
2022 Beijing Central Axis Special Exhibition Held a Lecture to Interpret the Regulations on the Protection of Beijing Historical and Cultural Cities for the Public

On January 19th, the 2022 Beijing Central Axis Special Exhibition held a lecture with the theme of "Polishing the Golden Business Card of History and Culture, Protecting Beijing Famous Cities and Starting Again", and Ye Nan, deputy director of the Historical and Cultural City Planning Institute of Beijing Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, interpreted the "Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in Beijing" for the citizens.

2022 Beijing Central Axis Special Exhibition Held a Lecture to Interpret the Regulations on the Protection of Beijing Historical and Cultural Cities for the Public

On behalf of the technical team of the revision of the Regulations, Ye Nan began by reviewing the history of the protection of Beijing's famous historical and cultural cities, interpreting the background, main characteristics and core content of the "Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities of Beijing", focusing on the response and implementation of the 2021 edition of the "Regulations" to the concept of protection in the new era, especially the major changes in protection requirements, utilization methods and management mechanisms, and cooperating with rich practical cases. In an in-depth and simple way, the participants were able to fully understand the overall situation of the protection of Famous Cities in Beijing and the whole process of the revision of the Regulations.

Ye Nan said that the process of revising the "Regulations" is a process of solidifying and implementing the protection concept and protection requirements of Beijing's famous historical and cultural cities in the language of law. However, to promote the publicity and promotion of the concept of the protection of famous cities and the requirements of protection, we rely more on volunteers, the public and experts who are enthusiastic and enthusiastic about the protection of famous cities. "Gathering the strength of the whole society to retain the heritage that helps to tell the story of Beijing well, retaining our nostalgia, and guarding our historical and cultural 'golden business card' is the hope and expectation of everyone."

The 2022 Beijing Central Axis Special Exhibition was hosted by the Beijing Dongcheng Cultural Development Research Institute and hosted by the Cultural Heritage Protection Center of the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University. The exhibition will continue to be on display until January 24, with the content of the application and protection of the Central Axis of Beijing, telling the story of Beijing and presenting the latest research on the heritage value and connotation of the Central Axis of Beijing.

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Li Li

Edited by Niu Chunmei

Process Editor Wu Yue

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