
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

Source: Xinhua Net

12306 on

And the number of trains that can't be found?

That's right!

Some mysterious trains

Tickets were never sold

But everyone who sat there said yes

Today, Xiaobian will take you to see

Mystery trains that do not sell tickets

What the hell is it like

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

1 High speed rail confirmation car

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

Every morning, before the first official high-speed rail train starts, the railway department will open a confirmation car that runs in accordance with the operating standards in both directions in a fixed section, referred to as "mobile inspection car". The high-speed rail confirms that the car is equipped with corresponding testing equipment, and there are also employees of public works, electricity, communications and other equipment units, who will confirm the situation of the line, power supply, signal, communication and other equipment to ensure the absolute safety of the subsequent high-speed rail train.

2 Rail transit emergency comprehensive support vehicles

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

This is the first "fire train" of the national railway, the full name of the rail transit emergency comprehensive support vehicle. This "fire train" is mainly used for fires along railway lines or trains. In addition, it can also be "transformed" according to actual needs, using the mobile function and water storage function of the car, equipping the railway passenger train and railway project camper with a special high-pressure flushing water gun to remove various residual dirt in the line and bridge tunnel.

3 Engineering Cebus

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

Engineering Cebuying Is a mobile living place specially built for the employees of railway engineering machine screening, large machine tamping and other departments. Equipped with rest rooms, meeting rooms, hot water laundry rooms, heated bathrooms, on-board Wi-Fi, and a spacious and bright canteen, the campervan can be called the "mobile home" of railway people.

4 Catenary work vehicles

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

Catenary work vehicle is a professional equipment for catenary maintenance, maintenance and emergency repair, which can quickly reach the work site. The catenary work vehicle is equipped with equipment such as lifting and rotating work platform and catenary detection device, and is a special equipment vehicle for employees of the railway power supply department.

5 Health Express

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

The Health Express, which began operations in 1997, is a public welfare project dedicated to the free treatment of patients with eye diseases, known as the "Charity Hospital on the Train". The Health Express consists of multi-purpose meeting rooms, lifestyle campers, surgical carts and ward cars, and runs to different destinations every year, where ophthalmologists perform free surgeries for cataract patients.

6 line tamping car

These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306
These mysterious trains cannot be found on 12306

Line tamping car is a kind of large-scale road maintenance machinery, suitable for the construction of new lines of railway lines, both large lines, centralized repair and screening and operation of line maintenance operations, through the operation can make the track lines meet the requirements of line design standards and line maintenance rules, to ensure the safe operation of trains.

What do you think?

The mysterious train that originally did not sell tickets

It's so powerful

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Source: China Railways