
Today, the couple who have been together for 60 years can finally rest well...

author:Xinmin Network
Today, the couple who have been together for 60 years can finally rest well...

Photo courtesy of the interviewee (the same below)

This morning, Wu Mengchao and Wu Peiyu, who have been in love for 60 years, were buried together in the East Garden of Fushou Garden in Shanghai, the Fenghe Garden. The couple is a hepatobiliary specialist and an obstetrics and gynecologist. Daughter Wu Ling said with tears: "This place is very warm, I believe that the father who has worked hard all his life will be able to rest here!" ”

In 1941, he and she were classmates of the Affiliated Middle School of Tongji University in the suburbs of Kunming, and a hand-knitted sweater pulled into the distance between them; in 1943, they were both admitted to the medical school of Tongji University, only because she said that studying medicine is good, engineering construction is a contribution to the country, and studying medicine is more contributing to mankind. With the support and companionship of his lover, Wu Mengchao devoted his life to the medical cause of the motherland - establishing the discipline system of liver surgery in the mainland, still fighting under the shadowless lamp at the age of 97, and treating more than 16,000 patients with the main knife. On May 22, 2021, the 99-year-old Academician Wu Mengchao, the "Father of Chinese Liver Surgery", passed away. Previously, his wife, Professor Wu Peiyu, died on August 5, 2011 at the age of 89 due to ineffective medical treatment.

Today, the couple who have been together for 60 years can finally rest well...

"I am very fortunate that I had four choices at that time: choosing to return to China, my ideals have a deep soil; choosing to practice medicine, my pursuit has a platform for struggle; choosing to follow the party, my life has a lofty faith; choosing to join the army, I grew up with a great school." If there is any secret to success, I have taken the right path, it is the secret. At the scene of the memorial service, in the life movie that records Wu Mengchao's legendary life, Elder Wu looks back on his life in this way.

At the memorial service, the organizers used holograms to present The voice and smile of Elder Wu, reproduced Elder Wu's voice through technical means, and "dialogued in time and space" with his students, nurses, assistants and other people around him at the scene. When the light dimmed, a beam of light hit Professor Shen Feng of the Third Affiliated Hospital of the Naval Military Medical University——

"Shen Feng, how has it been lately, is there any good news in the discipline?" At this time, Elder Wu's voice came out. Hearing the teacher's voice, Shen Feng's eyes turned red. As a student of Wu Mengchao, Shen Feng has been focusing on the treatment of liver cancer in recent years. He said in a trembling voice: "The clinical research institute of our hospital was officially established on December 18 last year, which is a platform that integrates clinical treatment and research, and is the continuation and development of your hospital-institute integration model." Elder Wu, we will lay a solid foundation under your foundation, under the guidance of your scientific spirit, down-to-earth, conscientious, one by one to do a good job in clinical diagnosis and treatment and research, and strive to make achievements worthy of your concern and expectations! ”

"Casually, how is the hospital doing now, and how is the development of the new hospital in Anting?" I'd love to go back and have a look! Elder Wu's voice came out again. Anting New Hospital is the Anting Branch of the Third Affiliated Hospital of naval military medical university. As Wu Mengchao's secretary, Liu Liu, director of the Instrument Department of the Third Affiliated Hospital, casually shed tears and told everyone about Wu Lao's dream of pinning on the new hospital in Anting.

In the spring of 2006, Wu Mengchao, who was 84 years old at the time, and six other academicians submitted a report to the relevant ministries and commissions of the state: "We propose to take the spirit and operation mechanism of the 'two bombs and one satellite' and 'Shenzhou VI' as an example to form a liver cancer research cooperation group that breaks the boundaries of departments and disciplines..." That year, Wu Mengchao just won the country's highest science and technology award, becoming the first medical scientist to receive this honor. More than ten years later, lying on the hospital bed, Elder Wu is most concerned about the construction and development of the Anting Branch. He once said, "When I'm well, I'm going to live in the branch." ”

More than 20 representatives of the three generations of wu lao students of the old, middle and young generations lit candles in their hands in turn to send Wu Lao on his last journey. At this time, Wu Mengchao's voice came out again: "Children, there is no shortage of experts in this world, there is no lack of authority, what is lacking is a 'person' - a person who is willing to give himself out." When you help others, remember that medicine is sometimes exhausted, and only inexhaustible love can illuminate a suffering soul. ”

The commemorative bronze statues of Academician Wu Mengchao and Professor Wu Peiyu were also unveiled this morning. Academician Wu Mengchao on the bronze statue wore a military uniform that he had loved all his life and looked into the distance, and his peaceful eyes were full of determination. On a stone stele on the right side of the bronze statue, a few words condensed the feats of Wu Lao's life, and in the lower left corner is placed a model of Wu Lao's right hand, which is different from ordinary people, which is the trace of years of fighting side by side with the scalpel.

Wu Ling said that the bronze statue was created by Jiang Tieli, vice president of the Shanghai University Academy of Fine Arts. In order to accurately shape and express this "great doctor of the country", the artist has repeatedly come to the door to communicate on relevant details. After the creation was completed, the artist repeatedly asked People around Wu Lao to propose revision suggestions.

"Elder Wu, you are the beacon in my heart, always illuminating the direction of my progress"... At the memorial scene, people wrote endless thoughts on cards.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Gao Yang correspondent Wang Zefeng

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