
"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Xianning Daily

All-media reporters Zhang Dale, Zhang Min, Tan Hongyu, and special correspondents Jiang Kaiqun and Long Yu

Pocket Xianning reports

If the landscape can talk, Kangfengyuan Scenic Area will definitely thank the Yinshan people for the colorful gauze they put on it, this dress, romantic enough, beautiful enough, invite people to dream, here to find poetry and far away.

The scenery is beautiful in the mountains and rivers. In the spring and autumn of the past five years, Yinshan Village in Jiayu Luxi Town has turned "dead resources" such as stone mountains, swamps, and wastelands into "living assets", not allowing the mountains and rivers to live in the air, and converting "green" into "gold".

Where is the beauty of the view?

Green ecology is the bottom, six-in-one service, four seasons tour is not the same

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

During the eleventh period, the Kangfengyuan Scenic Area, located on the shore of Dayan Lake and on the side of Dongwu Avenue, caught fire again.

The romantic and beautiful sea of flowers is bustling, the flowers are busy swaying and competing, tourists are busy taking photos and group photos, leaving beautiful moments; the EighteenTh Square of Yinshan is bustling, tourists are in the wine mill, oil mill, noodle mill, cake mill and other workshops, taste the charm of handicrafts; the parent-child play area is constantly laughing, adults and children play freely, enjoy a beautiful parent-child time...

Zhong Feng, from Wuhan, came to play here for three days with her husband and two children.

She calls the trip a "healing journey": "The green eyes, the original rustic elements, let people relax and enjoy, these days are like returning to the intimate hometown, washing away the tiredness of the busy life." 」 ”

Like Zhong Feng, there are many more. The data shows that during the eleventh period, the scenic spot received nearly 8,000 tourists and achieved tourism income of more than 200,000 yuan.

Why is a scenic spot in a remote village that only opened on March 1 this year have such a strong attraction?

"In the past, people often thought that eating a farmhouse meal and picking some fresh melons and fruits was a country tour. However, that's only the 1.0 version of rural tourism. Let tourists take an immersive vacation in the countryside to attract people to stay and stop. According to the relevant person in charge of the scenic spot, the scenic spot mainly plays the green ecological card and provides a six-in-one systematic service of "eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment", so that tourists can travel in all seasons and experience it is not the same.

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

It is reported that the scenic spot plans to build six major functional zones such as ecological picking area, sightseeing and leisure area, parent-child recreation area, natural education area, water interaction area, and camp living area, etc., to create a pastoral life complex integrating study and travel labor education and leisure picking tourism.

Here, you can see the scenery every step; here, you can see the water, you can see the mountains, and remember to live in homesickness. Yin Aiqing, general secretary of the party branch of Yinshan Village, believes that rural tourism should have a local flavor, but it is more important to have taste and make its own characteristics, which is the secret to maintaining long-term vitality and unique core competitiveness.

Where does the beauty come from?

Capable people return to their hometowns for development, party building leads development, and global tourism thinking

In 2015, the construction project of Dongwu Avenue (also known as "Lu Bashu Tourist Highway") was launched, which is a "poverty alleviation tourism highway" that gives The people of Yinshan the hope of changing the embarrassing status quo.

Taking the express train of the tourist highway to develop characteristic tourist attractions and develop rural tourism has become the consensus of town and village leaders. However, who will develop it and how? How to be sustainable after development? Become a problem in front of you.

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

Yin Aiqing recalled that at that time, the leaders of the town party committee took the "poverty alleviation tourism highway" planning map and went south to Shenzhen many times, hoping to attract people to return to their hometowns to invest.

Gong Kang, an overseas Chinese from Singapore whose ancestral home is Yinshan Village, has a strong hometown complex and has paid for the construction of roads and running water for his hometown many times. After learning about the planning of Yinshan Village, he hit it off with the leaders of his hometown, believing that the project had both development potential and return to his hometown, and resolutely decided to return to his hometown to invest.

Investors have, and in the process of land circulation, they have encountered obstacles.

"This is my family's paddy field, why should I hand it over?" "What if the project fails, what about my land?" The idea of retired teacher Gong Mingzhu represents the concerns of some villagers.

Yin Aiqing gave full play to the role of the village party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and the party members took the lead in transferring land, demolishing old houses, and going door-to-door to explain plans and policies to villagers.

"Your family has more than a dozen acres of land, the circulation can be divided into six or seven thousand yuan per year, if the family goes to the park to work, there are two or three thousand yuan per month wages, and the annual income can increase by 30,000 or 40,000 yuan!" Yin Aiqing went to the door many times to explain the policy to Teacher Gong and calculated an account for him.

Gong Mingzhu was awakened by the student's account, happily pressed his handprint on the "Commitment to Agree to Land Circulation", and took the initiative to demolish his old house and plan it by the company. At the same time, he also appeared to say that he did work for other villagers, and soon, more than 1,700 acres of land in the second group of Yinshan Village were all transferred.

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

Nowadays, the popularity of Kangfengyuan Scenic Area has driven the development of industries such as the Thousand Mu Taoyuan Base, the Wo Citrus Base, and the Intensive Fish Pond Base. Yin Aiqing said that industrial integration has opened up new space for rural tourism, turning agriculture, water conservancy, forestry, and fishery resources into "gold mines" and bursting out new vitality for the development of rural industries. In the next step, we will dig deep into the local characteristic resources, cultivate the cultural heritage of the village, actively revitalize the high-quality tourism resources and services, and build a new pattern of global tourism development.

What does the view bring?

Accelerate the appreciation of landscapes and rivers, drive villagers to increase income, and help rural revitalization

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

Yinshan Village, named after the famous three kingdoms general Ding Feng's Shuai Yin, is within 100 kilometers of Wuhan, Yueyang and other seven counties and cities, and only 10 minutes away from the site of the "Battle of Chibi".

However, with its unique geographical advantages and unique and high-quality resource endowments, the development of the village is not satisfactory.

No characteristic economy, no village collective economy, no industrial projects, Yinshan Village was once a typical "hollow village", when the population outflow was the largest, the village had 317 households and 1645 people, and only more than 200 old and young people remained in the village.

"At that time, the village was full of weeds, muddy swamps and abandoned farmland." Villager Zhang Chunming recalled that even during the Spring Festival, the village was deserted.

In January 2016, Kangfengyuan Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. was established, after 5 years of construction, on March 1 this year, Kangfengyuan Scenic Area officially opened the park.

Villagers say that in recent years, the changes in the village can be described as "earth-shaking": the roads have hardened, squares have been built on the swamps, the fruit trees on the fertile land have grown happily, and the broken mud brick houses have been transformed into Homestay Inns with Hakka style...

The 49-year-old Gong Zhenxiang has been working outside the home for more than 20 years, his son and daughter-in-law have gone to Xiantao to work together, and only his elderly mother has stayed in her hometown. In 2016, when he learned that his hometown was developing an agricultural tourism project, Gong Zhenxiang simply stayed in the village to work. The company not only provides jobs, but also encourages villagers to develop planting, planting sweet potatoes and other agricultural products to sell to tourists.

The son and daughter-in-law came back to visit their father, and the changes in the village made them bright, and they immediately decided not to leave and went to work in Kang Fengyuan, "The income is similar to that outside, but the cost is less, and the life is more comfortable than before!" ”

"Heal the Wind"! Jiayuyin Mountain Village: A beautiful home on stone mountains and swamps

It is reported that in addition to sharing the fixed infrared of the land, the villagers also generate income through scenic spots, business of local specialties and other ways. At present, nearly 100 villagers are employed in the park, with a monthly salary of at least 3,000 yuan.

In the past five years, nearly 1,000 people in the village have returned to their hometowns for employment, the village collective economy has increased from 7,500 yuan to 350,000 yuan, and the per capita income of villagers has reached 18,500 yuan.

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Huan

Editor: Xiang Dongning

This article is from [Xianning Daily] and only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.


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