
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

author:Shangguan News

"The delay is too long, the rescue fails, I don't have a father."

On January 3, Xi'an netizen "Sunflower Flower" posted that his father suddenly suffered angina at noon on January 2, because many hospitals refused to diagnose and delayed the best treatment time, and finally unfortunately died, which quickly triggered heated discussions.

On January 13, a Weibo post of the netizen recorded the latest development of the incident.

The netizen said on Weibo that the matter has been investigated clearly, and the hospital has also apologized. "In terms of compensation, after consultation with the family, it was decided to donate part of the donation. I plan to donate 20 AEDs to Xi'an Metro in my dad's name. "After waiting for the epidemic to ease, we will consult with Xi'an Metro and the Red Cross to follow up on this matter."

Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

"I used to stand on the balcony and look out the window, thinking that this kind of good weather my dad would be good, and he liked to sit on the pony and bask in the sun and talk to people and brag. Now I only hope that the epidemic will end quickly, everyone is too tired to fight this battle, and all aspects are very hard and tired... After the epidemic is over, I will find a day when the sun is very big, and the weather is very good to pick up my father and let his old man go into the ground. @Sunflower Flower 00000 wrote.

China Youth Daily (ID: zqbcyol) noted that in the past half a month, @Sunflower 000000 updates on Weibo from time to time.

According to her, after the "refusal to diagnose incident" was exposed, some netizens sent words of encouragement, some netizens were willing to provide legal help, and some netizens directly transferred money and tip Weibo...

Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

In the face of netizens' tips, on January 7, @Sunflower 000000 said that it had turned off the tipping function. For the 635.11 yuan tip she has received, she has made up a part of the 1,000 yuan, and all of it has been donated to love lunch. "Those who love to go out love to return, and those who are blessed to come are blessed." I hope that this small move can accumulate some blessings for everyone who pays the reward. ”

Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

"Because I've been drenched in rain, I want to hold an umbrella for others." @Sunflower Flower 00000 words and actions, touched countless netizens ↓

Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

In the comment area, there are also few encouraging and comforting messages: "He just stepped out of time and slowly built into things around you" "Just a little bit, he can shine in the sunshine after unsealing"...

Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...
Her father died after being denied medical treatment, and now she has to "hold an umbrella" for others...

Xi'an opened a green channel for these patients

After the "refusal incident", on the afternoon of January 5, Xi'an City held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control, saying that no hospital should affect patients' medical treatment on the grounds of epidemic prevention and control. For patients with acute and critical illness, hemodialysis, tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and pregnant women, open service telephones, green channels, and provide diagnosis and treatment services.

On January 6, Xi'an epidemic prevention and control press conference introduced that patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease must seek medical treatment immediately if the following conditions occur, and call 120: The emergency channels of major hospitals are on standby for 24 hours.

First, sudden chest pain, suffocation, sweating, lasting 10 minutes can not be relieved, consider the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome, immediately dial 120, emergency medical treatment;

Second, heart failure manifestations such as dyspnea, inability to lie flat at night, and lower extremity edema require immediate medical treatment;

The third is headache and dizziness, irritability, accompanied by a significant increase in blood pressure (high pressure up to 180mmHg or more), consider hypertensive emergencies, if accompanied by numbness and weakness in one limb, consider cerebrovascular accident, need to seek medical treatment immediately;

Fourth, there is blackness, syncope, rapid or too slow heartbeat, less than 50 times, more than 120 times, need to seek medical attention immediately: the normal heart rate is 60-100 beats / min.

Pain and pain,

Can't let the tragedy happen again!

Column Editor-in-Chief: Gu Wanquan Text Editor: Yang Rong Title Image Source: Figure Worm Image Editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: China Youth Daily

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