
The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

author:Thinking about the media

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

With a roar, the steel dragon leaped up and crossed the Pearl River estuary, connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan. On June 30, 2024, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened to traffic, and the mystery of this giant project across Lingdingyang was finally unveiled. But what kind of story is hidden behind this 24-kilometer sea and sky road? What kind of changes will its birth bring to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area? Let us follow in the footsteps of a builder and witness this legend spanning more than 20 years.

Iron Tenderness: An Engineer and Twenty Years in the Deep Middle Channel

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

Xi Junjie stood at the head of the bridge of the Shenzhong Passage, looking at the grand project across the Lingding Ocean in front of him, with a gleam of pride in his eyes. As a veteran engineer of the Shenzhong Corridor project, he has witnessed the whole process of the "Great Wall of the Sea" from conception to reality. However, behind this strategic passage connecting the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary, there is the hardship and sweat of countless builders.

In 2004, Xi Junjie, who had just graduated from university, joined the preliminary research team of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel. At that time, he was full of passion and eager to contribute to the transportation cause of the motherland. However, he never expected that this would be a full twenty years.

"In the beginning, the challenges we faced were enormous," he says. Xi Junjie recalled, "The hydrogeology of the Pearl River Estuary is complex, the tidal range is large, and the wind and waves are fierce, so there was no international precedent to build a sea-crossing bridge in such an environment. ”

In order to overcome technical difficulties, Xi Junjie and his team worked day and night. They visited sea-crossing bridges around the world to learn from advanced experiences; Repeated data analysis and model testing are carried out to find the optimal solution. In the process, Xi Junjie missed countless family gatherings, and even failed to accompany his father's dying sickbed.

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

"I remember one time my daughter was crying on the phone and asking me when I was going to come home." A trace of guilt flashed in Xi Junjie's eyes, "I can only tell her that my father is building a very important bridge, and when the bridge is built, I can accompany her every day." ”

In 2015, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor project was finally approved. When the news came, Xi Junjie and his colleagues were so excited that they burst into tears. Years of hard work are finally paying off, and their dreams are about to become reality.

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

However, the real challenge has only just begun. In 2017, the construction of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor officially began. As the technical leader of the project, Xi Junjie is facing even more pressure. "We have adopted the world's first steel-shell-concrete immersed tunnel technology, and there is no room for error in every link." "Sometimes it's not uncommon to miss your eyes for days and nights on end, but it's worth all the hard work to think that this bridge will change the lives of millions of people." ”

During the construction process, Xi Junjie and his team set a number of world records. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not only the world's first bridge-island-tunnel-underwater interconnection four-in-one cross-sea cluster project, but also contains 10 international leading technologies and 10 world-first major equipment. These achievements have not only won an international reputation for China's bridge construction, but also contributed to the "Chinese plan" for the world's cross-sea passage project.

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

On June 16, 2024, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor finally passed the delivery and acceptance. When the last piece of pavement was paved, Xi Junjie was so excited that he couldn't speak. He remembered what his father used to say before his death: "The meaning of life is to create value for others." At this moment, he deeply felt the weight of this sentence.

On the day of the opening of traffic, Xi Junjie took his wife and daughter to the Shenzhong Passage. His eyes moistened as he looked at the traffic on the bridge deck and listened to the roar echoing in the tunnel. "Dad, is this the bridge you're talking about?" The daughter asked, looking up. Xi Junjie nodded and said softly, "Yes, this is the bridge that Dad built with many uncles and aunts." It not only connects the two cities, but also connects the dreams of countless people. ”

The Shenzhong Passage is open to traffic! After 20 years of dreaming, the steel dragon flew over the ocean

The completion of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not only a breakthrough in engineering technology, but also an important milestone in the history of China's transportation construction. Together with the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the Nansha Bridge, it forms a group of cross-sea and cross-river passages in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which will greatly promote the development of regional economic integration.

The driving time from Shenzhen to Zhongshan has been shortened from 2 hours to 30 minutes, which not only brings convenience to residents of the two places, but also injects new impetus into the coordinated development of the entire Greater Bay Area. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor connects major cooperation platforms such as Qianhai, Nansha and Hengqin, which will accelerate the flow of technology, talents, capital and other elements in the Greater Bay Area, and help build a world-class innovation highland.

However, Xi Junjie knows that the opening of traffic is only a new starting point. "We also face the challenge of ensuring safe and efficient operation of the channel." "But I believe that as long as we continue to maintain the spirit of innovation and the attitude of struggle, we will be able to overcome all difficulties." ”

Now, standing at the bridgehead of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Xi Junjie's eyes crossed the vast Pearl River Estuary, as if he saw the thriving future of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. He knows that this bridge not only carries traffic, but also carries the dreams and hopes of countless people. And he will continue to fight for this dream.

"Over the past 20 years, we have paved this 'sea road' with sweat and wisdom." Xi Junjie smiled and said, "In the future, we will continue to use responsibility and responsibility to protect this bridge connecting dreams and contribute to the prosperity and development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area." ”

The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not only the completion of a project, but also the beginning of an era. It has witnessed the rapid development of China's bridge construction and demonstrated the wisdom and innovative spirit of Chinese engineers. At the same time, it is also an important symbol of the integrated development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, which will bring more opportunities and possibilities to this vibrant land.

Source: Comprehensive Yu Video Xinhua News Agency Kuaikan and other media reports

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