
The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

author:Guangxi News Network

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The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

Listen to the work reports of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress and the work reports of the two procuratorates

Nanning, 19 Jan (Guangxi News Network) -- On 19 January, the Fifth Session of the 13th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region held its second plenary session to hear explanations on the work report of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, the work report of the Autonomous Region High People's Court, the work report of the Autonomous Region People's Procuratorate, and the revised draft rules of procedure of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress.

The meeting was presided over by Liu Xiaoming, executive chairman and executive chairman of the presidium. Executive Chairmen Xu Hairong, Fan Xiaoli, Wang Xiaodong, Huang Weijing, Lu Xianzai, Zhou Jiabin, Cai Jinjun, Lin Guan, Mo Hua, He Liangjun, Qin Chuncheng, and Lan Xiao sat in the front row of the rostrum.

Liu Ning, Lan Tianli, and Sun Dawei took their seats on the rostrum.

The Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region shall be attended by 691 delegates, and 634 delegates shall attend the meeting, which shall meet the quorum.

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

Wang Yuefei, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, reported on his work to the meeting. Photo by reporter Huang Ke and Deng Hua

Wang Yuefei, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, reported on his work to the meeting. In 2021, the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress will deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", always adhere to the supreme political principle of the party's overall leadership, run the party's leadership through all aspects of the entire process of the work of the people's congress, perform its duties and assume its responsibilities in promoting high-quality development, integrating into the new development pattern, ecological civilization construction, ethnic unity and social stability, and improving people's livelihood, and actively play the role of the people's congress; and practice people's democracy in the whole process. Give full play to the role of deputies, guide the election of city, county, and township people's congresses in accordance with the law, enhance the effectiveness of the work of the platform for expressing democratic public opinion and the platform for deputies to perform their duties, support and ensure that deputies perform their duties in accordance with the law; continue to strengthen their own construction, and continuously improve the level of the ability of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress to perform their duties. Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the autonomous regional party committee, the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress has performed its duties in accordance with the law, deliberated 19 laws and regulations, adopted 14 cases, submitted to the current congress to deliberate 1 law and regulation bill, examined and approved 30 laws and regulations of districted cities, and 5 special regulations of autonomous counties; heard and deliberated 17 work reports, inspected the implementation of 6 laws and regulations, carried out 16 special investigations and investigations, and conducted 16 special inquiries; made 7 resolutions and decisions, appointing and dismissing 239 state functionaries; handled 14 deputies' motions. The deputies made 729 proposals; the tasks set by the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region were fully completed.

In 2022, the work of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on upholding and improving the system of people's congresses, fully implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress and the 19th Plenary Sessions of the Party, the Work Conference of the Central People's Congress, and the Work Conference of the Autonomous Regional Party Committee, firmly grasp the positioning of state power organs, continuously develop and improve people's democracy in the whole process, and firmly grasp the positioning of working organs. Comprehensively enhance the level of work and practical results, firmly grasp the positioning of the deputies organs, closely link up with the people's congress deputies and the masses, closely focus on building the magnificent Guangxi "1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + N" target task system, take the initiative to take action, perform their duties according to law, and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with excellent results.

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

Huang Hailong, president of the Autonomous Region High People's Court, reported his work to the general assembly. Photo by reporter Huang Ke and Deng Hua

Huang Hailong, president of the Autonomous Region High People's Court, reported his work to the general assembly. In 2021, the courts of the whole region will closely focus on the goal of "striving to let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case", adhere to serving the overall situation, justice for the people, and fair justice, solidly carry out party history study education and team education and rectification, focus on improving the quality and efficiency of trial enforcement, and provide strong judicial services and guarantees for our region to achieve a good start in the "14th Five-Year Plan" and high-quality economic and social development. The Higher People's Court of the Autonomous Region accepted 21,557 cases and concluded 18,948 cases, up 10.42% and 7.26% respectively. The number of cases concluded by courts in the whole region increased by 6.67%, 1.77 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. The quality and effectiveness of case handling are stable and improving, the case closure rate within the statutory trial limit increased by 3.66% year-on-year, the amount of cases concluded was 31.758 billion yuan, and 13 cases were selected as Guiding Cases of the Supreme People's Court and Typical Cases of the Whole Country.

In 2022, the courts of the whole region will firmly grasp the main line of creating a safe and stable political and social environment for the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party, adhere to the political construction of the court, resolutely defend the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", show new responsibilities in building a higher level of safety and security in Guangxi, show new deeds in the high-quality development of service guarantees, show judicial warmth in enhancing the people's sense of judicial gain, step up to a new level in improving the quality and efficiency of trial enforcement, and achieve new results in building a high-quality and excellent court team.

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

Mao Zhonghua, chief procurator of the autonomous region's people's procuratorate, reported his work to the meeting. Photo by reporter Huang Ke and Deng Hua

Mao Zhonghua, chief procurator of the autonomous region's people's procuratorate, reported his work to the meeting. In 2021, the procuratorial organs of the whole region stress politics, take the overall situation into consideration, seek development, emphasize self-improvement, have the courage to seek change, dare to seek innovation, and are good at seeking quality, and all procuratorial work has been improved in steady progress and implementation, so that the people can truly feel that fairness and justice are around. The procuratorial organs of the whole region handled criminal, civil, administrative, public interest litigation and other types of cases increased by 32.49% year-on-year, and approved the arrest and prosecution of various criminal suspects increased by 11.9% and 23% respectively. Among the 60 main evaluation indicators of case quality, 20 entered the top ten of national procuratorial organs. Nineteen cases were selected as Guiding Cases and Typical Cases issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate.

In 2022, the procuratorial organs of the whole region will deeply study and comprehend the decisive significance of the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", bear in mind the leader's entrustment, bravely undertake the historical mission, implement the overall concept of national security, give full play to the role of procuratorial functions, and more consciously serve the overall situation and serve the people's justice; comprehensively improve the quality and effectiveness of legal supervision, and effectively safeguard judicial justice; consolidate and deepen the results of team education and rectification, and consolidate the foundation for the high-quality development of procuratorial work. With excellent results, we will create a safe and stable political and social environment for the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party.

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

Zhao Leqin, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, gave an explanation on the "Rules of Procedure of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Revised Draft)." Photo by reporter Huang Ke and Deng Hua

Zhao Leqin, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the Autonomous Regional People's Congress, gave an explanation on the "Rules of Procedure of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (Revised Draft)." The rules of procedure of the autonomous regional people's congress are the basic laws and regulations on the system and procedures of the autonomous region people's congresses, and are an important institutional guarantee for the autonomous region people's congresses to exercise their functions and powers according to law. The revised draft consists of 10 chapters and 72 articles, and the main contents of the revision include strengthening the party's leadership, improving the quality and efficiency of deliberations, and promoting the openness of meetings and the construction of informatization.

The Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the Thirteenth People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held

On January 19, the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Session of the 13th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region was held. Photo by reporter Huang Ke and Tang Diansheng

The meeting voted and adopted the method for the election of the congress and the method for voting on the chairman of the relevant special committee of the 13th People's Congress of the Autonomous Region.

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