
(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

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7 days before the opening of the wilderness, civilian players play 3000 battle merits a day.

After playing for 3-4 seasons and not yet integrated into the collective, why don't you matter in the eyes of others, is it because you are not strong, or because you are treated as a slave, causing others to look down on you from the heart.

Which is more despised, the weak and the underground slaves?

If you are weak, but you often help your allies fight, the allies will remember you.

It has nothing to do with strength.

How to make every ally remember you, after the flower mat will say a way, every time you send troops, you will chat privately with an ally, you see who does not know you later?

(This method is said later)

A while ago, Hua Xi wrote two articles about "earth slaves", and one stone stirred up thousands of waves, and many people left messages to reply.

He didn't want to be a local slave, he was really forced to be helpless, because his strength was poor and he couldn't fight the enemy in the early stage, so he wanted to develop first and then fight.

That flower mat is going to say, you will not play at all, do not understand the positioning of civilians in the early stage.

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

For example, this [Electric Brand JJ Dinu] fought 2 consecutive level 7 lands during the forbidden land, didn't he have the strength to fight?

Who would like to fight hard during a battle?

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

When the hinterland of Jianghan is almost cut off, it is still working hard to fight for grade 7 land cultivation, and this is not a question of whether or not we can win the enemy, but a question of mentality.

"People can't help but think of the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the devils have advanced weapons and equipment, there are many people who do not have the mentality of resistance at all, 10,000 people are chased by 300 people, and they feel that they can't win the battle and give up fighting."

How did the war come about?

It was a millet plus rifle, bought with bloodshed.

Someone said:

20,000 soldiers on the battlefield, only 200 battle achievements, which is very affecting the mentality, so I don't want to go to the battlefield.

This is a reality, but not a reason.

The War of Resistance Against Japan thought so, and it was no longer now.

20,000 soldiers for 300 battle achievements, this phenomenon does exist.

"How can civilians realize their self-worth and fight for war merit in this situation."


Touch porcelain, high-level use Sun Shangxiang, Lü Bu touch porcelain.

The low-level touched the porcelain with Zhu Juan, killing eight hundred enemies and inflicting one thousand self-inflicted damage.

Take the flower mat itself as an example:

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

After 8 days of pioneering, contributing 187th place in the ranking list, how many battles have Hua Xi played to rank 187?

Battle Achievements: 5960

The 5960 battle achievements played in 48 hours can reach the top 300 of the leaderboard, or even the top 200, while the flower seat only has 12700 power points.

Originally it was 10,000, but yesterday I just hit a few levels 6, and I barely reached the 12,700 force value.

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

8 days of wilderness, 12,700 power points, 30,000 resource production, this is the level of ordinary players!

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

9 Grade 6 lands, 5 of which were only laid down after the opening of the forbidden land last night.

In the case that the enemy has already invaded, whether to fight level 7 land development or fight first.

How do you choose?

Flower mat team is very good?


(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

First Battle: Only 731 battles were fought

It was a good result, although it lost, but it was not a 300 battle achievement.

(Ignore this strange team)

How to play the flower mat:

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

Transform the double-touch porcelain team and harass the enemy many times.

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

In the early stage, Zhu Juan touched porcelain, accumulating less into more, even if you can only kill the enemy 2000-3000, you can also help your teammates weaken the enemy's strength.


Before Huang Yueying level 20, the Elder's Wind must be replaced by hundreds of steel, otherwise it will not increase the damage.

(Huang Yueying's speed must exceed Zhu Juan's)

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

You can only hit the enemy 200-300 battle merits with touching porcelain at a time,

Isn't it really not much, can't see it?

But it's better than you using 20,000 soldiers and hitting 300 battles, right?

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

Zhu Juan only needed more than 2,000 soldiers and 20,000 soldiers at a time, which was enough for Zhu Juan to run back and forth 10 times.

10 kills of the enemy 15,000-30,000 troops.

Battle credits can be obtained for 2000-3000

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

Hua Xi played 5900 battle achievements in 2 days, which is basically how it was played.

After seeing this method, do you still choose to develop and farm?

(3) Reject the slaves! It is great wisdom for civilians to fight like this, and your allies will thank you

In a team like Hua Xi, only one person really does not play a big role.


20 such players acting together,

50-100 such players acting together,

What about 50 cannon fodder and 50 regular troops?

Touch the porcelain first to go up and kill the enemy 2000 soldiers, the enemy retreat will waste his physical strength, the enemy does not retreat he will face the full team behind, and he lost 2000-3000 soldiers, the fight will suffer losses.

You can earn battle merit, you can also help your teammates, you go to help him explore the way, at least your teammates will not scold you in their hearts.


As long as you want to fight, you will always find a way, not an excuse, you can win the enemy will never lack land, and if you can't win the enemy, you will also give land to the enemy if you fight level 7-8.

(In fact, the game can basically determine the victory or defeat in 7-14 days, at this time there is no fight, and there is no point in fighting later)

There is also an advantage of touching porcelain with Zhu Juan, Zhu Juan has been running on the front line, while another team can slowly brush level 5-6 upgrades, after upgrading to level 40, 2 teams will not suffer losses when they fight on the battlefield together.

This is the best way for civilians to fight and develop at the same time!

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