
Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

author:The new youth of the great country

Recently, Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, was inadvertently pushed to the forefront of public opinion because of a speech at his graduation ceremony.

Yang Jinwen is a graduate of the School of Foreign Chinese of Zhejiang University, and was selected as the representative of the graduates due to his excellent grades and performance.

She impassionedly expressed her love for Zhejiang University, the arrangement of graduation prospects, and the expression of her enthusiasm for serving the motherland.

Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

She said she applied for a Juris Doctor overseas. She was very moved when she said this. This sentence aroused doubts among netizens.

Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

Yang Jinwen finally said that she wanted to shine where the motherland needed it most. What he means is to return from school and serve the motherland.

Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

Netizens said that her mouth was full of isms, but her heart was full of ideas.

Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

There's nothing wrong with staying in the United States. There is a saying: Master Yi has long skills to control Yi. Staying in the United States does not mean that you will not come back, and it is not a change of nationality.

Many celebrities and scientists in modern and contemporary times have the experience of studying abroad. They all went out with a patriotic heart, learned other people's skills, and then came back with a patriotic heart to serve the society.

Is there anything wrong with studying abroad? The whole network crusaded against Yang Jinwen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, and she was silent about netizens!

When I first listened to Yang Jinwen's speech, countless netizens were moved by her, cheered for her, and were full of admiration for her. Now some people are beginning to question her, accuse her, and even despise her. In this regard, Yang Jinwen did not respond, but chose to remain silent.

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