
Home Affairs News Early On (July 22)

author:Xinhuanet client
Home Affairs News Early On (July 22)

Today is July 22, 2021, Thursday, june 13th of the lunar calendar, these civil affairs-related information, worth paying attention to!


☉ Recently, the Department of Civil Affairs of Jiangsu Province issued the Emergency Notice on Further Strengthening the Prevention and Control of the Epidemic in the Civil Affairs Field. Implement closed management of civil affairs service establishments such as old-age service establishments, child welfare establishments, and civil affairs mental health welfare establishments.

Management of social organizations

☉ Recently, the Hebei Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and other 9 departments jointly issued a notice, deciding to carry out a special action to reduce the burden of enterprises, resolutely clean up and rectify various illegal charges, and strictly investigate and punish illegal charges of enterprises.

☉ Recently, the Department of Civil Affairs of Guizhou Province issued a notice to revoke the registration of 17 provincial social organizations such as the "Guizhou Qiancai Culture Research Association" in accordance with the law. At the same time, in accordance with relevant provisions, from the effective date of the administrative punishment for revoking registration, they are to be entered into the list of serious untrustworthiness of social organizations.

Social assistance

☉ Recently, the Department of Civil Affairs of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region said that from January to June 2021, the region guaranteed a total of 1.6241 million urban and rural low-income insurance recipients, 96,000 people in special hardship, and issued a total of 3.968 billion yuan of low-income and special hardship assistance funds; 91,800 temporary assistance to families experiencing temporary and sudden life difficulties, and 133 million yuan of temporary assistance funds.

☉ On July 21, the Department of Civil Affairs of Anhui Province launched the theme practice of "Relieving Worries and Warming the Heart and Passing on the Party's Grace" and guided social forces to participate in social assistance activities. The activity is based on solving the problem of "urgent difficulties and anxieties" of the people in difficulty, holding on-site meetings to help and solve difficulties, guiding loving enterprises to donate, visiting and comforting the people in need, and providing "material + service" social assistance for 420 people in need.

Child welfare

☉ Recently, the first plenary meeting of the Heilongjiang Provincial Leading Group for the Protection of Minors was held. The meeting stressed that it is necessary to earnestly safeguard the lawful rights and interests of minors, strive to purify the environment in which minors grow up, serve special groups of minors with affection and care, and perform their duties to properly implement all duties for the protection of minors.

Home Affairs News Early On (July 22)

Source: China Civil Affairs WeChat public account

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