
Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner

author:Rim secrets

【Tech Dogs】

A few days ago, at the Honda Hunting Light press conference, Yang Zhonghua, deputy director of Dongfeng Honda Sales Department, angrily reprimanded the domestic new energy brand.

Yang Zhonghua said that they are not responsible, cut through the mess quickly, compress the development cycle, lower quality standards, and are eager to put the assembled cars on the market, pass on the hidden dangers to users, and harvest leeks.

Refrigerators, color TVs, and large sofas are luxurious in places where you can see them, and cheap substitutions are used in places where you can't see them.

Yang Zhonghua also said that some brands started from scratch, playing capital operation, playing traffic, playing concepts, coaxing users, and passing the buck when the product went wrong, instead of seeking truth and pragmatically studying technology, they don't know that only original is down-to-earth.

However, netizens expressed different views on Yang Zhonghua's remarks:

"The fast iteration speed of domestic cars does not mean that they are irresponsible, and there is no shortage of tests that should be done."

"The joint venture car was the representative of cutting corners before, and dared to move the knife on safety, you forgot about the 'China Insurance Research Institute collided with a short A-pillar'."

"The refrigerator, color TV, and large sofa of domestic cars are cut leeks, is it true that the central control of the radio of Japanese cars that has not changed for thousands of years is down-to-earth."

What do you think about this?

Recently, Guan Haitao, CMO of ZEEKR Automobile, reposted a blogger's Weibo and said, "The value of the volume user is always the first." ”

So what's really going on? Judging from the video and chat records posted by the blogger, it was a very serious accident on the highway that was so tragic that the whole vehicle was directly scrapped.

The body of this ZEEKR 001 ZEEKR collapsed seriously, almost all the glass of the whole vehicle was shattered and fell, the right front wheel was lost, and the airbags were all popped out, and the right side remained slightly intact.

Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner
Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner
Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner
Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner

The owner of the car said in the group chat that he almost died, and praised the Krypton Zhenxing, although the vehicle was seriously damaged, but he was lucky not to be injured, and jumped out of the window directly. At the same time, it also said that the car was stuck under the big car and could not be dragged out at all, although the impact was serious, but the battery did not catch fire due to thermal runaway.

Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner
Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner

So how exactly did this incident happen? Combined with the video, some netizens deduced the general experience: there was rain at high speed that day, and the driver of ZEEKR 001 may have hit the tail of the truck in front of the right side when driving, resulting in loss of control, and then drilled the bottom of the car horizontally, due to the relatively high speed, it directly led to the scrapping of the vehicle.

I have to say that the driver of this ZEEKR 001 did have very good luck, and he was the only one in the car at that time, and he was finally spared, so when driving in rainy days, it is still necessary to drive slowly and cautiously.

Dongben's sales minister angrily sprayed domestic new energy, which caused heated discussions; ZEEKR 001 protects the lucky survival of the owner

Note: The above comprehensive information comes from Fast Technology

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