
This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

author:Belly movies

Peaches watched a movie the other day and at first I thought it was a comedy.

However, after reading it, I felt as if I had read a warm healing novel.

"Walking with Grandma"


This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Douban scored 7.7, with more than 70% of reviews above four stars.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

This is a film that is not sensational, not pompous and unpretentious, and rare and valuable.

The film also won the 87th National Critics Association Awards for Top Ten Independent Films.

Lead actor Lily Tomlin was also nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

At the beginning of the film, it establishes a warm and healing style of chicken soup for life.

Time is not deceived, never to return.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

The heroine Ellie is a cool grandmother who is close to 50 years old, she is a literati who likes women and writes poetry for a living, but this poet Lily is unusually unusual, bursting foul language, fighting, irritability, feminism, hard heart, independence... Since the death of her wife, her temper has become more withdrawn.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Ellie's daughter Judy is a strong woman with a successful career, a temper that is just as hot as Ellie's, sophisticated and shrewd, and a moist life, but there is no love, and the relationship with her mother and daughter is tense.

Judy has been busy with her career, and in order to save time, she simply selected a high-quality sperm in the sperm bank and gave birth to her daughter Saatchi.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Thatch is a beautiful high school girl, too young to be unwanted, but the little girl is rebellious and ignorant in adolescence, alienated from relatives, and mixes with a boy all day, and one day she accidentally becomes pregnant.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Accidentally pregnant, preparing for an abortion, the scumbag does not pay, so Saatchi finds his grandmother to help.

Yes, you read that right, it's a wonderful combination of women in the family.

As the saying goes, three women are a play, what if the three women are all fierce characters?

At the beginning of the movie, Ellie breaks up with her girlfriend Wei, who is 30 years younger than herself.

The party who is broken up in this situation will surely say: Have you ever loved me?

Most people will also say: loved.

However, our cool grandmother said bluntly: You are just an episode!

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

This grandmother you are simply, even if you break up, don't hurt people so much!

The girlfriend left angrily, and Ellie cried in the house...

Ellie was at home alone, in a daze with a picture of her deceased wife, when her granddaughter Saatchi arrived.

Thatch came to his grandmother to borrow 600 yuan to beat the tire, but the problem came, the grandmother who had just paid off the debt now had 43 yuan in her pocket.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Ellie even cut her credit card and hung it piece by piece to make a wind chime, because she thought that credit cards would make people stupid.

Faced with her granddaughter's preparations for an abortion, Ellie told her that you might think about it every day of your life.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Seeing this, I didn't think that this grandmother was so upset, she was just an old lala with a personality, however, the next plot development caught me off guard.

I don't have any money, but my granddaughter is determined not to have a child in her belly, what should I do?

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

With more than fifty years of life experience, my grandmother took her granddaughter on a journey of borrowing money to beat the fetus.

First, grandma drove the classic car left by her wife and took her granddaughter to a free women's health clinic.

However, when they got there, they found that the original clinic had long since been turned into a café.

So Saatchi asked Grandma: When was the last time you came this time?

Ten years ago!!!

Well, Saatchi, you have a grandmother with such a clear brain, congratulations.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Adhering to the spirit that since she came, she could not come in vain, Grandma came to the café, ordered a cup of coffee, and began to complain:

Now where to go for cheap abortion surgery, now there is only what bullshit coffee here!

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

As a result, Grandma was also kicked out by the clerk because she was talking too loudly. Of course, this clerk did not end up with a good ending, not to mention the bloody head of the dog scolded by his grandmother, and his shop was also spilled with coffee by his grandmother!

Whoever has such a grandmother is really not afraid of being bullied by others!

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Next, the grandmother, who had always been jealous and hateful, found the scumbag family who was the granddaughter's belly.

As a result, the scumbag not only did not get a penny, but also asked his girlfriend, is this child mine?

In the face of such an asshole scumbag, Grandma scolded him for sure: someone should not grow a beard, your face is like a creaky nest!

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Finally, before leaving, Grandma also gave this young man a stick to hit the crotch, hahahahaha!

The money did not come, so Grandma mobilized the fox friends around her, and everything that happened next involved Ellie's grandmother's past.

First of all, a black tattooist, it was here that Saatchi heard legends about his grandmother's youth:

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Ellie married a man when she was young, and after the marriage she found out that she liked women, so she left her ex-husband, beat up their children, and then gave birth to a daughter Judy in a one-night stand with a strange man.

Grandma, when you were young, you were really cool hanging bombing day...

A black friend lent Grandma $60 because she had recently gone bankrupt.

Haha, Grandma, what friends have you made here?

With no way out, Grandma had to sell her treasured front-page books to friends who once wanted to buy, but she met a young girlfriend who had just broken up at her friend's restaurant, Wei, who was working, and the two continued to quarrel when they met, so the book did not sell.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

In order to borrow money, my grandmother even found an ex-husband who I hadn't seen for 30 years!! After the two met and greeted each other, Grandma and her ex-husband actually smoked marijuana, and after hi, the ex-husband said to come to kiss and borrow money from Grandma: as a result, the kiss was finished, and the ex-husband asked to have sex with her.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

It may be that 30 years ago, his grandmother hurt him too deeply, in short, now he is deliberately embarrassed, and the last penny has not been given to his grandmother.

No way, the grandchildren came to find their mother Judy, and what they both had in common was that they were very afraid of their mother Judy, and the three women were finally going to meet:

Looking at this mom who works while running is really a bit scary, judy is definitely not an ordinary person.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

It is naturally a little awkward for two mothers and daughters who usually have a bad relationship to meet.

So Judy asked her daughter straight away: What are you doing, aren't you pregnant??

A woman's sixth sense is so accurate!

"Mom! I'm really pregnant! ”

Then the overwhelming quarrel began:

I bought you 100 condoms, enough for you to use for a year! Did you eat all of this?

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Judy scolded and finally gave the money to Thatch, after all, he was his own flesh and blood.

On the way to get a tire, the granddaughter was a little scared and felt that she had killed the little life.

In this regard, her grandmother taught her this:

"Are you going to go to hell with thousands of women who have had abortions?" No kidding, when a person dies it's a darkness, nothing else. ”

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

A Christian mother who protested against abortion took her daughter to insult Ellie and Thatch, and Ellie ran to reason with the little girl, "and before Ellie could finish speaking, the little girl gave her a punch."

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

This picture is clearly a warning to the world: even if you understand it early in life, the world still gives you a gentle punch from time to time, which is really laughable.

In the end, Saatchi completed the operation smoothly.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

However, the Tire Beating Technology in the United States is really first-class, just finished playing only said a stomachache, and then the next second will be fine...

In this abortion storm, on this day, the grandchildren experienced many obstacles, and also made the grandmother helplessly pass with her one by one

The reunion also makes Ellie, Judy and Saatchi's grandchildren more understanding and inclusive.

The day of accompanying my granddaughter to beat the fetus is finally over, and grandma comes to the home of the little girlfriend who broke up before, and this time Grandma let go

After putting down psychological baggage, she said to her girlfriend:

You certainly treat me finally, I like the days of falling in love with you, you still have a splendid future, I hope you have a great person

bear. This is my hope for you, and I want you to have what I have.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

Finally, Grandma walked home alone.

This grandmother is too cool, smokes marijuana, engages in lily and takes her granddaughter to get a fetus

This movie with a cool grandmother, beautiful granddaughter and a good soundtrack is really suitable for babies to relax.

In short, the woman who knows what she wants and lives clearly, this is what we are looking for!