
Can an adult carry an electric bike? Is there a limit to the number of people on board? | Xiaobian help you ask

According to the Handan Traffic Patrol:

The Regulations on the Administration of Electric Bicycles in Hebei Province were deliberated and approved by the 27th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th People's Congress of Hebei Province on November 23, 2021, and will be implemented on May 1, 2022.

Many small partners ask, can adults drive electric bicycles to carry adults? Is there a limit to the number of people on board? With this question in mind, Xiaobian consulted the professionals involved in the legislation of the "Regulations" by the Traffic Management Bureau of the Provincial Public Security Department, and talked to everyone about why adults can only carry one person driving an electric bicycle.

Why is it stipulated that adults can only carry one person on an electric bicycle?

Traffic Management Bureau of Hebei Provincial Public Security Department:

From the perspective of the technical parameters of the electric bicycle, the maintenance quality of the electric bicycle can not exceed 55 kg, the motor power can not exceed 400 watts, so the load capacity is limited; if it carries two people, the driver and passenger helmet, backpack, luggage, protective equipment, etc. will occupy a lot of space, driving is extremely inconvenient, seriously affecting the driver's control of the electric bicycle, once in the event of an emergency, it is difficult to take timely and effective countermeasures, it is easy to cause accidents.

From the actual situation of mass travel, when the electric bicycle carries two people, because the length of the saddle and the rear hanger is not enough, there is often a child who needs to stand or ride on the pedal, the moment of the traffic accident, the body of the driver and the rear passenger is moved forward due to inertia, it is easy to squeeze the child onto the handlebar riser, before the vehicle falls to the ground, causing serious bumping injuries to the child, so it is necessary to make restrictive provisions for the person.

Judging from the legislation of other provinces, since 2018, seven of the eight provinces and cities where electric bicycle legislation has been restricted to one person, and the age of the persons being carried has been restricted. Taking into account the safety and demand of the masses in our province for electric bicycle travel, the Regulations make provisions that adults driving electric bicycles can only carry one person, and do not limit the age of the people being carried.

Statement: The material is transferred from the "Hebei Traffic Police Micro Release", thank you here!

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