
Kawazu: Tightening the responsibility "screw" on the safety "clockwork"

author:Shanxi News Network

Safe production is a major event for people's livelihood, and there is no relaxation at all. Since the end of December 2021, Hejin City has consciously turned the blade inward, carried out the "100-day attack" concentrated action of large-scale investigation and rectification of hidden risks in the field of safe production and the special action of severely cracking down on the illegal mining of mineral resources, implemented the responsibility for safe production to the letter, built a solid safety barrier, and supported safe production.

"You see, this emergency cut-off button is not marked, the position setting is unreasonable, affecting the operation of personnel." "There is a phenomenon of bare pipe trenches inside the tanker, which should be filled with sand." ...... On December 22, 2021, the safety inspection and rectification of gas stations in Hejin City was officially launched. On the same day, when the safety law enforcement inspection team extended the shell gas station inspection on Zijin South Street, 9 problems were pointed out at the scene and demanded immediate rectification.

When investigating more than 30 items of potential safety hazards such as oil storage tanks, tankers, and oil and gas recovery systems at the city's refueling stations, the safety law enforcement inspection team found a total of 45 problems, completed 42 rectifications, and imposed 3 administrative penalties, with a penalty amount of more than 100,000 yuan.

"We are now the person in charge of 24-hour stationed in the front line of production and operation, and every employee must carry out a week of safety education and training, strengthen self-examination and self-correction of potential safety hazards, and let safety awareness stay in the heart." The person in charge of the gas station in the east of the city said.

"Hello, we are law enforcement officers of the Emergency Management Agency, and now we want to check the safety work of the coal mine, please cooperate." On December 24, 2021, the Hejin City Safety Law Enforcement Inspection Team walked into Tenghui Coal, Chuanwo Coal and Dujiagou Coal Industry to carry out "pulse consultation" inspections of coal mines, focusing on cracking down on "five falsehoods, five supers, three concealments and three noes" behavior, and making every effort to eliminate potential safety hazards.

"Gas emissions must not be taken lightly. You should strengthen ventilation management and strictly prevent gas accidents. ”...... Within 3 days, the inspection team issued on-site inspection records and disposal decisions to the three coal mines, requiring immediate rectification and implementation.

Since the launch of the "100-day offensive" action, Hejin City has found a total of 135 hidden dangers and 16 major hidden dangers in the general problems of coal mine safety, and has now been rectified in accordance with the "three determinations and five implementation" plan for hidden dangers, and held a meeting on the responsible persons of coal mines in the jurisdiction to rearrange and redeploy the safety work of the coal mine, requiring all coal mines to resolutely shoulder the main responsibility, strictly implement the safety management system, and always tighten the responsibility "screw" and tighten the safety "clockwork", so that the staff and workers can solidify the concept of safe production in their heads and remember it.

With a "bang", with the sound of explosions, an abandoned mine in Xiahua Township, Kawazu City, was destroyed...

On January 10, in accordance with the unified arrangement of Yuncheng City, Hejin City concentrated on blasting and destroying four abandoned mines, forming a powerful deterrent against illegal mining of mineral resources.

"From the perspective of aerial photography by drones, it can be seen that due to its age, the wellhead of the Sita coal mine no longer exists, the surface has resumed planting, and there is no private digging and illegal mining..."

In the special action to crack down on illegal mining of mineral resources, Hejin City implements a grid law enforcement supervision responsibility system, and adopts the method of combining man and machine to conduct a thorough investigation of all illegal mining points, illegal mining points and mines. At the same time, for the four abandoned mines exposed at the mouth of the well found in the investigation, centralized blasting and destruction were carried out, and warning signs and responsibility signs were set up.

In order to resolutely put an end to private digging and illegal mining, Hejin City has adopted methods such as blocking, blocking roads, blasting, and greening, and has taken a multi-pronged approach and will never be soft-hearted. At the same time, we will smooth the channels for reporting, implement the "reward for reporting" system, and form a joint force to strike hard.

In the past month, the operation has dispatched a total of 1274 inspectors (times), 125 villages, 31 licensed mining sites, and 55 unlicensed mining sites. The city pays close attention to key industries such as hazardous chemicals, coal mines, non-coal mines, road transportation, and forest fire prevention, and vows to build safety dikes with responsibility and use safety to support happy dreams.

Wang Li Shi Tiantian Wu Yongmei

(Editor-in-charge: Chu Jialin, Wen Wen)

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