
What is the factory production method under intelligent manufacturing?

author:Hengyuan Technology

The hardware facilities of intelligent manufacturing are mainly intelligent equipment and information equipment, the production mode is mainly intelligent and advanced, and the management mode is information and universal. The development of intelligent equipment and information equipment makes the production process more accurate and effective, liberates workers from heavy simple labor, and workers become supervisors and managers of the production process, which inevitably requires the high level of workers' labor skills and the universalization of management methods.

What is the factory production method under intelligent manufacturing?

(1) Hardware facilities for intelligent manufacturing

The hardware facilities of intelligent manufacturing are mainly intelligent equipment and information equipment. The intelligentization of production equipment involves many aspects such as information collection, information transmission, information processing and information feedback. Compared with the traditional production process, intelligent equipment such as sensor devices, intelligent modules and industrial big data cloud platforms have been added to the intelligent manufacturing production process, and the monitoring and management level of the production process has been greatly improved.

(2) The production mode of intelligent manufacturing

The production mode of intelligent manufacturing is mainly manifested as intelligent and advanced. Intelligent production liberates workers, and workers' labor intensity is reduced, labor efficiency is improved, and labor skills are diversified. The production process can be divided into three main processes: obtaining demand, producing and selling products. Among them, the acquisition of demand can be subdivided into demand acquisition, demand analysis and other processes; production includes product development and design, the actual production of products, etc.; sales of products including after-sales service and other links.

In terms of obtaining demand, the intelligence of intelligent manufacturing is mainly reflected in the use of information technology such as big data to obtain and analyze needs. In terms of production, the intelligence of intelligent manufacturing is reflected in the dataization of product design and the automation of the production process. In terms of selling products, first of all, a considerable part of the products are intelligent products, followed by the networking of sales channels, and finally the gradual improvement of after-sales service.

(3) Management methods of intelligent manufacturing

The management mode of intelligent manufacturing is mainly manifested as informatization and universalization. The intelligent production mode ensures the precision and high quality of production, and at the same time liberates the workers, who play the role of supervisors in the production process and significantly improve their status in the production process. The development of information technology has made the feedback of information in the production sector more timely and reliable, and it is also more conducive to the supervision and management of the production process by capitalists.

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