
"Focus on the Two Sessions" Dragon Flying Delta, Phoenix Dance, Great River Tide, deputies are talking about the acceleration of "Anhui and the United States."

author:Zhongan Online

  Zhongan Online, Zhongan News Client News Strong cooperation, kinetic energy, practical results, in the past year, in the wave of integration into the Yangtze River Delta integrated high-quality development, Anhui adhere to the Shanghai leading drive, hand in hand with Jiangsu and Zhejiang, YangWan's strengths.

  Talking about achievements, talking about expectations, and making suggestions, during the two sessions of the provincial people's congress, how to take advantage of the "east wind" of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, strive to be excellent students, inject new momentum, and go to a higher level, the deputies to the people's congress have combined with reality and offered suggestions and suggestions.

  Lv Bin, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Build a green product display and trading service center in the Yangtze River Delta

"Focus on the Two Sessions" Dragon Flying Delta, Phoenix Dance, Great River Tide, deputies are talking about the acceleration of "Anhui and the United States."

  Lu Bin, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress

  Our province has not tapped enough potential in the Yangtze River Delta market information standards, brand awareness, consumer preferences and so on. Lu Bin, a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, found in the survey that the supply of vegetables in Anhui accounted for less than 3% of the vegetable market in Shanghai's outer ports, and one of the important reasons was that the market supply and demand information lagged behind and was asymmetrical. "When producers and operators cannot get clear market supply and demand news, they can only rely on 'gambling', and what they plant and sell goes with the flow." In addition, there is still a gap between the goodwill and brand influence of most green agricultural products in Anhui and the requirements of "integration" and "high quality".

  In his view, it is necessary to provide green agricultural products with standards, technologies, data, brand services and other support in the Yangtze River Delta region. "Our province should build a 365-day green product sales service platform in the Yangtze River Delta that will never end." Deputy Lu Bin suggested.

  In addition, it is equally important to promote the construction of a green product display and trading service center in the Yangtze River Delta. Deputy Lu Bin said that local governments should closely focus on market demand, data capture analysis and application at the same time set up Anhui green agricultural products data center, through blockchain and other technical means to gather supply and demand data, to achieve an effective connection between supply and demand, further promote the integration of resources, and use supply-side structural reform to promote Anhui's good agricultural products to the Yangtze River Delta region.

  Brand building and digital construction of the whole supply chain also need to be strengthened. "Brands can attach culture, can also add value, and can improve the market competitiveness of products." Deputy Lu Bin believes that all localities can jointly strengthen brand creation activities, jointly carry out the promotion of agricultural product brands and regional public brands in Anhui Province, and formulate standards to promote the standardized production of green agricultural products in Anhui, mutual recognition of brands, and the listing of products with standards and codes; to establish a "base warehouse" that integrates functions such as trading, warehousing, sorting, inspection and testing, big data construction, and brand cultivation in the county as the command center, so as to realize product traceability, quality control, and time guarantee, and guide and control product categories, production capacity, and quality from the production end , unified planting, packaging and other standards, overall planning of product allocation, to ensure continuous supply. With the guarantee of quality and the power of the brand, we will drive the industrial economic development of the area where the base is located and increase the income of farmers.

"Focus on the Two Sessions" Dragon Flying Delta, Phoenix Dance, Great River Tide, deputies are talking about the acceleration of "Anhui and the United States."

  Du Zhongxin, a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress

  Du Zhongxin, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Strengthen the construction of the yangtze river delta pension integration mechanism

  As one of the regions with the strongest innovation and the most inclusiveness in China, the Yangtze River Delta has a severe situation of aging and aging population in recent years. According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the aging rates in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui are 34%, 23%, 22% and 19% respectively. Du Zhongxin, a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, analyzed that Shanghai's aging degree ranks first in the country, the elderly population is large, and the high cost of old-age care has become the "old-age anxiety" of Shanghai today, while Anhui Province has a lot of space and advantages in terms of old-age service prices and land supply for old-age services.

  "Under the background of the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region, the elderly in Shanghai will choose to go to the Yangtze River Delta region for off-site pension after retirement." Du Zhongxin believes that the geographical proximity of three provinces and one city, "multi-city pension" has become a new pension trend. However, in the survey, Du Zhongxin found that the integrated development mechanism of the elderly in the Yangtze River Delta region still has problems such as imperfect old-age collaborative security mechanism, unbalanced supply of old-age resources, insufficient socialization of old-age care, and poor information sharing among the elderly population. Therefore, it is necessary to further give play to the advantages of pension resources in our province, strengthen the construction of the pension integration mechanism in the Yangtze River Delta region, and promote the coordinated development of pension services in various places.

  In this regard, Du Zhongxin suggested that we should strengthen the organizational system for the integrated development of the elderly and vigorously promote the institutional guarantee of the elderly care service. Local governments can set up "Yangtze River Delta Social Affairs and Management Committee" and "Yangtze River Delta Integrated Development Industry Association" to be responsible for various matters involved in the process of off-site pension.

  Du Zhongxin believes that it is possible to set up headquarters in Shanghai, set up branches in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces, and set up offices in prefecture-level cities under the jurisdiction of each province. Through the establishment and operation of industry associations, standardize industry behavior, improve service quality, optimize resource allocation, and promote the improvement of the overall level of old-age services and the integrated development of old-age services in the Yangtze River Delta region. Introduce and improve rules and regulations, so that regional integrated old-age services can "have laws to follow".

  In addition, various preferential policies for old-age services have been introduced to encourage the elderly to provide for the elderly in different places and to undertake off-site pensions in target cities. For example, for the elderly who are old-age in different places, preferential treatment is given to the elderly in terms of the price of old-age services, cultural and sports consumption, and the fare of transportation scenic spots, so as to reduce the cost of off-site old-age care for the elderly. All localities have accelerated the regional integration and development of the social security system, broken through the barriers of the medical and social security system for the elderly in different places between regions, and fundamentally solved the worries of the elderly in different places, so that the old-age care has a "medical" dependence.

  Wang Hongju, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Build a modern agricultural industrial belt in the Yangtze River Delta

  Wang Hongju, a deputy to the Provincial People's Congress, said that the agricultural development foundation in northern Anhui is relatively good, and Huaiyuan County in Bengbu City has now built the country's largest glutinous rice production and processing distribution center, with an annual processing capacity of more than 2 million tons; Wuhe County has the largest single breeding scale in Asia, and milk production has ranked first in the province for many years, accounting for 65% of the province's total output; Huaiyuan County and Guzhen County are the largest pigs transferred out of the country, supplying more than 800,000 high-quality pigs in the Yangtze River Delta region every year.

  In view of the many advantages of agriculture in northern Anhui, Wang Hongju suggested that a modern agricultural industrial belt in the Yangtze River Delta (northern Anhui) be created. Drive the digital transformation and value chain of the Green Agricultural Products Supply Base in the Yangtze River Delta, attract the leading agricultural industrialization in the Yangtze River Delta, and link up with e-commerce head enterprises such as Shanghai Pinduoduo, Jiangsu Suning Tesco, and Zhejiang Alibaba to build a cloud agricultural product supply base with "traceable quality and credible brand".

  In terms of enhancing the driving force of innovation, Wang Hongju suggested that the northern Anhui region should be supported to rely on high-tech zones and science and technology parks to form a number of science and technology enterprise incubators, and set up "science and technology enclaves" in cities in the central area of the Yangtze River Delta to achieve off-site research and development and local incubation. Continue to do a good job in the cultivation of major projects, further promote the "double strokes and double introduction", support the introduction of a number of 5 billion-level or even 10-billion-level innovative enterprises in northern Anhui, and drive upstream and downstream enterprises to follow up.

"Focus on the Two Sessions" Dragon Flying Delta, Phoenix Dance, Great River Tide, deputies are talking about the acceleration of "Anhui and the United States."

  Huo Hui, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress

  Huo Hui, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress: Wangjiang Panyuan "high-speed rail dream" and integration into the "circle of friends" of the Yangtze River Delta

  "Wangjiang's desire to improve the traffic layout is very urgent, especially high-speed rail." Huo Hui, deputy to the Provincial People's Congress and secretary of the Wangjiang County CPC Committee, said with a smile, "What I am bringing this time is still suggestions for improving the traffic layout of Wangjiang County. ”

  "Wangjiang County is located at the junction of the three provinces of Anhui, Hubei and Gansu, and its location is remote, although in 2018, it joined the 'circle of friends' of the Yangtze River Delta with Anqing City, but due to traffic restrictions on the economic and social development of Wangjiang." Wangjiang County is one of the last counties in the province to achieve poverty alleviation, and its economic foundation and infrastructure are relatively weak. Huo Hui introduced that after Anhui fully joined the "circle of friends" in the Yangtze River Delta, the people of Wangjiang also look forward to improving the traffic layout and realizing the "high-speed rail dream".

  In addition, Deputy Huo Hui also brought a motion on the construction of the Wangjiang Yangtze River Railway Bridge during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. He introduced that in the next step, Wangjiang County will also apply for the construction of a national modern agricultural demonstration zone to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, while effectively connecting rural revitalization. (Reporters Meng Yifan, Wang Qiao, Shi Ruiwen, Cheng Hao, Liu Weixin, Yu Jiezhi)

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