
Seven degrees of life. You have a few degrees that determine how happy you are

author:Shizusui River Flow

#虎年有娱 #

"It is better to read ten thousand books than to walk a thousand miles; it is better to walk a thousand miles than to be guided by a high person; it is better to be enlightened by a high person to guide the way."

Happy life is created by yourself.

How do you make yourself enlightened and increase your level of happiness?

When you are lost, you are "master" and you are self-conscious.

A "teacher" can be a person, a book, an article, an event.

Although people's lives are long and short, life is not just a dimension of time, but a colorful, seven-dimensional, three-dimensional growth process.

Seven degrees of life. You have a few degrees that determine how happy you are

How big the seven degrees of support are, how much happiness there is in life.

Pattern, vision, and dreams determine our height;

The way of thinking, the ability to learn, and the ability to comprehend determine our depth;

The education we have, the skills and skills we have determine the breadth of our lives;

Having seen, seen, and constantly broken through the limitations of self-knowledge, determines our breadth;

Life experience, precipitation, accumulation and output are thickness;

Speed is the rhythm of one's own life, whether it follows the rhythm of others, or has its own main theme.

Temperature is a comfortable feeling for those around you.

Height, depth, width, and breadth prop up a flat space.

Thickness is the precipitation and essence, and it is the key to becoming three-dimensional in life.

The process of accumulating and outputting thickness and supporting the three-dimensional life space is also the process of continuously expanding the territory of the plane of life. It is the embodiment of "age is wealth".

Historically, LaoZi, Confucius, and Xunzi were all people with thickness.

What is true happiness? Dedication, service to others.

Willingly, regardless of the return, dedicate their thickness, serve others, can obtain true happiness in their hearts, and at the same time three-dimensional their own lives.

Happiness and success are not how beautiful they are when they go out, but when they close the door, they are still happy inside.

The level of inner pleasure is known only to oneself.

Wise people often say: Man should cultivate the old man and come to the blessing.

Lao Laifu is the seed sown in the first half of life, germinating, flowering, and bearing fruit.

Slow down the pace of the soul, enjoy your own temperature, warm yourself at the same time, warm others, is a happy and happy life three-dimensional map.

Special thanks to the author of "Wealth Beyond Money" Ms. Yun Liya.

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