
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

author:Idle and idle

When I watched the drama "Happy Express of Love Home", when I saw Helen, I always felt very familiar, but I just couldn't remember which drama I had seen her in, and then I finally thought that she was the wayward big lady Blue Butterfly in "Washed Injustice".

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Lan Cai Butterfly was really annoying at first in "Washed Injustice", because she was the daughter of the richest man in Taoyuan Town, and her rich family situation and her parents' doting made her develop a cruel and willful personality. Coupled with her self-esteem and beauty, she always feels that the men in the world will be moved by her, and she can be said to be windy and rainy in Taoyuan Town.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Buying clothes can buy the cloth of the whole store, just because she doesn't like to bump into other people's shirts, splurge, and doesn't take anyone seriously.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Of course, she did have capital, and at first Song Ci fell in love with her at first sight. Because when she was in the restaurant, she and her cousin mistakenly thought that Song Ci and Xue Dan had the habit of longyang, and her cousin made a bet with Lan Caidi that if she could make Song Ci, who had the habit of longyang, admire her and propose to her, then give her the gold noodle on her head.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Lan Caidi was very confident, first pretending to be injured, and then taking the initiative to invite, and when Song Ci was moved, she lied to him that her father would not allow them to come and go.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Song Ci was very anxious after listening to it, and Lan Caidi told him at this time that if he could not do anything and propose marriage in public, then her father would definitely agree.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Overwhelmed by love, Song Ci resolutely proposed to resign despite the persuasion of her friends.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

The result is naturally self-evident, he proposed to the blue butterfly in public, and was also ridiculed by the blue butterfly.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Fortunately, someone helped him out of this breath, and the blue butterfly was kidnapped not long after, and it was really gratifying to see her being frightened and gray-headed.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Because this time it was Song Yi, the lord of Zhixian County, who saved her, so Lan Caidi was also moved by this life-saving benefactor at this time.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

However, at this time, the blue butterfly did not have half a repentance because of being kidnapped, and was still ruthless and willful, and even regarded human life as a mustard. On the way, because she was touched by a child and her clothes were dirty, she was directly angry and shouted for compensation, and there was no such thing as a show. Accidentally pushed down the child's mother, the other party is still a pregnant woman with a big belly, she does not think there is anything to be surprised, when accused, she bluntly said that she can directly buy a wife to compensate him.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Fortunately, at this time, Song Yi was just and righteous, and did not succumb to the power of Lan Caidi's family situation, even if it was a lesson to her, pregnant women were not in serious trouble, and this matter was settled.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Later, when the blue butterfly accidentally fell into the water while admiring the flowers, it was Song Yi who went into the water to save her, and she was even more moved.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

The prey she looks at naturally will not be easily let go, the blue butterfly takes the initiative to attack, and it is a gift to show gratitude, and also strongly recommends him in front of the red man Cai Gonggong, who is around the emperor.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Afterwards, he was reminded that as long as he made good friends with the Lan family and Lan Caidi's father hurt her so much, there must be many opportunities for promotion in the future.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Although at this time, Song Yi (in fact, he was pretending to be Fang Jun) had already fallen in love with Nie Feng, but he was not a person who could refuse the temptation of interests, otherwise he would not pretend to be the real Song Yi to come to Taoyuan Town as Zhi County. In order to curry favor with Gonggong Cai, he knew that Uncle Gui had a vendetta against Gonggong Cai, and he did not hesitate to betray Uncle Gui and kill Uncle Gui.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

After Lan Caidi fell in love with Song Yi, she often repeatedly created opportunities for the two to be alone, and also threatened Song Yi with the fact that the two were hiding in the cave, forcing him to propose to his father.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Song Yi attaches the most importance to fame and fortune, and he naturally does not want everything he has worked so hard to get destroyed, so he can only choose to fail Nie Feng and marry Lan Caidi.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Lan Caidi's personality met Song Yi's selfish parents, and without thinking about it, he knew that married life must be a family home. On the wedding day, Lan Cai Butterfly reprimanded her in-laws at the wedding site, thinking that the process was cumbersome, and the next day she should have toasted tea to her in-laws, and she also directly sent her to do it.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

What made Song Yi's parents most dissatisfied was that she spent money like flowing water, things were not enough to put away, she did not even let go of her in-laws' room, and even let them move to the firewood room?

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

But Song Yi's parents knew that if their son wanted to be promoted, he would definitely have to rely on the Lan family, so no matter how big the grievances had to be swallowed into his stomach, Song Yi himself did not dare to have too many complaints, and he could not say that the blue butterfly could not be said.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

But people's fortunes are also very strange, just as the so-called feng shui turns, the coffin boy Song Ci, who previously made her look down on everywhere, is getting better and better, and the bad luck of the blue butterfly has begun one after another. Blue Father and Blue Mother's side of the investment failed, lost a lot of money, Blue Butterfly originally hoped to be able to take money with her parents to help Song Yi dredge it, as a result, they could not come up with so much money at all.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Later, her father and mother could not figure out the money and ran directly, and the blue butterfly had no longer a backer.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

A lot of the money she owed herself was credited in the name of Song Yi, which made Song Yi herself anxious, and Lan Caidi also regretted that she did not choose Song Ci in the first place.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Song Ci saw that their husband and wife were not in harmony, and also advised Lan Caidi to take the initiative to give in and do her duty as a wife first, and Song Yi would naturally be good to her.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Unfortunately, the blue butterfly that had been difficult to learn well still failed to make the family harmonious again, and her sudden overtures made her mother-in-law suspect that she was uneasy and kind, and also made Song Yi, who was already jealous of Song Ci, suspect that she was wearing a green hat.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Lan Cai Butterfly herself was also full of grievances, and when she learned that her father and mother were arrested, Song Yi was unwilling to save each other, and the big lady who was once on top seemed to fall from heaven to hell at once. She happened to meet Song Ci on the road and wanted to complain to her, but who knows if it was a coincidence that her mother-in-law was killed by Song Yi that night, because her mother-in-law already knew that the Song Yi in front of her was not her own son.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Song Yi, who killed people and destroyed his mouth, naturally wanted to find a scapegoat, and this crime was most appropriate to push the blue butterfly who was incompatible with her mother-in-law. But Song Ci strongly said that he could not just decide the case like this, because only he knew that Lan Caidi was with him on the night of the crime, although in order to protect The reputation of Lan Caidi, he could not say it, but the murderer must be someone else. As a result, it was later really confirmed that the time of Lady Song's death was problematic.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Originally, Song Ci also planned to tell the truth to prove that Lan CaiDi was wronged, but who knew that Zha Xiaocan would say this matter faster, and it turned out that Lan Cai Butterfly and Song Ci were just seen by Zha Xiaocan when they returned the next day. However, he thought that Lan Caidi and Song Ci were really together, so he wanted to lie to clear the suspicion of the two, and the result became darker and darker.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Even if Song Ci said that they were together that night, it would only let Song Yi grab the handle, saying that he had repeatedly overturned the autopsy certificate just to clear the suspicion of Lan Caidi, and his testimony was simply not enough as evidence.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Originally, Song Ci also found out a little sign, guessing that there might be two Song Yi, but at this time, Lan Cai Butterfly was found to be pregnant, and she was not completely dead to the fake Song Yi at that time, so she listened to his words and slandered Song Ci.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Fortunately, Nie Feng woke her up later, and when she argued with Song Yi, she was slapped by him and hit the bed, and she was directly knocked unconscious.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Song Yi's treacherous plan was almost successful, and they were already preparing to kill Song Ci, but fortunately the Tenth Prince intervened to save him, and the fake Song Yi was punished.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

Although The blue butterfly has been comatose, Song Ci and they have also saved her life as much as possible, so that she can survive until the fetus in the abdomen can be born healthily. Although she did not survive, her son was born very healthy, which is a great misfortune.

In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"
In the TVB drama series, the cruel lady who regards human life as grass mustard, the blue color butterfly of "Wash the Injustice Record"

The blue butterfly in this drama is annoying at first and wants to wake her up, but at the same time she is also sad, and in the end, it is also a punishment for her not to die well!

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