in his hometown improve their living conditions, entrusted the farmers to breed ants, and let everyone get rich together.

But as soon as the conversation turned, he opened his mouth to ask for money, saying that my ant also costs it, don't you take the ants away, why don't you raise them well? So if you want to raise, the premise is to pay the deposit first, and when the ants are raised, the company will come to the door to recover, and then not only will the principal be returned to you, but also give you a high remuneration, invest 10,000 yuan, and you can earn more than 3,000 yuan a year.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

For this pie that fell from the sky, at first few people believed it, after all, taking out ten thousand yuan first is not a small amount, but there will be brave men under the heavy reward, and there will be the endorsement of Zhao Benshan, the spokesman of the peasants, so there are still people to try.

Even if only a few people tried, Wang Fengyou succeeded.

As the farmers who initially invested in Ant Li Shen got the returns, one pass ten, ten passed hundreds, more and more farmers joined, and at the peak, 1.2 million farmers joined.

Wang Fengyou has also won many honors for this: China's Top Ten Entrepreneurial Leaders, Moving Shenyang Charity Contribution Award, the Second Top Ten Newsmakers of China's Private Enterprises...

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

At his peak, Wang Fengyou also sold the ant god to the United States, but he forgot that the United States was Viagra's hometown.

In the United States, the ant force god is not god, and american experts have analyzed and concluded that the composition of the ant force god is sildenafil, that is, the basic component of Viagra.

The ant force god raw material incident was exposed in this way, and many people were very angry, and it turned out that the ant force god also harvested the IQ tax.

But there are also some people who feel that americans are envious, jealous and hateful, and deliberately smearing the ant power god, after all, there are also the endorsements of famous comedians Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei, how can there be a problem?

At that time, a lot of related news broke out, some people said that when the staff of ant power god came to the door to recycle ants, regardless of whether they were dead or alive, they received all the orders, and the farmers were secretly glad at that time, and now that they want to come, there must be something wrong inside.

Others said that when they saw the staff of the Ant Force God finish collecting the ants, they simply threw them away.

Although everyone had all kinds of doubts in their hearts, there were already many people who kept ants at that time. People have a herd mentality, and the herd mentality will make people lose awareness of danger, not to mention, there is also the temptation of high interests, so there are still many latecomers.

In fact, no matter how high the profit of Ant Li Shen is, it cannot support such a huge Ponzi scheme, and Wang Fengyou has been using the money of the latecomers to repay the security deposit and remuneration of the previous farmers.

He himself also gets 6 billion yuan in funds every year, which is more profitable than selling health care products.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far


All Ponzi scheme games will collapse sooner or later, and in August 2007, the capital chain of Ant Lishen began to break, and Wang Fengyou began to be unable to repay the farmer's deposit and remuneration.

On November 30, ant lishen group announced bankruptcy like lightning, in just 4 years, Wang Fengyou woven this big net, it will be 1.2 million farmers into the network, until the collapse of the ant lishen building, ant lishen 1500% asset-liability ratio, 788,000 contracts to be fulfilled, 22.833 billion to be returned to the deposit, people are shocked and feel extremely sad at the same time, at that time the farmers planting has not yet achieved mechanization, their money is all grain by grain sorghum, corn in exchange.

On March 17, 2011, at the Shenyang Intermediate People's Court, Wang Fengyou was sentenced to life in prison for contract fraud, his personal property confiscated, and 55 others were sentenced.

The farce of ant power god ended here.

In fact, whether it is the Great Afforestation of Wanli or the Ant Force God, many people are investing because they believe in the spokesperson, but the company has an accident, and the spokesperson has not made any statement, not even an apology, which makes the fans so sad.

Wang Fengyou, the boss of the ant force god at the bottom: defrauded 1.2 million farmers of more than 20 billion yuan, and the spokesperson has not apologized so far

Mouth full of ism, heart is full of business. Some people describe China's health care products this way, I think deeply, not much to say, open ending!!! Welcome friends to leave a message to talk about, time permitting, be sure to reply one by one!

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