
Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

Like Lü Qiang, Zhang Wen was not a figure of the Three Kingdoms, and when he was killed, the world had just entered the situation of "princes competing for hegemony".

However, Lü Qiang had Fan Ye to establish a biography for him, while Zhang Wen could only become a supporting role in the Book of the Later Han Dynasty and even history.

However, in my opinion, the destruction of the Yellow Turban, Dong Zhuo's chaos, and the scourge of Xiliang lasted for nearly thirty years, all of which were related to Zhang Wen. Before going into detail about this, let's make a brief introduction to Zhang Wen:

Zhang Wen, a native of Yong County, Nanyang, whose year of birth is unknown, but during the reign of Emperor Huan of Han, he was already Shang Shulang and was a close vassal of the emperor, and the person who promoted him was Cao Song's adoptive father, Cao Teng.

Zhang Wen's wife was the sister of Cai Xie of Xiangyang, and there is such a sentence in the "Old Records of Xiangyang Qi": At the end of the Han Dynasty, Zhu Cai was the most prosperous. A few simple words, writing out the background of the Cai family.

Cai Shi had a son who was famous, namely Cao Cao's childhood friend, Cai Mao, who surrendered to Cao Cao with Liu Zhen, the lord of Jingzhou.

Cai Yan also had two daughters, the eldest daughter married Huang Chengyan, and the daughter born to the two, the legendary ugly woman Huang Yueying, married Zhuge Liang, who later bowed to Shu Han, and gave birth to Zhuge Zhan, who swore to defend Shu Han.

Cai Xian's younger daughter married Liu Biao, but only Liu Biao's remarried wife, Liu Qi was born to the Chen clan, as to whether Liu Chun was Born to Cai Clan, there is controversy, it is said that Liu Chun married Cai's niece as a wife, but this is not enough to prove Liu Chun's blood relationship with Cai Shi, the "close relatives marriage" in the Three Kingdoms period at the end of the Han Dynasty, an example of a big catch.

The reason why we talk about the Cai family is because Zhang Wen's family, there are too few historical materials, I am afraid there are no decent characters, otherwise the end will not be so tragic.

Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

1. The Yellow Turban Rebellion

At the time of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Zhang Wen had just been promoted from Dasi Nong to Sikong, who was in charge of money and grain, and Sikong was in charge of water and soil affairs.

The war and Zhang Wenben had little to do with each other, but they were implicated because of Zhu Juan's "inaction", and the matter was as follows:

When Zhang Jiao fell ill and died and the Yellow Turban of Jizhou fell, the Yellow Turban Army in the south was still standing firm, and under the leadership of Zhao Hong, they occupied Wancheng with a crowd of 100,000 people, and as the "commander-in-chief" of the southern theater, Zhu Juan attacked for three months without winning, and Emperor Ling was very angry, and the consequences were very serious, because not long ago, Lu Zhi was sentenced to "reduce the death penalty by one".

At this critical moment, Zhang Wen wrote a letter to persuade Emperor Ling with the story of Bai Qi and Le Yi, who knew the reason and moved with affection, and finally asked Emperor Ling to withdraw his order, which led to the story of Zhu Juan's suppression of the Yellow Turban Army.

I think that even without Zhang Wen, there would be loyal courtiers who would write to state the stakes, after all, after the removal of Lu Zhi, the successor Dong Zhuo would change dishes, so no one could guarantee that replacing Zhu Juan was a good choice, and Emperor Ling loved money, but he was not brainless.

But in any case, Zhang Wen's letter reflected his "loyalty", and the result was also good, perhaps because of this, Emperor Ling appointed Zhang Wen as a general on horseback in August 185, leading troops to conquest of Northern Gong Boyu to quell the rebellion in Liangzhou.

Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

2. Rebellion of Liangzhou

After all, Zhang Wen is a civilian official, and it is understandable to be a staff officer, directly as the commander-in-chief, and the result can be imagined.

In fact, Zhang Wen had many capable people under him, such as Dong Zhuo, who traveled with Zhang Wen as a general who broke the prisoners, and Sun Jian, who was specially transferred by Zhang Wen to help.

However, it is exactly the same sentence: the scholar mistook the country. Because the powerful generals have no right to speak, while the Confucian students who talk on paper are very stubborn.

First of all, Zhang Wen commanded the counties to march and ride, a total of more than 100,000, stationed in Meiyang, and confronted Bian Zhang and Han Sui.

Zhang Wen thought that the quality of the government army was much higher than that of the Western Qiang soldiers, regardless of whether the actual situation was the case or not, at least he forgot the principle of "one soldier and one bear, one will bear a nest", so Zhang Wen was defeated in the first battle.

At this time, God came to help, the night fell meteors, with strong light into the bian and Han camps, the two thought it was unknown, in the case of "no intention to fight", was repelled by Dong Zhuo and right Fufeng Bao Hong and others. This is Zhang Wen's victory in "saving his life", otherwise with the temper of the Han Ling Emperor, I am afraid that no one will intercede for him, after all, Lu Zhi and Zhu Juan are "not thinking about advancing", and he is really defeated.

With the help of heaven, it is necessary to seize the fighter plane and take advantage of the victory to suppress the rebels, but Zhang Wen once again used the "operation of the gods", he replaced Dong Zhuo, and ignored Dong Zhuo's proposal to "be a reinforcement", and instead used another waste Zhou Shen to lead the army, as a result, Zhou Shen did not listen to Sun Jian's advice, was cut off by Bian Zhang and Han Sui, and fled back.

Zhang Wen's trick was not over, he asked Dong Zhuo to lead 30,000 troops to beg for The First Zero Qiang, where the Qiang people had already prepared, Dong Zhuo did not want to go, but Zhang Wen (this is Dong Zhuo's own words), the result was as Dong Zhuo expected, surrounded north of Wangyuan. Fortunately, Dong Zhuo's IQ online, with the strategy of "hiding the sky and crossing the sea", led the headquarters to withdraw safely.

I think that if Emperor Han Ling had not listened to the rumors and let Emperor Fusong come to quell the rebellion early, even if Lu Zhi or Zhu Juan had led the troops, this Liangzhou rebellion might not have lasted for thirty years.

Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

Third, the disaster of Dong Zhuo

Although the Liangzhou Rebellion could not be put down, in the process of "suppressing bandits", Zhang Wen indirectly achieved two things: first, the precedent of "three foreign officials"; second, dong Zhuo was spared death.

To mention the first thing:

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, the appointment of the three dukes was within the imperial court, and zhang Wenqi had exceptions, such as later, when Emperor Ling appointed Liu Yu as a lieutenant, Liu Yu was far away in Youzhou. Some people say that Zhang Wen's "taiwei" was bought, and it is possible, after all, the officials appointed by the Ling Emperor, except for Liu Yu, who he looks good to the eye, basically have to pay money, and Zhang Wen is not bad at this money.

Let's talk about the second thing:

Because Dong Zhuo's brilliance, including the defeat of the Western Qiang army, and the safe return of the people in the case of a total rout, greatly contributed to his arrogance, so when Zhang Wen recruited Dong Zhuo with the emperor's edict, he delayed for a long time, and he swung wildly in the army, and there was no one in sight.

Sun Jian once whispered to Zhang Wen that on the grounds of "summoning from time to time", he would attach three major crimes and execute Dong Zhuo, but Zhang Wen was soft-hearted and thought that it was up to him to suppress the rebellion, so he gave up.

When Dong Zhuo was chaotic, Sun Jian sighed: "Zhang Gong used to speak from me, and the imperial court is now not so difficult."

Indeed, if Zhang Wen listened to Sun Jian's suggestion and put Dong Zhuo to death, whether the Han Dynasty could continue, I don't know, at least five years later, the "Dong Zhuo Rebellion" will no longer exist.

Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

(4) The crime of therefore entering

One day in 191 AD, Taishi was idle, looked up at the clouds, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, so he said to Dong Zhuo, who was already in control of the imperial court at that time: Boss, there is a vision on this day, and I conclude that there must be ministers in the DPRK who will hang up. After Dong Zhuo listened, he smiled and then found someone to falsely accuse Zhang Wen of colluding with Yuan Shu.

In October of the same year, on the first day of the first month, Zhang Wen was beaten to death alive in the downtown area.

Zhang Wen was not wronged, it is difficult to say, but the history books use the word "false", at least to show that Zhang Wen did not actually act, or that he was not found to have anything wrong.

In fact, there is another person who "communicates" with outsiders, that is, Zhu Juan, who was left in Luoyang by Dong Zhuo, but this eldest brother, probably because of his old age, always thought that Dong Zhuo had discovered his secret, so he abandoned the official and fled to Jingzhou without waiting for the launch, and then came back and repeated several times, and this story had the opportunity to talk about it again.

In short, Zhang Wen's "crime of entering the country" can also be regarded as his own bad luck.

Some people say that Dong Zhuo killed Zhang Wen because the content of his conversation with Sun Jian was known to Dong Zhuo, perhaps, but if according to Dong Zhuo's character, it is unlikely that he will wait so long.

Nanyang Zhang Wen of the Three Kingdoms Characters: One word knows loyalty, one word causes chaos, inability to control rebellion, and there is no end to difficulties

Well, this is the story of Zhang Wen, although he was once an official to a lieutenant, but in the Three Kingdoms era at the end of the Han Dynasty, his fame was probably not as good as that of Zhang Wen of Wu County.

However, as I talked about at the beginning, the existence of Zhang Wen has a great impact on future generations.

Let's make a final echo:

Lü Qiang was different from Zhang Wen, the former was a "eunuch hated by the people of the time", but saved countless scholars, and the latter was a "scholar admired by the people of the time", but he could not even mix the qualifications for the establishment of the biography.

However, Lü Qiang, like Zhang Wen, was persecuted by the dim ruling class and eventually died unjustly under the power.

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