
Tribute to Yang Shouwei, the "model of the Qilu era", the whole city quickly set off a wave of learning and publicizing models

author:Tanfang Melter

A "mom" can't live up to it!

As a mother of 1029 children, Yang Shouwei, from holding one "no one wants" children in his arms, awakening life with love, to teaching and growing up without class, and then lighting up their future, in 22 years, Yang Shouwei has conveyed the endless warmth of the party and the government to these children, interpreting "the best in the world is maternal love" with words and deeds.

Love to the extreme is happiness, as Si said" thank you for calling my mother, give me such a good life"; love to the extreme is to let go, in 22 years, 467 children have been adopted by loving families.

Young and young, as well as the young, one person touched 16 cities. Recently, the release ceremony of "Qilu Era Model" was held in Jinan, and the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee awarded Comrade Yang Shouwei the title of "Qilu Era Model".

Tribute to Yang Shouwei, the "model of the Qilu era", the whole city quickly set off a wave of learning and publicizing models

In order to deeply study Comrade Yang Shouwei's advanced deeds and noble sentiments, and encourage the majority of party members and cadres to keep in mind the purpose of serving the people and have the courage to take responsibility, on the evening of January 18, all sectors of society in our city concentrated on watching the release ceremony of Yang Shouwei, a major typical "model of the Qilu era" in the province. At the ceremony, the landmark screen of 16 cities in Shandong Lit up for her and paid tribute to her!

A tribute to her dedication to giving, without complaint or regret

"When I was called Dean Yang, I remembered that I was The Vice Dean." For more than 20 years, Yang Shouwei, who has been concerned about orphaned and abandoned children, does not sell his reputation or fish for reputation, obscurely adheres to the front line of nursing, is committed to dedication, true love, and supports these children with selfless love.

Zhuang Tingjin, a fourth-level researcher of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, was deeply moved by Yang Shouwei's dedication spirit of being willing to pay and having no complaints and no regrets: "We must learn from Comrade Yang Shouwei, strengthen the party spirit with practical actions, faithfully perform our duties, and do good and practical things in the future in serving the masses and serving enterprises." ”

Dedication is a quality, but also a responsibility and responsibility. "'Mama Yang' has been on the front line of nursing for more than 20 years, conveying the warmth of the party and the government to orphaned and abandoned children, which is our colleague around us and the benchmark for our learning." After watching the launch ceremony, the cadres and workers of the whole civil affairs system said that they were once again touched by her deeds, and in the next step, they would actively align themselves with Yang Shouwei and contribute to the promotion of child welfare. At the same time, we should start from the most difficult groups, focus on the most prominent problems, and start from the most specific work, and do a good job as a warm deliverer of the party and the government.

"Yang Shouwei is a good seedling." She did not live up to the expectations of the old dean Zhang Xinmin, for 22 years, the nursing staff of the welfare home took one stubble after another, but Yang Shouwei persevered, from ordinary nursing staff to vice president, full of love and responsibility for the child, single-mindedly in the front line of nursing work.

Although they are not flesh and blood, they are still parents. As a pediatrician, Lun Zongji, director of the Pediatrics Iii (Neonatal) Department of Shouguang City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, was deeply touched after watching the ceremony: "My job position is quite similar to that of 'Mother Yang'. She said that it is necessary to conscientiously study Yang Shouwei's meticulous and wholehearted care for children's work attitude, and care for and care for every child.

Let time pass, the original intention will never change. Over the past 22 years, Yang Shouwei has always regarded orphaned and abandoned children as relatives, persevered and paid with dedication, and made extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs.

Tribute to Yang Shouwei, the "model of the Qilu era", the whole city quickly set off a wave of learning and publicizing models

Zhang Lan, president of the nursing home in Shiqiaozi Town, Zhucheng City, said: "She is our role model and benchmark, we must learn from President Yang, treat the elderly in the hospital like their own relatives, be the children of the elderly, and take the happiness of the elderly as our greatest pursuit." ”

The good deeds of mortals create a monument of great love. In the view of Wang Zhao, secretary of the party group and director of the Anqiu Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, in order to carry forward Yang Shouwei's spirit of great love, it is necessary to build a good team of teachers with a "benevolent heart".

"With the most innocent maternal love to light up the hearts of 1029 children, the one-hour release ceremony, I have been touched and inspired by Dean Yang's great love." During the viewing ceremony, Cao Xiuhua, executive committee member of the Grassroots Women's Federation of Anqiu City, cried several times.

"I am a party member teacher, and in my teaching career of more than 30 years, I have also met many special students who need to be cared for, and I always care for their growth and care for their progress with sincerity." Zhang Xingfen, a teacher at the Third Experimental Primary School in Linqu County, said that compared with Yang Shouwei's boundless love, she has not done enough. In the future work, she will adhere to the original intention of education, plant the seeds of goodness and upward progress for the young hearts of children, and let the goodness and great love continue to live.

Tribute to her innovative spirit of facing difficulties and constantly exploring

Children in welfare homes are under the impression that they are a group of children abandoned by their parents and in need of sympathy and pity. But when smiling faces from the Weifang Children's Welfare Institute appeared on the big screen, people found that the children here were positive, healthy and full of sunshine.

In the 22 years of perseverance, Yang Shouwei has faced difficulties head-on, constantly explored, and internalized high realms and high standards into an instinct.

"In the next step, we will take Comrade Yang Shouwei as an example, focus on the task goal of changing the style of cadres and striving for first-class work, focus on the development of people's livelihood, property innovation and reform, three major national pilots, high-quality industrial development, key project construction, industry standard supervision, and the eight key tasks of cadre team construction. The vast number of cadres and workers of the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau have expressed their opinions.

Not afraid of difficulties, the courage to innovate, high standards, high realm to do all the work. "When we learn from Comrade Yang Shouwei, we are learning from her extremely responsible work, highly dedicated and dedicated spirit, and the noble qualities of daring to face challenges and being good at overcoming difficulties." Zhao Pengfei, a party member of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, said that in the future, he will look up to Yang Shouwei and contribute to the city's "double strokes and double introduction" and high-quality development with practical actions.

Cleft lip and palate, hydrocephalus, ichthyosis, etc. are common diseases, and even, there are infectious diseases such as AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, and children in welfare homes, one person at a time. Caring for these children requires not only love, but also strong endurance and expertise.

"In the face of a variety of disease conditions, Yang Shouwei picked up textbooks, sought advice from teachers everywhere, explored and invented a variety of nursing tools and nursing methods, and solved one nursing problem after another, which is not easy." After watching Yang Shouwei's advanced deeds, Wang Hui, director of the office of the Youth League Municipal Committee and a fourth-level researcher, was deeply touched by Yang Shouwei's persistent innovative spirit.

The Municipal Bureau of Maritime Fisheries organized the majority of party members and cadres to watch the release ceremony, and adopted activities such as studying and studying, writing experiences, and learning from models on the theme party day to further stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of party members and cadres and the sense of responsibility of serving the people.

Touch your child at least 2 times a day, hug at least 7 times a day, carry the child to the mat twice a day... These love measured by standards is Yang Shouwei's respect for weak life.

Tribute to Yang Shouwei, the "model of the Qilu era", the whole city quickly set off a wave of learning and publicizing models

"It was very shocking and inspiring." Liu Shengliang, deputy director of the Party Building Office in Yangzi Street, Binhai District, believes that Yang Shouwei vividly explains the responsibility and responsibility of an outstanding Communist Party member in the new era.

Yu Junhua, director of the Hanting District Examination and Approval Service Bureau and deputy secretary of the party leading group, said that Yang Shouwei's deeds had been studied before, and by watching the release ceremony of the "Model of the Qilu Era", he was once again touched by her spirit, and in the future he would consciously look up to Yang Shouwei, do it in peacetime, and do it in a down-to-earth manner.

"Comrade Yang Shouwei is a pioneering figure emerging from the civil affairs system, and as a civil affairs colleague, I want to take her as a benchmark, do a good job in ensuring people's livelihood with heart and affection, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness." Liu Ruigang, secretary of the party group and director of the Changle County Civil Affairs Bureau, said.

"I do what my child needs, I learn." It is a sincere and rustic voice. In this regard, Mou Junying, a section member of the Propaganda Department of the Fangzi District Cpc Committee, was deeply inspired, "Comrade Yang Shouwei takes the initiative to learn, accumulate experience, innovate practice, and improve work methods and methods in the face of orphaned and abandoned children suffering from various diseases. ”

Tribute to her spirit of excellence and pursuit of the ultimate in hard work

"No matter where I go, no matter when, the only thing that can define me is the word 'mother.'" "Mother" is Yang Shouwei's meticulous love for her children, shining her practical spirit.

The majority of party members and cadres in the city's human resources and social security system said that they will take Yang Shouwei as a model, base themselves on their own posts, dare to take responsibility, have the courage to dedicate, and contribute to accelerating the construction of a modern quality city that the people are satisfied with.

"To learn from Yang Shouwei is to learn from her practical spirit of striving for excellence and pursuing the ultimate in her work." Sun Qiuyan, deputy director of the Press and Publicity Department of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, could not hide his excitement and said that he would turn his enthusiasm for study into a powerful driving force for officials to start a business.

Keeping a original heart and walking through the best years of life, Yang Shouwei is a good mother who abandons children and a good cadre of the party.

Zhang Qian, the second-level director of the personnel section of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said: "Throw yourself down, base yourself on reality, work hard, work hard, work hard, and really transform the learning results into serving the people with affection and strength." ”

If you have a big self in your heart, you will not be confined to the small self. With sincerity in mind, you will choose to dedicate yourself to responsibility. Touched by Yang Shouwei's spirit of hard work, Wang Chenglong, head of the domestic waste management and transportation department of the urban management center of the high-tech zone, said that he would start from the most concerned and people's livelihood facts of the masses, start from the details of urban management, and pay tribute to the example with practical actions.

Zhang Ning is a doctor in the department of neonatology at Yidu Central Hospital in Qingzhou City, and after seeing Yang Shouwei's deeds, she put forward new standards and goals for her work.

With dedication and dedication, he has done ordinary work to a noble realm, vividly interpreting the responsibility and responsibility of an outstanding Communist Party member in the new era. "Yang Shouwei is not only a typical example around him, but also a pioneer model." Ye Xiuxia, secretary of the party group and chairman of the Gaomi Women's Federation, said that she will continue to organize the city's women's federation system to carry out learning activities from Yang Shouwei.

Turning emotion into action, transforming the shock of the heart into the strength to forge ahead. Huang Zanyou, secretary of the party group and director of the Gaomi Civil Affairs Bureau, said that the learning results will be transformed into practical actions to serve the people. Wang Qiang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Liquan Subdistrict, said that the streets will carry out in-depth visits to "fist for the people" to resolve the problem of the masses' "urgency, difficulty, and anxiety".

Weifang Daily's all-media reporters collectively interviewed and reported

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