
A great celebrity born on July 4

author:Dong Xiao Song

Do you know who the celebrities who were born on July 4th? Let's take a look at it with Xiaobian!

On July 4, 1790, George Everlus was born

George Everlus was a Welsh explorer and geographer. Completing william Lambton began in 1806 with measurements along the meridian arc from the southern tip of India north to Nepal. He was Director General of the Indian Survey from 1830 to 1843. In 1843, he returned to England and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1862, he became Vice-President of the Royal Geographical Society.

A great celebrity born on July 4

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On July 4, 1804, Nathaniel Hawthorne was born

Nathaniel Hawthorne, the founder of the American psychoanalytic novel and the first writer in the history of American literature to write short stories, is known as the greatest Romantic novelist of the 19th century in the United States. Hawthorne is evaluated as a bystander of life, and this attitude to life determines his interest and insight into people's hearts and mental activities. He was deeply influenced by the idea of original sin, and original sin was passed down from generation to generation, advocating that people wash away sin and purify their hearts with good deeds.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1883, Rub Goldberg was born

Rub Goldberg is a famous American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, inventor, founder and president of the National Association of Cartoonists. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1948 for his political cartoons. He was well received by the public for creating the Rube Goldberg Mechanical Series of comics.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1890, Jiang Lifu was born

Jiang Lifu is a mathematician and mathematics educator. Founder of the Department of Mathematics at Nankai University. He was the director of the Institute of Mathematics of Academia Sinica. He has made important contributions to the development of modern mathematics teaching and research in China. Engaged in the study of round and globulin geometry.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1893, Wang Mingzhang was born

Wang Mingzhang, a national anti-Japanese hero, was the commander of the 122nd Division of the 41st Army of the National Revolutionary Army. In his early years, he participated in the Road Protection Movement and the War against Yuan Shikai, and was known for his integrity, courage and good fighting. Famous anti-Japanese general. At the Battle of Taierzhuang, Wang Mingzhang was martyred for swearing to defend TengXian (present-day Tengzhou, Shandong), laying the foundation for the victory of Taierzhuang's great victory, and was later posthumously awarded the title of general of the army by the Nationalist government, and was one of the senior generals of the Chinese military who died in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1896, Mao Dun was born

Mao Dun, formerly known as Shen Dehong, is a famous writer, literary critic, cultural activist and social activist in modern China. His representative works include the novels "Midnight", "Spring Silkworm" and the literary review "Night Reading Doll". On March 14, 1981, Mao Dun knew that he would not be able to afford to be ill, and donated 250,000 yuan to set up the Mao Dun Literature Award to encourage the creation of outstanding contemporary novels and promote the development of socialist literature in China. It is one of the highest honors in China, and it is also the first literary award named after an individual in China.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1898, Xuanhua was born

Xuan Zhonghua, formerly known as Zhong Hua. A famous student movement leader in Hangzhou during the May Fourth Movement and an outstanding revolutionary activist in Zhejiang during the First Civil Revolutionary War. During the 1927 April 12 coup d'état, the right wing of the Chinese Kuomintang launched a coup d'état in Hangzhou, and Xuan Zhonghua, under the arrangement of the Hangzhou Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China, with the help of Xue Huiqiao, the head of the railway trade union, disguised as a wagon conductor left Hangzhou and returned to Shanghai. On April 13, unfortunately, he was discovered by agents at Longhua Station and arrested. Late at night on April 17, he was only 29 years old in Shanghai Longhua.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1900, Gao Heng was born

Gao Heng, a famous professor, paleographer, pre-Qin cultural history research and ancient book collation survey expert. In 1924, he was admitted to Peking University, and in the autumn of 1925, he was admitted to the Graduate School of Tsinghua University, where he studied under Liang Qichao and Wang Guowei. He graduated from teaching in 1926 and has successively served as a professor at Henan University, Northeastern University, Wuhan University, and Qilu University. His works include Selected Notes on the Book of Poetry, Notes on the Present Verses of the Book of Poetry, Selected Works of Chu Ci, Ancient Mythology, Introduction to Glyphology, Dictionary of Ancient Characters, and other works and papers.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1902, Liu Guiwu was born

Liu Guiwu, a national hero of the Anti-Japanese War, was the commander of the 6th Division of the 2nd Cavalry Army of the National Revolutionary Army. He was summoned by Zhang Xueliang and appointed to participate in the "Xi'an Incident" and the "capture of Jiang". In 1938, Liu Guiwu followed Ma Zhanshan in a bloody battle with the Japanese army in the village of Hongyou Pole in Guyang County, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. On April 22, Liu Guiwu was unfortunately killed and cut off by the Japanese army. After Liu Guiwu's death, a memorial meeting was held in Xi'an for all walks of life in Shaanxi.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1907, Wen Sheng was just born

Wen Shenggang, Guangzhou's "Propaganda Minister", "Wen Zong", "Wen Zong's Six Martyrs". On the afternoon of August 1, 1934, Wen Shenggang was brutally killed at the age of twenty-seven. At the same time, tan guobiao, Ling Boji, Lai Yinfang, Zheng Tingxiu, He Rentang and other five members of the "Wen Zong" were also sacrificed, and the history called "the six martyrs of the Guangzhou Wen Zong" made heroic sacrifices.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1909, Tian Dewang was born

Tian Dewang is a famous Chinese writer of translated literature. His translations of novels by the Swiss writer Keller, Romeo and Juliet in the Countryside, are examples of German literary translations. Tian Dewang has studied Dante all his life and is the most famous Dante research expert in China. In 1994, Tian Dewang's translation of Dante's Divine Comedy not only won the "Rainbow" Translation Award of the Chinese and Foreign Literary Exchange Committee, but also the National Translation Award of the Italian Ministry of Literary Heritage. In recognition of his outstanding achievements in Dante's research, the President of Italy received Tian Dewang in 1999 and awarded him the Italian Knight of the Order of the President, First Class.

A great celebrity born on July 4

On July 4, 1942, Jiang Hongde was born

Jiang Hongde is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, a famous expert in turbomachinery and power engineering in China, and a professor of turbomachinery and power engineering in the Department of Energy and Power Engineering of Tsinghua University. Academician Jiang Hongde has long been engaged in scientific research in the field of energy and power, and has made outstanding achievements in the field of impeller mechanical aerodynamic thermodynamics, and has made significant contributions to China's independent research and development, talent training and technological progress.

A great celebrity born on July 4

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