
2022 Ant Forest and Shun Protectorate Question Answers How to tell if it is a female leopard or a male leopard?

author:Minnan Net

Presumably many friends have recently begun to play the ant forest patrol reserve, in the Heshun protected area, everyone will encounter 15 questions Oh, I don't know if you can answer all right? The following small editor brings: 2022 Ant Forest and Shun Protected Area Question Answers Complete Collection and Shun Protected Area Answers.

2022 Ant Forest and Shun Protected Area Questions Answers

1. Do we have any tips for identifying individuals?

Answer: Look for spots for special combinations to recognize.

Analysis: The special pattern of each leopard is like their two-dimensional code, which can play your imagination, as long as you can find this special shape in the same position, and then compare other patterns, you are not far from success! The average person will identify the male leopard M2 according to the gap in the left ear, and the old driver will look at the special pattern on its side.

2, on the patrol road, you met scientific researchers - they showed you pictures of the North China leopard. Based on the markings on both sides of the body of the North China leopard, can you tell that the North China leopard in the two pictures is the same?

Answer: Yes.

Analysis: This is a male leopard named M12, there is a four-toed "paw print" in the middle of the right body, each toe is pointed outward, and the part of the right hind leg near the tail has a set of "flowers" composed of a solid triangle surrounded by a styleless empty ellipse. It is a male leopard with potential, and it is constantly strengthening.

3, the captain and you go to the community to visit, you found that the community here rarely grows rice, wheat, but planted a lot of corn. The captain asks you, "Do you know why corn is grown in the communities around the Hoshun Protectorate?"

Answer: Cattle raising.

Analysis: Heshun is a big cattle county, cattle breeding is an important source of income for villagers, and the crops planted are mainly for the service of the breeding industry.

4. "Wow! What a beautiful leopard!" You are very excited to look at the infrared and photograph the North China leopard. The captain looked at it carefully and looked, "It's F7!" You asked the captain, how can you tell if it's a female leopard or a male leopard?

Answer: Female leopard.

2022 Ant Forest and Shun Protectorate Question Answers How to tell if it is a female leopard or a male leopard?

Analysis: The most direct way to distinguish the gender of leopards is to observe whether there are golden "egg eggs" under the tail, and the male leopard with eggs and the female leopard without eggs. At times of poor angle, long-term observers were able to judge gender through experiences such as walking posture.

5. On the patrol road, the captain told you that roe deer, wild boar and domestic cattle are all for the purpose of even hooves, but the footprints of domestic cattle are more numerous, so how to distinguish the footprints of roe deer and wild boars? Whose footprints are these?

Answer: It's roe deer footprints.

Analysis: This is the footprint of the roe deer, the footprint of the roe deer is narrower, the front end is more pointed, and the footprint of the wild boar is more rounded.

6. Listen to the volunteer introduction, there are many animals near the cat alliance base, can you identify how many visitors are visiting this map?

Answer: 4.

Analysis: There are four animals on the figure, namely left, middle, bottom right, and upper left, and the detailed location is shown in the following figure.

7. On the patrol road, the captain introduced you to the brown horse chicken in Shanxi, and you remembered the red-bellied golden chicken you had seen in Fushou. The captain asks you, if two animals appear at the same time, can you tell which is the brown horse chicken?

Answer: The one on the right.

Analysis: The brown horse chicken is thick brown, the head and neck are gray-black, the top of the head has crown-like short down black feathers, the face and cheeks are bare and featherless, bright red, and the tail is high and erect.

Heshun Protectorate Answers Full Edition Collection

8, on the patrol road you suddenly heard a "twittering" sound coming from under your feet, take a closer look, it turned out that yesterday's wind was too strong, and the birds that were originally in the nest fell to the ground. The captain asked, "Do you know what to do?"

Answer: Put it back in the nest.

Analysis: When encountering a bird that falls from the nest, the best thing to do is to put it back in the nest. The mother bird will take good care of the bird, and we do not understand its feeding habits, and the probability of not being able to feed is very high.

9, patrol the road, you see a pile of feces on the ground. The captain said it was leopard droppings. You're curious, how did you see that?

Answer: through the shape and the hairs inside.

Analysis: The leopard is a large carnivore, and the feces appear in a relatively thick strip, which contains some indigestible food residues, such as animal hair. Experienced rangers can even judge the physical condition of animals through feces.

10) You ask the captain, "Does every leopard have its own code name?" Settled individuals will have a fixed number, and wandering individuals will have a temporary number. The captain explained. You ask, "Why are we numbering them and figuring out which one?"

Answer: Studies are conducted on leopard populations.

Analysis: We can answer the most important question of "how many leopards are there" through the data identified by individuals, and then determine the ratio of resources according to the number. In addition, we can also learn about the activities of different individuals, habits, social relations and other important contents, which lay the foundation for conservation work.

11, on the patrol road, you see a big footprint excited, "Captain, this is the footprint of the leopard!" The captain asked you, "Look again, is this?"

Answer: Not the footprints of a leopard.

Analysis: This is the footprint of the dog, because the leopard is a feline, and will put away the paws when walking, so it will only leave the palm prints and will not leave the front pointed paw prints. This should be the footprints left by the dogs in the villagers' homes.

12. What should you do if you see a leopard in the distance on the patrol road?

Answer: Leave slowly.

Analysis: If you encounter a leopard during patrol, do not come close, just face it and leave slowly.

13. What should I do when I encounter a roe deer that has just been born and is lying in the grass?

Answer: Leave quickly and check it out later.

Analysis: Many animals, including roe deer, after the birth of the cubs, the mother does not take them with them to forage, but lets them hide in the grass. It's best to leave quickly, the roe deer mother will go back to find the child, and taking the small animal away is not in the rescue.

14, on the patrol road, you found that the mobile phone map held by the captain was very different, and it was three-dimensional. You're curious, what is this for?

Answer: It is convenient to select the point to specify the route.

Analysis: When selecting the installation point of the infrared camera, the terrain plays a big role. Animals always prefer to use some special terrain, and flat maps can not display this terrain information, this time the use of three-dimensional maps can help us more intuitively understand the situation and make judgments.

15. The captain shows you an old photograph of a stranger with a javelin and a hound. "These people are here to poach!" You said in surprise. "Do you know what to do if you meet them?"

Answer: Decisively call the police.

Analysis: Hunters generally hunt roe deer and wild boar, sell the fur and meat they obtain, and may also hunt leopards. "Wild animals have many pathogenic bacteria, do not eat them in shops selling wild animals, the best thing to do is to call the police immediately." The captain tells you.

That's all, more exciting, please continue to pay attention to Xiaobian.


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