
If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

author:Green onion muck
If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

You are still young, please do not waste time, early to understand things early. Emotions can sometimes flood, but you have to be cautious about your approach to your head and pockets. Dear comrades, please make a little space in your youthful fantasies for the time being, let me put a little management content in your future life for you, understand that this is the savings we can spend in the next fifty years...

  Detail one: Study and read books that are useful to you

  If you're 18 now and are facing the choice of a college major, or you're older than 18, but you're still young enough to have a desire to learn. Then choose some more practical subjects to recharge yourself, to some extent, what we have learned also determines how much money we will make in the future. In terms of probability, science students do make more money than liberal arts students, especially some people who are engaged in basic discipline research, they not only have a solid theoretical foundation and strong calculation and adaptability, but also learn to be down-to-earth and willing to do some practical work earlier than those Chinese girls who are addicted to the wind and snow. Of course, I'm not denying the importance of a romance novel to life, and a financial magazine must benefit you a lot.

  Detail two: healthy, the earlier the investment return, the higher

  Although we are still young, we are quite confident in our bodies. Moreover, the Labor Contract Law also stipulates that any unit should give us three golds. Therefore, the desperate three langs are even more indifferent to the health of things. Although in our careers, we have to work hard, have you ever thought that the sub-health state of youth can only cause you greater trouble when you are old. From now on, go to a regular check-up once a year, which will be of great benefit to your future. You don't want to ruin your love and future in the days to come because of a sudden illness, right? In addition, after your income gradually increases to a certain extent, you can consider buying pension medical insurance, you know, the earlier the insurance is bought, the more cost-effective it is.

If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

  Detail three: shopping, chasing brand names can only make yourself worse

  This is a piece of advice specifically to remind the girls. Some people say that a woman's shopping attitude will clarify her financial quotient. Sometimes you think you're calculating, but you're not. For example, if you waste time arguing with a vendor about a few cents, it is better to make a list before shopping, then look at it again, and delete the things that seem like they will not be used many times in a lifetime. Also, when shopping, it is recommended to choose to go to some familiar shops, because there are not only kind bosses there, but also often have more discounts. Rejecting brand-name stores that seem tempting will not only make you a fortune, but will also make you vain and less optimistic.

  Detail four: friendship, network resources that can be monetized

  Friendship also has to choose to operate, if you think this is a shameful and snobbish thing, it is wrong! But it turns out that having a good network can save you a lot of money. Friends who usually work in hospitals, restaurants, car dealers, finance, consumer durables, electrical appliances, etc. are the most worthy of your contact and good relationship. Regular gatherings of friends often bring you unexpected surprises, and it is much more humiliating and snobbish to open your newsletter in a hurry.

If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

  Detail Five: Work habits, treat it like a passbook

  In financial management, we often mention a term: time cost. People with good study and work habits usually save a lot of time from it. They will keep the desk or desk in order, so that the teacher or boss can invisibly discover her care and ability, which is often one of the ways to attract the attention of the teacher and let the boss give you a raise. Moreover, office workers with good habits will not use working hours to chat or gossip with colleagues, and they will not make stupid things like wearing brands that are more advanced than their bosses and showing off in front of customers... No way, work is work, you should learn to treat work like a passbook, and believe that your investment and expenditure in work are absolutely balanced.

  Detail Six: Dress up and invest only in those important occasions

  You feel breathless because of rising prices, but you are not willing to lower your style, and you change your shopping place from a high-end shopping mall to a stall supermarket. It is recommended to pay attention to some second-hand stores. There is nothing to be ashamed of, youth is all capital, there is no need to spend a lot of money for vanity. You see if those who buy clothes for thousands of dollars can cover their aging cheeks. If you need to attend a special occasion, and such an occasion is once in a few years, you must wear a piece of clothing that does not lose your share, then you can say yes to the boss, wear it and then continue to sell it to him, you may pay some cleaning fees for one night's feast. In addition, many of the small stalls of imitation big-name jewelry are quite exquisite, you may wish to consider buying a few pieces to match at any time. Finally, it's worth mentioning that no matter which pair of shoes are good, they should be in your investment plan.

If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

  Detail Seven: Property, owned with caution

  If you want to buy a house to live in, then after buying, don't analyze the trend of house prices, the house you live in is never an investment project, even if it rises to 1 million yuan, you may sell it to sleep on the road? Moreover, the matter of buying a house must be cautious and cautious, unless there is a family to help you pay it off, otherwise, the property may be the largest fixed investment project in your life, and you will start working for the bank from now on. Moreover, this sense of oppression will become stronger and stronger, and you may feel relaxed in the first few months, and in the future, it will not only make your quality of life decline, but also make you not save for several years. Because after buying a house, you also have to consider a series of issues such as tax payment and decoration.

  Detail Eight: Communication, seemingly inconsequential matters

  If your monthly mobile phone bill is a big number, or please join some network packages, which will save you at least half the money. With the competition from network operators fierce, you can see some fresh packages launched almost every month, and without exception, they are getting cheaper and cheaper. Also, if you find that you often receive some inexplicable service messages, MMS messages, CRBT, please contact the service desk quickly, you may subscribe to some mobile phone services because of operation errors. Another thing to say is that I found that there are a lot of thumb crazy people on the college campus, don't think that text messages are very economical things, often 5 text messages can not be clearly explained, less than a minute of phone calls can be solved, why spend money tired of themselves and tired of others.

If you're young and not yet married, take a good look at this one

  Detail nine: exercise, no need to spend a lot of luxury

  There are some very "dazzling" sports in the city, such as hot yoga, Pilates, squash... However, their cost is also quite "dazzling", a membership annual card of a yoga club in the environment, as little as a thousand yuan, more than tens of thousands of yuan. Moreover, according to my own discovery, many people quit halfway because of insufficient perseverance after doing it, or had no choice but to use it as a bath card (because of good water, they will go to take a bath in winter)... Exercise, which was an investment in health, suddenly turned into luxury consumption. In fact, the simplest aerobic and anaerobic exercise can satisfy you, running to work every day, or playing in a nearby community or school with a stadium, which is the most economical and effective way to invest.

  The young man does not work hard, and the old man is sad. Youth is not to be consumed, let alone to play, to be used with caution! It tells us in beauty and growth: "laziness" will only become more and more tired and tired in the future life. Young, is the invisible capital, it can allow us to invest to do a lot of things, the key is to work hard now, struggle tomorrow! What we want is a better future!

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