
The wind has a letter, but the flower does not speak (Moonlight 2)

author:Caged lake
The wind has a letter, but the flower does not speak (Moonlight 2)

  Chen Yihang came to Changqing City at the age of 18, but he never expected that he would have such a big impact on this land.

  In the fall of 2015, Chen Yihang boarded the train with a 70% new suitcase and a urea pocket brought from his hometown in Yuzhou.

  This is his first time out, his 18 years have been spent in the countryside of Yuzhou, childhood is happy, but like ordinary people is ordinary, introverted, shy is his representative.

  People who come out of ordinary land, life is like taking away the breath of fireworks, and everyone is united, but it cannot be integrated with anyone.

  From Yuzhou to Changqing City, trains and buses are usually used, and Chen Yihang, who has experienced motion sickness since childhood, chose the train without accident.

  The carriages from north to south are crowded with people, part-time workers, business travelers, and family visits, but they are not the mainstream, and the most of them are students.

  There are many colleges and universities in Changqing City, such as Evergreen University, Evergreen Polytechnic Institute, Evergreen Institute of Technology, etc., coincidentally they started school on the same day, so on this train, most of them are students with suitcases.

  What does it feel like to be a little old-fashioned on the childish face, probably like Chen Yihang, young, sitting in the car just staring out the window, not holding the phone, no snacks, no conversation.

  The scenery outside the car window ranged from the clearings, to farmland to the seemingly wilderness clearings, except for the strangely styled houses that occasionally appeared. The journey is like this, most of the time is boring, there may be some waves in the middle, but most of them are like this.

  "Peanuts, melon seeds, mineral water." The salesman on the train pushed the trolley and passed through the aisle. Of course, not only selling snacks, but also the most eye-catching is the promotion of "milk slices" and "blueberries", Chen Yihang found it very interesting when he first met.

  The salesman came to a carriage and introduced the specialties he brought to the passengers, the routes of the carriages were different, the products were not the same, taking blueberries as an example.

  "It's xx's blueberries, big and sweet."

  "Buy, eat on the road, cheap, buy two packs get one free."

  "Blueberries are good for the eyes, especially xx's blueberries."


  Then open a bag, from the front of the carriage to the end, especially with children, between young couples or between passengers who gather together to talk about very happy, it is necessary to give them a taste, and then ask them if they need it, in general, a carriage will always sell four or five bags.

  Chen Yihang found it interesting that the purpose of the salesman is very clear, the train to sell things may be slightly more expensive, buy this thing is mostly a whim, taste the early, or hinder the face, buy one or two bags is also normal, buy before the trial can screen out some people, because most of the potential customers will find out again.

  "Bring us two packs." A girl had eaten, said.

  "Holler, do you want to pick?" I have two tastes? The salesman pushing the trolley took out a bag and took out another package from underneath.

  "No, it's going to be like this." The girl took the bag.

  "Does anyone else want it?" It was delicious. The salesman pushed the cart and asked as he walked.

  "Bring me a bag."

  "I want one too."


  It wasn't until the salesman was gone that the carriage began to quiet down.

  What does blueberry taste like? Chen Yihang didn't know, it had nothing to do with him. He had eaten apricots, nectarines, plums and mulberries, all of which were preserved fruits, and when the fruits were dried, they were probably sweet and sour!

  It's just the first time I saw it bought on a long-distance train, and I was a little curious!

  After a while, the train stopped, the train broadcast sounded, Shu x station arrived, the next stop Changqing Station, the terminal station, the train stopped for 10 minutes.

  Passengers began to get off the bus, and some seats were vacated, but not many people got on the bus, and the surrounding area was much looser.

  Changqing Station, the last stop, and now the young people who are still on the train, most of them should be students, as the train starts again, the car has begun a new round of hilarious sounds, and some passengers even began to ask if there is the same school, so that they can take a taxi to school together.

  Chen Yihang wanted to participate, but the introspection brought by himself since he was a child made him want to open his mouth and get acquainted with his peers around him, but he sat there motionless in action, but his eyes shifted from the window to the laughter between passengers.

  At this time, a girl came over, sat down opposite Chen Yihang, and asked, "Are you from Evergreen Polytechnic?"

  The girl has long hair, spread out on the shoulders, her eyebrows have been refined, her eyeshadow is painted, making her eyes look big, her face is smiling, she looks sunny and full of vitality, and she is facing Chen Yihang at the moment, tentatively asking.

 "Are you too?" There was a brief pause "Evergreen Polytechnic's?" Chen Yihang showed appropriate pauses and doubts.

  "Yeah," the girl smiled, "we're from the same school, huh?" ”

  "What academy are you?" The girl asked.

  "Mechanical College" thought a little about "mechanical engineering major" Somehow, I didn't want to say it, but looking at the girl's face, Chen Yihang still said everything.

  "You ni? That academy? Added asked.

  "Materials, inorganic non-metals, in fact I don't know what it is?" The girl said with a smile.

  "Well, I don't know." Chen Yihang answered in pursuit.

  "Well, good, my alumni, hello, my name is Rainbow, Anhui people" After greeting, Rainbow officially introduced herself.

  "I am Chen Yihang, a native of Jiangsu." Chen Yihang returned, and his voice was not as emotional as it was.

  Rainbow, is there really a surname cai? Suddenly Chen Yihang regretted that he did not need to reveal the true information of his school, and this "cai" surname was not normal when he heard it.

  "Did you come by yourself?" Chen Yihang had been sitting in the same position on the train, had not spoken to anyone else, and seemed silent.

  "Yes!" This question, Chen Yihang was a little urgent.

  "Classmate, how about we get out of the car and carpool?" We also save money by going along the way. ”

  "Okay." Along the way, there will be no big trouble, Chen Yihang thought.

  In the subsequent journey, the two did not talk more, Rainbow was looking at the phone, and Chen Yihang continued to look out the window.

  It's like two lines, unless they're always parallel, but with a little fluctuation, they'll intersect one day.

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