
In order to earn 300, he was fined 1500 and deducted 12 points

author:Hangzhou Net

January 17, 2022 is the first day of the Spring Festival, in order to ensure that the people of the county spend a safe and peaceful Spring Festival, the Tonglu traffic police opened the Spring Festival support service mode. At 16:00 p.m., the Tonglu traffic police sub-water team set up a card at the intersection of The Forest Farm to investigate and deal with the traffic violations of passing vehicles.

In order to earn 300, he was fined 1500 and deducted 12 points

At about 16:40, the police found that there was a red semi-trailer equipped with a railing plate in the opposite lane, which flashed by, so they drove on the police car to chase and intercept. At the intersection of the Wang family road in Yaolin Town, the vehicle was successfully stopped. The police require the driver to show the driver's license, but the driver has been looking for various reasons to refuse to show the driver's license and identity documents, and finally the police confirm the identity through face recognition, the driver Li, born in 1989, the driver's license is issued in Hangzhou, but the quasi-driving type is C1. The driving requirement of this red semi-trailer is to drive A to drive, and Li Mou's permission to drive does not match.

In order to earn 300, he was fined 1500 and deducted 12 points

After questioning, Li said that he knew that he could not drive a semi-trailer, the year was approaching, the original driver of the car owner returned to his hometown for the New Year, there was a shortage of manpower, plus he also wanted to make some money, so he took the risk to take this job. During the inspection process, the police also found that the car not only modified the rear railing, but also installed high-brightness flashing lights on the license plate. This kind of light seems to be for illumination, in fact, the position of the lamp is directly above the license plate, and after the night is turned on, the light is just hit on the license plate, interfering with the capture of the electronic police, which is also an illegal modification behavior. Li Mou said that he drove this car (from Hangzhou Xiasha to Tonglu Water), the boss gave him 300 yuan, but now, he was sentenced to a total of 12 points and fined 1500 yuan for illegal modification and illegal behavior that did not match the driving permission.

As the saying goes: A gentleman loves money and has a way. Compliance with the law is the bottom line, in any case, we must set ourselves a legal red line, not to take chances.